Super God

Chapter 1084: In the supreme mid-term, 1 punch to kill!

The Zhenshan tactic developed by Kuiwulin is a high-grade martial art of stone stratum, and has been immersed in this technique for hundreds of years, and it has already been accomplished.

The power of the mountain that has been transformed has reached the power of 100,000 true dragons!

This is the supreme mid-term.

Although it is only a little higher than the initial stage, but the use of advanced martial arts is enough to be ten times stronger than the initial stage!

On the battleship of the Yaoyang, many men and women have their eyes hot, and they are all shocked by the big mountain where the boss condenses.

"That kid, he will definitely die!"

"The boss once said that he has comprehended the Zhenshan tactics, and the Supreme in the same realm, once suppressed, will be seriously injured without dying!"

When everyone envied, they looked at the Feiyang through the light curtain, but they looked startled, because the guy standing on the bow of the ship was laughing!

"I depend!"

"Dying to death, this guy even laughed!"

"It won't be a scared mental disorder!"


Everyone laughed.

In the face of a strong man of this level, it is normal to be scared to be insane.

Scared mental disorder?

They are too small to see Yun Feiyang, even if facing the Lord of the World, even if he is facing an unmatchable opponent, he will not have any fear.

The reason why he laughs is because the warriors in the mid-term supremacy, who exhibited high-level martial arts skills, actually condensed the power of 100,000 true dragons.

Really, too weak!

Kui Wulin also seemed to realize that this guy's smile was full of disdain and contempt, and immediately said coldly: "Boy, die!"


The giant mountain slammed down.

At the same time, carrying horrible supreme coercion, only bound Yun Feiyang's body.

On the battleship Yaoyang, thousands of eyes were staring at the giant mountain and Yunfei.

Although thousands of feet away, I can still feel that the mountain carries terrible power!


What makes them crash is.

The mountain is about to be suppressed, and Yun Feiyang still smiles faintly, as if he didn't put it in his eyes!

This is the degree of pretending to be forced to face death, and still keep it!


The giant mountain crashed down.

Yun Feiyang's calmness caused a lot of people to collapse, but he also determined that this guy would not be able to pretend for long and would die immediately.


Yun Feiyang took a step.


Kui Wulin exclaimed: "Can he still move?"

The coercion of the supreme mid-term has been erupting all the time. Yun Feiyang's sudden action surprised him greatly.

It was only an accident, because the unstoppable suppression of the giant mountain, even if it was active, it would never escape.

As a result, still dead!


Just after Yun Feiyang took a step, the condensed mountain was already about to be pressed down, and a powerful force formed a romantic flow, blowing black hair.

Yun Feiyang was indifferent and raised his hand gently.

"I depend!"

"This guy is going to hard-wire Dashan?"


The crowd laughed.


Their smile was instantaneously stiff, because, during the speech, the big mountain was pressed down and came into contact with Yun Feiyang's palm.

No roar.

No sinking!

Yun Fei Yang stood on the bow of the ship, so gently, he caught the mountain carrying the power of 100,000 true dragons.

Kui Wulin's eyes widened.

He can instantly feel that his own strength, in front of him, has a small feeling!


"Never possible!"

Kui Wulin roared in his heart: "How can a Void Realm be perfect, how can it easily resist my 100,000 major mountains!"

"too weak."

Yun Feiyang said lightly.

If you do not catch up to the front of the mountain, saying this sentence will only exchange endless contempt.


No one questioned now!

After all, how terrible and incredible is to catch a mountain of 100,000 with one hand!

Kui Wulin was shocked and said, "You are not the Great Consummation of the Void Realm, you are the Supreme!"

Yun Feiyang said nothing.

The other hand slammed into the mountain, but upon hearing the sound of "Bang", the mountain of 100,000 strength suddenly shattered.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang rushed out of the gravel, his right fist condensed the power of the dense dragon.


The strong force of "Wuhu" broke out, turned into a fist of phantom, and headed towards Kuiwulin head-on.

that moment.

Under the hands of thousands of feet away, he felt a breath of eruption, and he was all appalled.

They have realized that Yun Fei's punch is much stronger than the boss from the momentum!

Kui Wulin's eyes shrank, and a strong breath of death came to her heart.

"Do not……"


The fist fist carrying the power of 200,000 true dragons slammed in front of his chest and finally dissipated.


In the universe, there is silence.

Thousands of pairs of eyes on the Yaoyang were horrified, because their boss, their worship, stood in the void and had been pierced through their chests.

The blood flew down in the universe, no sound was heard.



A heart is beating weakly.

This is Kui Wulin's.

However, at the moment it was held in Yun Feiyang's hand, and he was only a foot away from himself, and his right hand crossed his chest.

The heart was taken out, and Kwai Wulin was not dead. With a breath, he was extremely weak: "Original...Original, you are the late Supreme..."

Can punch himself with a punch.

In Kui Wulin's understanding, only the strongest in the later period of the Supreme can do it.

"Void...Void Realm Completed...50 million bounty... Ha... Haha... Alliance, you pit... I'm so bitter..."

Kui Wulin smirked.

A supreme late strongman, the Alliance's message is that the Nether Realm is complete, it should be a few hundred million bounty, but only 50 million.

Before dying.

Kui Wulin also really understands that he has been pitted by the Alliance, otherwise, he will never hunt down a supreme late!


Yun Feiyang lightly gripped, crushed the weakly beating heart, and immediately pumped his bleeding right hand towards the Yaoyang.

Kui Wulin kept the smirking expression, and finally lost his thoughts, leaving the corpse, floating alone in the universe.

The warriors from all walks of life will definitely not think that in the middle of the supreme, Yun Fei was just so killed by a punch!


The men on the Yaoyang roared with grief and indignation.

Previously, they had a deep contempt for Yun Feiyang, thinking that the boss killed him easily.


On the The pure flesh broke out, and Yun Fei, who had already reached the power of 250,000 true dragons, easily killed their boss.


Yun Feiyang landed on the Yaoyang.

Looking at the warriors with anger and fear in their eyes, they said, "Let's go with your boss."



The Yaoyang, which was covered with corpses and looted, exploded violently, the fire was splashing, and the heat waves were skyrocketing.

In the sea of ​​fire, Yun Fei stepped out of the void, white clothes covered with blood, hair flying, like a **** of killing.

PS: I originally wanted 5 more, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, and something was delayed, so I can only change 4 today, and I have to look at the sick number tomorrow, take the baby to take a hundred days of photos, it is estimated that it will delay the time, to the next 0 o'clock , There may be 2 changes, make up during the day.

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