Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1036: thisisforyou

It is fair to say that this lecture is quite logical, but as soon as Ah Yu said that he was Chu Yuanxi’s disciple, Chu Yuanxi in front of the screen suddenly felt a small wind whizzing, this is the knife edge of the sickle. The sense of angle.

The first lesson Ah Ya sold was "How to copy Chu Yuanxi’s success", saying that he found that Chu Yuanxi’s success could be copied, because at the time Chu Yuanxi shared knowledge to earn the first pot of gold. Still fresh in my memory. Unfortunately, he didn't do it anymore after he became famous, and now he wants to inherit this mantle.

   This set of rhetoric even Chu Yuanxi himself believed, and at the same time he felt extremely absurd, which gave rise to the feeling that Ah Ya had a higher level of thinking than his own.

   is also about sharing knowledge. He only thought that he had sold classes and sold high. Ah Ya and He Nami watched closely. They could learn good selling skills and stimulate their desire to make money by selling classes. As a result, they not only stimulated the skills of selling lessons themselves, but also took the process of selling them as the content of how they sold lessons, and took the materials in accordance with local conditions, which can be described as blue!

   And Ah Ya also just rightly launched a paid project, that is, a detailed review of Chu Yuanxi’s first pot of gold. This is a fee and will not be shared for free. Do you think you know? Pay the money!

   Chu Yuanxi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, saying that it was not for our Pakistani fans, but for the small bosses who are self-media? Hey, this is okay, and that’s what I said. Of course the entrepreneurial mentor’s lessons should be sold to entrepreneurs, how can they be sold to other people’s fans?

In addition to Pakistani fans, there are two small circles that generally know Chu Yuanxi. One is investment, local life friends and business circles, and the game circle. These are elite venture capital practitioners and basically do not pay IQ taxes. Usually they are IQ tax. There is also the circle. In the industry chain of incubating Internet celebrities and KOLs, Chu Yuanxi is known to many, especially established institutions. The newcomers may not know it, because now it is Lu Yu who represents the Pakistani in the media circles.

   This circle is not so elite. It is appropriate to charge their IQ tax, because Chu Yuanxi collected their IQ tax when he sold the class. The same tax can be collected again, even more blue.

   After watching this episode, Chu Yuanxi was so touched that she cried, as if she saw Ah Mu saying: "thisisforyou."

   But what should I do now? To grab business with Ah Ya? Actively analyze yourself and review how you collected the IQ tax two years ago, so as to achieve the goal of precisely sniping the dumb? The problem is that if you do this, you can't have a face. This IQ tax can be collected for the second time, but he can't. Not only cannot it be denied. Even the Pakistani people have to buy a copy, otherwise they can't deny it.

   Besides, there are still many large organizations that have good relations with Pakistani people. What do others think? So can't be impulsive.

   Publicly announce that he will go out and clear the door? This is also inappropriate, and it is of no use, because this relationship between teacher and succession does not depend on the recognition of the master, but on facts. He instantly thought of how he should respond if he was in the position of dumb—Chu Yuanxi will always be my master!

   This is what he meant when he said "Adu will always be my brother"! It seems that Ah Ya has indeed learned his own essence.

   Chu Yuanxi was scared thinking of this! It is very rare to be afraid that this kind of emotion will appear on oneself: "What kind of freak did the old man cultivated at the beginning!?"

   However, this kind of emotion is not understood by others, and the uncle Sheng did not understand, saying: "You are not happy now that you have a disciple? And your disciple is my friend. Are you a generation higher than me?"

   "Don't, such an awesome apprentice, or you will accept it for me! Your seniority will rise back."

"Ha ha."

After    finished speaking, Uncle Sheng focused on the news.

   During this time, the rivers and lakes are extremely lively, with frequent news. For example, the Tokyo Olympics has been postponed, and YouTube has begun to get involved in the online course business. The valuation of Hey Tea has reached RMB 16 billion. Sun Dasheng could not support the plan to sell shares of Ali and Uber. Uncle Sheng couldn't help but vomit when he saw the last news: "Put Ali and Uber together, isn't this a black Ali?"

