
Ilya, who was wearing a maid outfit, silently handed a box of popcorn to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye was speechless immediately: "Where did you get this thing?"

"I bought it outside." Ilya replied calmly, "I heard that popcorn goes better with movies."

Who asked if you deserve it!

Popcorn and Coke have become part of film culture, and with the cultural invasion of the West, they have successfully swept the world.

"Why do I have to eat while watching a movie?" Jia Ailu tilted her head slightly, with a hint of doubt on her face, "Shouldn't you put your whole heart and soul into the plot of the movie?"

"Well..." Gabriel turned to look at Hua Ye, but she had never thought about this question before.

Hua Ye said calmly:

"Because humans don't eat when they are in danger, eating means that the surrounding environment is safe, which can make the brain more relaxed and enjoy the fun of movies."

"Master, Coke." Ilya took out another glass of Coke that was still cold.

Hua Ye sighed, and reached out to take the cup of fat house happy water.

"Are you going to become Tinker Bell?"

"The master's demand is the highest order of the maid." Illya replied calmly.


With a slight pain in her waist, Gabriel pinched Hua Ye, then grabbed a handful of popcorn from Hua Ye's hand: "Sister, why don't you try it?"

"No." Gail shook her head.

"Do as the Romans do, my sister has practiced in the world, but she hasn't experienced the joy of watching a movie and eating popcorn, right?" Gabriel advised, "Don't leave too many regrets."

Jiaairu hesitated for a moment, and reached out to take the popcorn.


The movie continues to play.

If Alice or Machiko were watching this movie, they would probably have hugged the pillow and shivered in fright.

But in the eyes of Hua Ye and Jia Ailu, there is really no expectation at all.

Hua Ye: "A calm face."

Gail: "A calm face."

Ilya: "A face is calm."

Gabriel: "There is nothing to love in life..."

"Forget it, watching a movie together is also a rare experience, let's stop here for today, let's continue to find my sister's weaknesses tomorrow..."

The useless angel comforted himself while eating popcorn and watching a movie.

It's a pity that flags have never been something that can be erected randomly.

Not long after, Gabriel froze in place with a pale face.

Because the content of the movie changed, the car suddenly started!

Even those top-tier Hollywood blockbusters will have meat selling benefits from time to time, such as the second-rate B-level horror movies I watch now, and the plot of selling meat is not uncommon.

Like now.

The woman who was abandoned and killed turned into a ghost after death, seeking revenge from her ex, while the ex of the female ghost was having trouble with Xiaosan.

In fact, this kind of scene can be skipped in one shot, but as an eye-catching and re-attracting meat selling benefit, how can it be so easily skipped directly?

The movie screen turned.

What appeared in front of Hua Ye and Jia Ailu was a dimly lit room.

Horror movies mostly take place at night because darkness can make people tense, and this movie is no exception.

But just outside the half-opened curtains, a dim light just shone in.

Under the dim light, one can see a large white bed in the middle of the room, a man is lying on the bed, and a long-haired woman whose back can only be seen for the time being is sitting on the man in a female superior position , gently swaying his waist.Moreover, the upper body of this woman is completely naked, and her snow-white skin is dazzlingly white under the light. Although the drooping hair covers the peaks and mountains in front of her chest, there is no problem of dew/spotting... but it is just that there is no dew/ It's just a little bit, when the camera turns, the size and outline of the round chest can be clearly seen! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


Gabriel was leaning on the sofa and eating popcorn. When she saw this scene in the movie, she immediately sprayed it. As a result, the popcorn just choked her throat, causing her to cough uncontrollably. She had no time to reach for the remote control on the coffee table. device.

Gail, who was sitting beside her, had a layer of icy frost on her face.

As an angel who has studied in the world, she naturally knows that this is just a movie plot, the two actors in the movie can't really do anything, otherwise they won't pass the review, but knowing this doesn't mean she will be indifferent.

It doesn't stop there.

The woman in the movie, in addition to swaying her waist like a beautiful snake, also uttered a seductive crooning sound like "um... um... ah...", echoing in the quiet room .

It was supposed to be a gasping and low moan that made people's blood pumping, but it made the room instantly chill, as if it was winter in March and September!

It's not an adjective, it's what actually happened.

Jiaailu couldn't sit still, but there was a white chill around her body, and a faint layer of hoarfrost had appeared on the surface of the coffee table.

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