"You let me drink it even though you know it's terrible..." The black-bellied girl puffed up her cheeks, "Tricking an ignorant girl to drink the horrible-tasting white liquid... Isn't it too much?"

Shut up!

Where are you ignorant, now your driving skills are getting more and more proficient, okay?The technology of drifting and cornering is about to catch up with the old driver!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Stop drinking, just stand up for me obediently."


"Vina, I'm back." Gabriel returned to the bathroom, panting slightly, "I didn't take it wrong this time, it must be vinegar!"

Wei Nai didn't even have the strength to be angry at this moment, she just said, "Give me something..."

Dilute the vinegar with water, and then use a new towel to wipe the body. Although there is no immediate effect, the burning pain in the chest has indeed been relieved to some extent, and Wei Nai finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Shall I help too?" Gabriel suggested, after all, it was her fault, otherwise Wei Nai wouldn't come to the bathroom, let alone cry because of the heat.

Wei Nai hesitated: "Forget it..."

"What's so embarrassing?" Gabriel curled her lips, and reached out to take another towel, "It's not that I haven't taken a hot spring together. I haven't seen you? And they are all girls, there is nothing to be shy about." .”


It's a pity that this useless angel forgot one thing, that is, the door of the bathroom is a type of frosted glass, looking in from the direction of the living room, although it is not clear, the movements of the people behind the door are very clear.

At this very moment, Jiaailu happened to see an arm resting on the chest of the taller girl...and still rubbing it? !

Jiaairu's eyes widened suddenly, and she almost crushed the remote control in her hand.

What is my sister doing?

Could it be that after half a year of cultivation in the human world, she has awakened some terrible hobbies?

Jiael suddenly remembered the scene she saw last time, the scene where Vinai held Gabriel under her body...


This is something more serious than the ten counts of depravity!

Among the teachings of the Catholic Church, homosexual love and premarital surnames are prohibited. Although the faith in this world is getting thinner and fewer and fewer people strictly abide by these teachings, as angels, they must never abandon their beliefs. This is not allowed crossed the bottom line.

Jiaailu closed her eyes, took a deep breath, walked to the door, and said in a deep voice, "Gabriel, open the door..."

Chapter 781 Exchange for a Knee Pillow

The bathroom suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Gabriel's troubled voice sounded weakly:

"Sister, it's inconvenient to open the door now..."

It is impossible to open the door.

Gabriel doesn't mind, but the problem is that Wei Nai really minds, her upper body is clean at the moment, and her body is still wet, so it's too late to put on clothes.


Jia'ailu frowned slightly, and the guess in her heart was confirmed again.

It seems that besides her depravity, her sister has more serious belief problems that need to be corrected.

After a moment of silence, Gail ordered:

"Then you come out."

Without Gabriel's permission, Gail would not open the door and break in. This is a matter of principle.

"Okay..." Gabriel blinked at Wei Nai, then opened the door and walked out.

Jiael asked in a deep voice, "What were you doing just now?"

"It's nothing." The crippled angel stammered, "It's just some unspeakable secrets... Oh, sister, don't ask so many questions. Wei Nai feels ashamed and won't let me tell you."


Gail opened her eyes wide, covered her chest with one hand, and took a step back.

Wei Nai feels ashamed, don't you feel ashamed too!

As an angel, it's fine if you don't want to make progress and let yourself be depraved, but now you even have to abandon the Holy Light!

"Sister, I'll go back to the kitchen to help!"

The icy aura emanating from Jiaailu almost enveloped the entire room. She glanced at the pretty face of Frost, who almost turned into a goddess of ice and snow, and Gabriel shuddered, and hurriedly ran back with Lafite. kitchen.

"Xiao Jia, what are you and Wei Nai doing?" Raphael blinked and asked curiously in a low voice.

"Vina won't let me tell... you can ask her yourself when the time comes." Gabriel shook her head tiredly, "I just don't know why my sister is suddenly angry."

"I probably know."

"Hey, why?"

This black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger: "Probably because of the two of you...you are so orange?"



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