Super God

Chapter 1085: Ghost ship?

Kui Wulin, in the middle of the supreme, was just killed by a punch, just enough to prove how strong Yun Feiyang, who has broken through the nine days of the Tiantian period!

"With my current strength, a variety of hole cards broke out, can you fight the Supreme later?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Peep into the sky.

Extreme late.

From a theoretical point of view, it has already crossed a large realm and a small level.

Once Yun Feiyang was on the Continent of Ten Thousand Worlds, when he reached the state of King Wu and King Wu, the fighting power he showed only crossed one or two small ranks and a big realm.

When I came to Little God Realm, my strength continued to improve, and my ability to leapfrog was also repeatedly improved.

To know.

Yun Feiyang, who has always practiced the anti-Sky tactics, has a terrifying capacity no matter what he used to be, or his true dragon core.

Since so.

Also let him in the same level, its strength and capacity are in absolute crush.

"Let's explore the dark area first."

Yun Feiyang put aside everything and locked his eyes on the fifth dark area.


The Feiyang was integrated into it.


The Yaoyang was destroyed, which naturally disturbed the Alliance of Lingwu Realm, only because Kui Wulin did not immediately pass the image over.

and so.

The five elders are also confused.

I wonder why a third-class warship disappears for no reason?

"Could you enter the dark area?"

An elder said.


Chief Elder said: "According to the position before the Yaoyang disappeared, it is not too close to the dark area."

He said in a deep voice: "Perhaps, the Yaoyang was directly destroyed by some force."

The four elders frowned.

"A person who can destroy a third-class warship in an instant, at least must have the strength of the supreme post."


"The cloud flew first, killing so many predators in the Alliance, and now there are third-class warships destroyed."

"This little **** realm, which rose before Wan Zai, really has its wings hard!"

Several elders were furious.

The Chief Elder said in a cold voice: "Soon, the extraterritorial battlefield will be opened, and our alliance must join the battle and kill the Little God Realm Warrior!"

"Not bad!"

Several elders agreed.

If let the acting little **** master know that Yun Feiyang was in trouble outside, and eventually involved the little **** realm, he would be even more angry.


In the endless darkness.

Feiyang was running slowly. Before that, she experienced a meteorite attack, which caused many scratches on the ship's wall.

Yun Feiyang stood on the bow of the ship and secretly said: "I hope there is a tree of life."



At this moment, in the darkness, huge meteorites fell at a rapid speed, covering a very wide range, as if heavy rain was falling down.

"Six floors!"

Lin Yifeng, who was standing on the deck, flicked his hands and saw the sky above the Feiyang.


Luo Mu flew out of the battleship, holding the battle order axe obtained from Shan Leyao, rushed up, and swung the axe violently.



Massive meteorite was crushed completely.


There are too many meteorites, and some of them are fragmented, and more meteorites follow.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Swords of light flew out of the Feiyang, and Du Guqin's mind manipulated the sword qi and blasted toward the meteorite.



The meteorite shattered and turned into dust.

Yunli, Mo Wenxuan and others also rushed out, standing on the boundary of space, crushing the meteorite rain.

Yun Fei raised a smile on his lips.

These brothers who follow themselves, although the realm is only the nineth period of the opening period, but they already have enough strength to base themselves on the small **** realm.

And face this situation.

You don't need to do anything at all, just call them and you can get it done.

Yun Feiyang sneered: "When I and my brother return, I will make Xiaoshenjie shake!"

Millions of spirits are in hand.

Luo Mu and others have experienced bone replacement and state improvement.

Yun Feiyang now has enough confidence, no small **** realm, any first-class sect.

Even if it is super first-class.

As long as you don’t dispatch Supreme Consummation and Heavenly Realm, you can also compete head-on!

Now Yun Feiyang is full of confidence and is no longer the little rookie who first entered the Little God Realm.

This only took ten years.


The meteorite rain was easily resolved by Luo Mu and others, and at this time, the Feiyang had moved to the very center of the dark area.


A bizarre wind sound passed through the universe as if a woman was crying.

Luo Mu shivered and said, "Brother Feiyang, will there be ghosts here?"

"Don't be afraid of ghosts."

Yun Feiyang pointed to Faji next to him and said, "Just give him a degree."


Luo Mu patted his head and said: "Yeah, forget this little bald donkey."


Fazi fit together.

After awakening the Maha god, he radiated a faint light of Buddha around him, just like a monk with a deep Taoism.

If there are really ghosts, absolutely perfect restraint.


The weeping wind, which intensified, made everyone's scalp numb.

Yun Feiyang frowned and said: "There is a weirdness in this wind, and everyone works to resolve it."


Everyone got orders.


As the Feiyang continued to move forward, the weird wind blowing faster and faster, and the sound also changed from crying to ghost crying wolf howling.


Francis took a step forward, chanting verses together.


The word ‘卍’ between the eyebrows shone with golden light, and immediately saw an ethereal Buddha body appear.

The Buddha's body became a hundred feet tall, and the Feiyang was completely enveloped, so that the cold wind of the ghost crying and howling did not dare to approach.

Yun Fei said: "Is this a ghost Phoenix?"

"Not bad."

Faji said: "This is a ghost wind from the Nine Ghosts Realm, which can harass humans and affect the soul."

"Nine Spectre World..."

Yun Feiyang murmured and said, "Does it have anything to do with Nine Serenities?"

"There are relationships."

Faji said: "They both belong to Nine Nether."

Yun Feiyang said with amazement: "How do you know?"

Faji said: "The Buddhist scriptures record that there is a world in the distant universe called Jiu You, also known as Jiu You Hell."

"In the Nine Nether Hell, there are three groups of demons."

"The demon clan ruled the upper three layers of hell, the ghost clan ruled the middle three layers of hell, and the Jing clan ruled the lower three layers of hell.

Yun Fei said: "It's quite complicated."

The Nine Nethers understood by Faji are only seen from the Buddhist scriptures.

And in fact.

Today's Nine Nether Hells ~ ~ As early as tens of thousands of years ago, there has been a big clash of three races.

"Brother Feiyang!"

Luo Mu pointed to the front and exclaimed: "Look, what is that!"

Yun Feiyang looked in a hurry, and he saw a warship ahead, shrouded in faint light, revealing strangeness.

"I depend."

Yunli said: "It's not a ghost ship!"

Yun Fei said: "You will understand when you get close."


Feiyang traveled straight.

Soon, he stopped at the edge of the warship shrouded in gloom.


Yun Fei lifted his body to show his way and jumped over, while Luo Mu and others followed.

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