   "No, no, Uber also has a self-driving Huashan road, and you can regain its glory by rushing over."

   Chu Yuanxi gave his comment on the basis that Uber had already bet on their VerCD system.

   Although Uber’s self-driving team has been lying around for eight months because of the Arizona accident, the road test of Pittsburgh has been restarted at the end of last year, so it has the ability to rewrite stories. This ability is also extremely important to Nasdaq. Without this ability, Uber dropped from more than $40 to a minimum of more than $13 in less than a month, which is faster than any Tesla, Baidu and others. too much.

   But Uber is still a high-tech company after all. A high-tech company can be turned over by a real high-tech anytime and anywhere. So recently the stock price rose to more than 28 yuan in just one week.

   Of course, these are not what Uncle Sheng is concerned about. What can more arouse his interest is that "Smoke in the World" in Youtu's hit account broke 100 million. This is a very iconic event, and it is linked with and Tmall. The exposure is not low. It is particularly gratifying when Penguin Video has almost dominated the online drama market after the beginning of the year.

   Actually, what he should be most concerned about is the cast of the well-off movie "I'm Serving". After rigorous (Chu Yuan Xiyu) project approval, the movie has entered the stage of code casting. Director Li Rengang has already talked about it. The heroine must be Zhu Yan, but the hero has been grinding. Director Li's advantage is that he doesn't pick people, and what kind of dishes he will give. Therefore, the Pakistani people must try their best to make a more suitable cast.

   Originally, Yang Yuanmei suggested that the male lead code Zhang Hanyu, this is an absolute big-name actor, and currently there is a chance to be able to code. With Zhang Hanyu's status as the arena, all the procedures for the entire drama after the code is reached will be greatly simplified. But Chu Yuanxi didn't drop it, because age is the biggest problem. Although Lao Zhang is not very old, the play is still youthful. It is definitely awkward to use an older male star without changing the script.

   Because the content is completely different and the environment has changed from a country/county town to a workplace, the well-off big movie cast in the original world is not applicable. Chu Yuanxi picked people again, and Zheng Kai preferred. Regardless of his age, Zheng Kai is also three years older than Chu Yuanxi. He is a veteran in the film industry. He has starred in all the "Predecessors" series, which is a huge bonus.

   The "Predecessor" series has been beaten to perfection by film critic systems such as Douban Zhiliu, but it has dominated the sinking market, relying on the 18th-tier small towns to win nearly 2 billion box office. A well-off movie does not need to be filmed so deeply, it does not need a lot of sunshine and snow, as long as it can touch the audience on the spot to resonate.

Moreover, Zheng Kai’s appearance features are very angular. From the external appearance, it fits the tonality of "I Serve", so he is a very suitable candidate. The difficulty lies in the fact that the opponent can be considered a wrist. Persuade others to accept a play with a female boss of Douyin Internet celebrity and resource side?

In addition, Zheng Kai and the team behind him are also more admired by Chu Yuanxi. They have been doing public welfare for two years without publicity and no name. When they are replaced by other stars, they have not known that they have sent hundreds of drafts. People will also grab the public welfare of others. You have been admitted to college for twelve years, and I helped you to read it. I signed the paper that you got out of 3,000 hairs. You have been doing public welfare for two years. I will claim it and buy it and praise myself. These things Are they similar in nature?

   No, the former just hurts one person, and the latter leaves all the beneficiaries of public welfare in poverty-stricken areas and disrupts the project plan, which may cause the poverty alleviation project to abort.

   Even so, some celebrities can still get the love of fans and the support of brand merchants. For example, Olay's head is very iron, and it is hard to support. With this kind of support, fans feel that it is not bad and they can continue to fight, so they intensified their efforts to buy hot searches, saying that there are a lot of infringements of fan works, and they require legal governance.

This has angered a large number of righteous netizens. Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, then use a magnifying glass to pick the fault, and immediately caught a huge bug-they stigmatized Disney's famous IP, and commercialized it, with fans all over the world Stealing pictures directly at the support meeting!

