Seeing Jiaairu's abnormal behavior, Gabriel hurriedly opened her eyes wide and clenched her fists nervously, looking forward to the scene where her sister was so hot that she stuck her tongue out and went to the kitchen to drink water.

To Gabriel's disappointment, after Jiaailu opened her eyes, apart from two blushes on her face, she didn't have the slightest intention to get up, but ate silently.It's not the kind of ladylike sips and sips, and it's not the kind of lady-like eating and eating, the movements are serious and meticulous, the point is... the speed is quite fast.

The rice bowl was not that big, and after a short while, the rice was reduced by half.

Seeing Gabriel staring at her with wide eyes, Jiaailu blushed slightly, and said, "You eat too."

When talking, there is still a grain of rice sticking to the corner of his mouth, which looks unexpectedly cute.


Gabriel suddenly understood what it means to lift a rock to shoot herself in the foot.

"Sister, as long as sister likes it..." The useless angel picked up the bowl and began to eat pitifully.


Big fail!

My sister's taste was so bland before, but now she suddenly eats such a spicy dish, why not only she can't stand it, but her eyes are bright!

"Gabriel." Gail's voice quickly rang in her ear.

The useless angel came back to his senses, looked up and saw that his sister's bowl was empty, and hurriedly asked, "Is my sister full?"

Jiaailu shook her head and passed the bowl over: "One more bowl."


Chapter 782 The most embarrassing thing in history


"No, it can't be done, classmate Hua Ye is too good today..."

Rafael's pretty face was flushed, and while inhaling, she wiped the sweat off her head with a wet towel: "These dishes are so spicy, I feel like it's going to die..."

"If you know it's spicy, don't eat so much." Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "You've already eaten an extra bowl of rice than usual."

"But I can't stop." The black-bellied girl puffed up her cheeks and defended herself, "Maybe it's because spicy food can whet your appetite?"

Hua Ye said solemnly:

"No, in fact, you have a masochistic physique."

As we all know, spiciness is not a sense of taste, but a sense of pain. Eating spicy food can promote the secretion of dopamine in the brain, which makes people feel happy... This behavior of exchanging the pleasure of the body at the cost of burning pain in the body is not shaking M. What is it?

Gabriel poked the rice with her chopsticks, but it was rare that she didn't speak.

The battle plan failed!

Now it seems that instead of making my sister so hot that she doubted her life, she awakened her strange attributes, from a former "dietist" to a current idiot.

It used to be enough to eat just one bowl of rice, but now I have let myself serve it for the third time, and the rice cooker has been cleaned up!

Seeing her sister's bright eyes and the strange flush on her face, the useless angel quickly made up her mind.


I can't let this facial paralysis cook anymore!

It is said that a boy who knows how to play routines first grabs a girl's stomach with delicious food, and then grabs the girl's heart... What if my sister is unconsciously captured by this facial paralysis with delicious food?

That kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen!


"Xiaojia, let's go first..." Wei Nai waved.

"Sister Gaairu, let's go." Raphael also got up to leave.

"Yeah." Gail nodded slightly.

With the departure of Wei Nai and Lafite who shared the firepower, the room suddenly became quiet.

Huaye, Ilya, and Jiaairu are all people who don't like to talk.

"bad, bad..."

Out of the corner of her eye, she secretly caught a glimpse of Jiaairu looking at her with a serious expression, and Gabriel knew that she would be subjected to inhuman verbal criticism later.

"Sister, let's watch a movie together?" The useless angel hurriedly changed the subject, "I'll study after watching the movie. The teacher said that we should pay attention to work and rest..."

You are either in a daze in class, or a girl at the end of a crane who is sleeping, you are not qualified to say such things!

While speaking, Gabriel winked at Hua Ye, signaling Hua Ye to stay and help share the firepower.

Hua Ye thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with going back, so he sat on the sofa and prepared to watch a movie together.

After closing the curtains, turning off the lights, and turning on the TV, Gabriel took out the movie discs she bought on the way home from school in the afternoon.This is a disc that Gabriel specially bought in a video store, a B-grade movie known for its horror, and wants to see if it can scare her sister back to the heaven.

The super-spicy cooking battle has already failed. Although Gabriel thinks that the chances of her sister being afraid of horror movies are very small, after all, any monsters and ghosts will disappear when they are illuminated by the holy light.

But what if?

Wei Nai is a devil, but is afraid of cockroaches, Lafite is an angel, but is afraid of frogs, maybe what my sister is afraid of is horror movies?

The two sisters sat together, as if they were an enlarged version of Gabriel and a reduced version of Gabriel. It looked quite interesting, and Ilya was naturally sitting next to Hua Ye.

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