After a long while, Wei Nai came out of the bathroom.

After the burning pain in her chest was relieved, Vinai simply took a hot bath, and then changed into Gabriel's shirt and shorts.

It's just that the large shirt that can be used as a skirt for Gabriel looks a lot tighter when worn on Wei Nai's body. Not to mention the eyes of the cartoon character on the chest are propped up, and the hem of the shirt just barely covers the navel. A slender snow-white waist is exposed.

The lower body is no longer a skirt that covers the knees, but a pair of very common summer casual white hot pants. Because of the small legs, the edge of the hot pants is still slightly stretched into a circle full of elastic dents on the thigh .

Probably because she seldom wore such hot pants before, Wei Nai was obviously a little shy, and her two snow-white slender legs were tightly packed together, which made people's eyes shine.

"You..." Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, she pulled down her apron unaccustomedly, bit her lower lip, and gave Hua Ye a white look, "What are you looking at? Seriously cook!"

The pre-processing work of the ingredients has been completed, and the rest is Hua Ye's chef's time. Gabriel and Raphael can't help, and they have been kicked out of the kitchen.

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai's white hot pants, and suddenly said:

"Remember the voucher you gave me?"

"Eh?" Wei Nai looked over vigilantly, "Why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

Hua Ye said seriously, "I want to exchange for a knee pillow."

"Yes..." Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, nodded and agreed, "But not now, I can't do that kind of thing in front of Xiaojia and the others..."

The exchange voucher was issued by myself, and I am responsible for cashing it, and it is not unacceptable to have a knee pillow or something.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet." Hua Ye interrupted.

"What else do you want to say?" Wei Nai pursed her lips, a bad premonition welling up in her heart.

Hua Ye pointed to the white hot pants on Wei Nai's body, and said solemnly: "When the time comes, you must wear these hot pants and provide knee pillows."


"You think too much!" Wei Nai's pretty face was flushed, and she was about to shake her head and refuse.

Suddenly wanting to exchange knee pillows, you really want to do something nasty, right?

The hot pants only reach a little at the base of the thighs. If you exchange them for knee pillows, wouldn't it mean that you will become the kind of skin-to-skin contact?

Hua Ye interrupted:

"Do you want to go back on what you promised yourself?"

Wei Nai opened her mouth, gritted her teeth and said, "I don't have hot pants!"

"It's okay, I'll buy it for you."


Wei Nai almost fainted.

Today is really your own good day, right?

It was fine at school, but after coming to the apartment, Xiao Jia sprayed yam juice all over her body, and accidentally burned her chest when she cleaned it, and now she is forced by Hua Ye to exchange for a super shameful knee pillow... Really shouldn't Come here!

"You... shameless!"

"Shameless is one of the essential qualities of modern people." Hua Ye didn't care, "Don't forget my knee pillow. If you go back on your word, I will ask for the reward myself."


An hour later, dinner was finally ready.

"Dinner is ready." Wei Nai came out of the kitchen with the dishes, but she didn't untie the apron, her whole body was full of strength, "You all go wash your hands."

"Well, it smells so good."

Gabriel went to bring the rice cooker over, while Lafei went into the kitchen to help Wei Nai serve the dishes.

For dinner, Hua Ye made twice-cooked pork with garlic sprouts, braised octopus, spicy chicken, thousand-sheet tofu, garlic shrimp, shredded cabbage...the peppers used are all millet peppers and red peppers. Anyway, according to Gabriel's requirements, how spicy it is Come on, it would be the best if it is so hot that Jiael doubts life.

As an older sister, Jiaairu didn't help out in the kitchen even though she was a poor cook, but she didn't sit still. Instead, she took the initiative to unfold the folding table and put the chairs in place.

Hua Ye wiped his hands and went out to call Ilya over. Although it doesn't matter if Ilya doesn't eat, she is her maid after all, so she can't treat her badly.


"I'm gonna start now!"

After the customary pre-dinner declaration, this super hot dinner officially started.

"Well, it's so spicy~~" Rafael tasted a piece of spicy chicken, then took a breath, and stuck out the tip of his tongue, "But it's super delicious."

"Sister, try this."

Gabriel served Gaair very attentively, and quickly piled up a layer of dishes in the bowl.

Because I don't know what Jiael's weakness is, I can only test it out little by little. Today's super spicy dish is the first test.

(My sister’s taste is very light on weekdays, a bit like an ascetic monk. She has no need for food, and even eats once in a long time, so she must not be able to eat too spicy food, right?)

(Hmph, as long as I see my sister showing an unbearable expression, I will eat spicy food every day from then on!)

(At that time, my sister can't stand it, so she has to go back to the heaven!)

Under Gabriel's nervous and expectant gaze, Jiaairu opened her mouth and lightly took a bite of the braised octopus, then paused and closed her eyes.

"Did you make it?"

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