   Then get ready to fight with the strongest legal team on the surface!

   It is said that some time ago, there were rumors that Penguin intends to take advantage of the low stock price to acquire Disney. This is absolutely impossible. It is just like buying New York. It is impossible for people to let you buy it. It is purely in vain.

   Recently, old Disney friends cordially went online and responded to enthusiastic netizens saying: We have been involved in the investigation and we have a professional team, please rest assured.

  Chu Yuanxi commented in the following post: Then you have to hurry up, if you are too slow, you will paste it up, and if you paste it, you won't be able to make any money.

He is very trustworthy of the strength of Disney, and he is particularly good at fighting IP stigmatization. A child in the island kindergarten drew a Mickey Mouse in the sandpit and had to send a letter to the lawyer. Now the world’s Disney parks are closed. It's almost bald, and finally a neck is brought up...

   But actually, the one that suffered the most from the infringement of fan works was station B. Papa Penguin spent a lot of money on station B last year. And their family infringes Disney more than one IP, in addition, the Jenny Turtle, who is covered by the strongest legal affairs in the Eastern Hemisphere, has also been touched by porcelain, so can you add more material to your life?

   Sometimes Chu Yuanxi also reviewed, is it necessary for a utilitarian person like himself to hate someone instinctively? And why is it disgusting? Isn’t manipulating fans a basic skill for traffic teams? Chu Yuanxi didn't use it herself, and it wouldn't be a big deal if she wanted to use it, wouldn't she just brainwash it?

   Later he thought it might be because he was too patriotic!

   This year of Gengzi is definitely a year that affects the world pattern. The image in the United Front is the most important. How much effort did the Kingdom put in to create an image of an ancient oriental civilization that is tolerant, friendly, modern, and rapidly developing? What is needed is the pattern of a big country. Anyone who is willing to work hard can benefit from the cooperation with the country and feel the goodwill of the country. This is called a "community with a shared future for mankind" and can make the lives of people around the world better .

This kind of righteous name is hard to come by, and it is easy to ruin. For example, the small fx ran out of the Internet and caused misfortune. The Twitter trend of 16 countries was the first, which eventually led to the social death of the master on the Internet and countless LGBT groups. Brush RIP with a rainbow head (the dead rest in peace).

   This result is not happy at all, because it is generally understood on the Internet that this is a strong LGBT male star who wants to be transgender and died of the new crown. I can only say that this team is really awesome, and changing the main Ins portrait to all black is definitely the same operation as nuclear fission!

   The biggest responsibility given to media people in this era is to instill correct values ​​for users. The most important thing in values ​​is to distinguish between right and wrong, not "children can distinguish between right and wrong." It's a pity that this kind of responsibility is not something that everyone is willing to take. Instead, "adults only look at the pros and cons" are popular. It is eye-catching and makes sense. It can attract fans, but it is infinitely poisonous.

   It is precisely because of the existence of a huge amount of poison that the rice circle culture was born. Brainwashing and MLM are regarded as the norm, and there is no bottom line in doing things without scrutiny, because there are advantages and no disadvantages. However, reality is not the world described in unscrupulous media, and everything has already been priced.

   But this kind of emotion erupted in an instant. Chu Yuanxi was able to stand by and follow a post. The rest was forgotten, and there was still a lot of work to do.

It’s just that even if you want to turn a blind eye to things outside the window, it’s difficult. In the early morning on the 25th, U.S. time, the Congress Fire Line passed the Sichuan Emperor’s $2 trillion coin throwing plan. This is the time when the government had lunch and watched the news. Chu Yuanxi was shocked and almost jumped up the tree, because this time was too rare. In his limited life of more than 30 years, he had never seen the U.S. Congress work in the middle of the night.

   It took less than 48 hours to start the QE program of unlimited money printing at these two trillion distances.

   Immediately after the Turkish-Greek border wiped out guns, the native chickens dispatched 20,000 troops to cover 150,000 refugees from attacking the other side's border, firing numerous tear gas and smoke bombs. The last NATO civil war was also the two brothers, during which the Turkish Air Force destroyed three destroyers of its own navy in the Cyprus Sea. One of them was sunk on the spot, creating a myth in world military history.

