Super God

Chapter 1086: Mysterious box

A warship shrouded in gloom, parked in a dark area, is a bit weird, but Yun Feiyang and others are martial artists after all, so they are not afraid. Oh pro

They boarded the warship.

There were many damages on the deck, forming large holes, and there were many sword marks left on the mast.

"Oh my God."

Standing in front of the main pole, Luo Mu looked at the huge fist printed on it and said, "Is it shot with a fist or with a martial art?"

Yunli touched the edge of the fist and said: "It should be a fist."

"Lying trough."

Luo Mudao: "How big a body can make such a big fist!"

The main pole is about one foot wide, and the concave fist print almost covers the lateral area. According to the ratio, the punch is at least ten feet tall!

Faji said: "The elites in the Nine Nether Hell are famous for their huge physique. This fist shadow may have been shot by the elites."

Yun Feiyang said nothing.

He began to wander around on the ship until he explored all the cabins, and found no warrior or even a corpse.

"Brother Feiyang!"

At this moment, Luo Mu shouted loudly: "Come and discover!"


The end of the warship.

The hard ship wall cracked a gap, which could barely accommodate one person.

Yun Feiyang and others entered in turn, and soon appeared in a rather closed cabin.

There are a lot of corpses listed here, and the clothes on them have been decayed long ago.

"They are the crew on board."

Mo Wenxuan said.

The elder brother of this ten-world continent is not the tallest among all people, but he is definitely the most calm and observant.

"It should be."

Yun Fei Yang said: "No wonder no corpse was found on the ship, it turned out to be dead here."

"They knew they were going to die, so they chose this place?"

Mo Wenxuan said: "Or, what is hidden here, even if it is dead, it is going to die here."

Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you are quite able to analyze."

to be frank.

Luo Mu and others are big bosses. They can fight and use their brains to play tricks. It is absolutely impossible.

Mo Wenxuan's existence just made up for the deficiencies of everyone's IQ.

of course.

Mo Wenxuan's calmness and carefulness were manifested a long time ago, but there was no chance to show it.

Yun Fei said: "You think, who will they be?"

Mo Wenxuan pondered slightly, saying: "It is not a demon race, but a ghost race."


Yun Fei said.

Mo Wenxuan said: "The glare of this warship is full of gloom, and it is definitely not a warship of humans."

"On the main pole, there are also fist marks of suspected elites, so this ship may be from Jiuyou."


Yun Fei Yang said: "Just learned from the Ji Jiyou, you can guess the origin of this warship."

Mo Wenxuan said with a smile: "I also came to this dark room to make a judgement. Presumably, the Lord Yuncheng should have guessed when he saw the fist seal."

"I just thought about it."

Yun Fei said.

He walked to the center of the dark cell, waved it freely, and several dead bones pushed away, showing a dusty box.

"what is this?"

"Is it impossible to hide the treasure inside?"

Luo Mu and Yunli joined together.


Fazi said: "This box is full of ghost spirit, and I am afraid it is an ominous thing."

Yun Feiyang solemnly said: "You flash away, I will open it."


Luo Mu and Yunli retreat in a hurry.

Yun Feiyang said: "Exit the secret grid and return to Feiyang."

"Hiding so far?"

Luo Mu and Yunli were stunned, but they retreated with everyone.

After they all boarded the Feiyang, Yun Feiyang carefully picked up the box. He gently waved his hands to get rid of the dust and showed intricate lines on the surface of the box.

It looks like a pattern, and it looks like some kind of ancient writing.

"What's inside?"

Driven by curiosity, Yun Feiyang reached out and put it on the box buckle.


With a crunch, the box buckle opened.

And in a moment, a more intense and dark atmosphere came out from the gap of the box.

Francis, who was on the battleship, felt the breath, and the word "卍" between the eyebrows flashed slightly.

"So strong ghost!"

He joined together and meditation on the scriptures.


Besides, Yun Feiyang.

When the more intense breath emerged, he was hesitant to open it, after all, it only overflowed from the gap.

If you open it, you may have a strong breath that will emerge. Can you resist it by then? Will it affect Luo Mu?

"Lin Yifeng!"

"A magical enchantment is arranged around the Feiyang!"

Yun Feiyang's voice came from the Yuguang battlefield.

Lin Yifeng's magical power in the ditch immediately arranged a layer of powerful space boundary.


Faji sat on the ground with his hands folded.

Gradually, his whole body radiated divine light, and a compassionate and good-looking Buddha body appeared to protect Feiyang.

This is a Buddha body transformed by divine power, with super purification power.

Luo Mu and Yunli frowned.

It's just a box, it's a magical enchantment, and it's also a magical Buddha body. It seems quite simple.


After Lin Yifeng and Faji exerted their divine power to form an absolute defense, Yun Feiyang finally made up his mind and opened the box.

no way.

Curiosity is too strong.

Yun Feiyang must be tickled without looking at what's inside.


A clear voice came from the dark room.


Suddenly, a weird breath emerged from the opened box a little bit, and that kind of gloomy degree is extremely powerful!

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked and immediately closed the box.

But it was already too late, because the power of the eerie breath directly lifted the box!


Ghost crying wolf howling, sounded inside the box, and the eerie breath emanated gradually into a creature with different forms.


More like a ghost!

"a ha ha ha!"

"Ten thousand years, we are finally out!"

"Brother, there is a human here. It seems that he opened the box and released our brothers!"

A venerable creature that seems to be true and false, enveloped Yun Fei, and his eyes glowed faintly.


"Thank for releasing our brother, as a thank you, that is to send you to die!"

"a ha ha ha!"

Many strange creatures laughed.

At the same time, the dark room was filled with terrible strange properties, and it relentlessly penetrated into Yunfeiyang.


This kind of attribute is not a kind, but carries hundreds of species. They converge together and have a very strong penetration.

Although Yun Feiyang resisted, he was still infiltrated into the body.

His face was daunting, and he endured the pain: "You... who are you!"

"a ha ha ha!"

The largest nihility creature laughed and said, "Boy, remember, we are the night ghosts of the Nine Nether Hell!"

ps, 0:2, supplement during the day.

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