  Even if the gun smoke disperses, the huge benefits of printing money still support the Dow Jones to continue to rebound. However, the total amount of non-performing debt in the United States has soared to nearly $1 trillion, which is close to the peak of the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis and will definitely exceed it.

   However, the subprime mortgage crisis that horrified the American people at the beginning, when history repeats itself, no one takes it seriously. It seems that people who have experienced everything have understood the psychology of the Emperor Chuan. That's why Ooguanhai's strategy was feasible, isn't it just printing money? If you have printed so many, you may wish to print more, just buy it for debt or something!

   The third brother exploded at the same time. The latest news after the closure of the country is that the two pilots on a passenger plane heard someone cough and jumped off the plane. Fortunately, the airliner hasn't taken off, otherwise passenger A will appear: Where's my hiking bag? Passenger B: It was taken away by the pilot who just jumped down.

   It is understandable for the relevant departments to take any measures under this harsh international situation.

   On the 26th, Mr. Gongsun announced that he had signed a live broadcast with Douyin and announced the debut date. Legend has it that Kuaishou offered a higher signing fee but failed. Speaking of it, the teacher did not make money from the product when he made the hammer, but the conference tickets were expensive, and he should have made a lot. From this phenomenon, no matter which live broadcast platform can sign in to Mr. Gongsun, he made money.

   Tik Tok won this game, but Mr. Gongsun’s choice is very characterful, because it is well known that the same anchors who carry goods have a lot of influence on Douyin, but they sell a lot in Kuaishou. On the consumption power of Kuaishou users, one can play 20 Douyin, but on the basis of the speed of live broadcast fans, Douyin will kill Kuaishou.

   After the announcement by Mr. Gongsun, he immediately interacted with passionate netizens.

  Netizen: What is the use of my wife saying you want that stuff? Not allowed to buy.

  Ms. Gongsun: No, there is even firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea on site. Your wife will have at least two copies of the last item.

   Netizen: Fortunately, I don’t have a wife.

  Ran goose, at this moment, this Weibo is gone...

But this one is gone, all the publicity drafts for the first show of Douyin are gone, and there are no seconds after the repost, which means that Weibo has started the second deletion journey. The reason is that a large number of netizens complained, so it was blocked and I don’t know where it came from. So many netizens are so fast. I saw Mr. Gongsun frowning and thinking about I immediately found the official microblogs of Zhalang Finance and Zhalang Technology. There are related reports in it, so please refer to it! As a result, Zhalang Weibo did not hesitate to block everything after seeing it, and instantly killed the target.

   Uncle Sheng sneered when he saw this: "If Weibo blocked the two microblogs of the U.S. Embassy so fast, would it still be criticized by the population?"

   Just today, the U.S. Embassy used that word twice in a row to throw the pot for its incompetence. Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that Uncle Sheng's level in this field was so low. She said in surprise, "What is shielding? It definitely can't be shielded. If the United States is at this level, I hope that the great empire will flourish. This will have to give a secret medal. That's fine."

   "What are you, telling the truth?"

"No, you think, Ishihara Waner is an old man, he has to digest it slowly after occupying the northeast, and he will start to digest it slowly. But Hideki Tojo said I won't, you Ishihara Waner is a Jaguar, I It was to invade North China and change the historical trend of World War II. Right?

   Xipo worked as Secretary of State in the United States. She knew that holding high the beacon of human rights and democracy, there were too many people in the country, and the market for this worldview was huge. The bed broke and said I would not, and then the face of the domestic pro-Mi pie was swollen. We ourselves say that the Americans have done bad things again. It is known that the patients do not believe it. Only the Americans can make them speechless and destroy the beacon of decades in ideology. "

  'S remarks left Uncle Sheng speechless, feeling that he was too angry, "So we have to thank others for providing such a good opportunity for patriotic education?"

   "It's necessary, but I just want to thank you. You can accompany Zhu Yunma to the cast! Do you need me to rehearse for you?"


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