Chapter 1447 The four missing constellations

“Before he was alive, he did understand the small universe of the ninth sense. However, since he betrayed his belief and turned to the goddess of strife, even if he had the small universe of the ninth sense, in fact, he could not fully exert his power. ”

As he said, Aspros looked down at Ulysses, “Furthermore, Ulysses, you have also noticed that, as undead fighters, you cannot get the blessings of your constellations during your lifetime. Without the power blessings of your natal constellations, you The power that can be exerted is very limited. And even though I become a Gemini Pluto fighter, I can still get the blessing of Gemini.”

“When dealing with this guy, I really fell into a disadvantage at first. But after relying on the sacred clothes and the immortal body to support the situation, I found the opportunity and gave him a magical magic fist, and then he himself The will collapsed and finally fell under my fist. Without enough will, even the small universe that comprehends the ninth sense is still no more than 16 ants.” Aspros said.

The Magic Oscillation Demon King Fist is indeed a terrifying trick.

It can control the human spirit and attack the fragile places in the human spirit.

If you want to resist this trick, only the most determined person can do it. Otherwise, as long as there is a little loophole in the soul or will, it will fall under this trick.

Being able to comprehend the existence of the ninth sense universe, his original will, but it is impossible for him to have loopholes.

But from the time he turned his back on his beliefs and responded to the call of the goddess of strife Alice in order to resurrect, there was a loophole in his will, so it was naturally not surprising that he was defeated in the hands of Aspros.

As Aspros’ words fell, Tianma couldn’t help but said at this moment, “Who is he? The person who can comprehend the ninth sense universe is definitely a great hero during his lifetime.” Tianma’s words fell. At this time, Ulysses said with a wry smile, “His name is Viyel, and he was a keel saint during his lifetime.”

“Keel seat?”

Ulyas’ words fell, and Tianma couldn’t help but said with some doubts.

In the sanctuary, there are a total of eighty-eight seats for saints. Twelve golden saints, twenty-four silver saints, and forty-eight bronze saints.

In addition, there are four more. It is said that during the battle between the sanctuary and Ares in the age of mythology, they betrayed the sanctuary and took refuge in the constellation of Ares.

Thinking of this, Tianma’s expression revealed a surprised gaze, “The Dragon Bone Seat, is it one of the four saints who betrayed the sanctuary and took refuge in the God of War Ares?!”

Tianma’s words fell. At this time, Aspros shook his head, “That’s not right. In fact, the four of them are not betrayal, but the sanctuary is under the coercion of the gods, and they have to take these four saints. I gave it to Ares, the god of war.”

With that said, Aspros continued to explain, “Since the age of mythology, since Athena received the divine power to control the earth from the god-tier Aville, she came to the world. And as the goddess of wisdom and war descended, In fact, there are twelve gods. These twelve gods voluntarily become Athena’s subordinate gods and help Athena guard the earth. They are the Hercules, the twelve gods.”

“Relying on the power of these twelve gods, plus the power of eighty-eight saints, Athena went down to earth, and actually stabilized the situation, and even defeated many gods who wanted to compete with her for theocratic power and enslave the earth. But. It was precisely because of Athena’s performance that was too dazzling. It made the god king Zeus jealous, and the gods were afraid, they secretly shot and sealed the twelve gods, so that their souls could not be awakened from the gods.”

“In this way, Athena has only eighty-eight saints that Athena can rely on. But even so, without the help of the twelve gods, relying on the saints alone, the sanctuary still erupted with amazing combat power. , Even in the battle with the gods, still occupy a stable upper hand. So, the gods are in trouble, let Athena knock out the strongest four of the eighty-eight saints. That is, the keel seat, Coma, Lynx, and Ophiuchus.”

“Under the persecution of the gods, for the sake of peace on the earth, Athena agreed to the decision of the gods as a last resort, so she picked out these four constellations and gave them the saint clothing of these four constellations. I hope to exchange for Ares, God of War, to stop coveting the earth and provoke war on the earth. However, it turns out that such a compromise is useless at all. In the end, a fierce battle broke out between Sanctuary and God of War Ares.”

“After this battle, the god of war, Ares, was sealed, and the four saints, three of which were taken over by the sun god Abel. They were given the name of the crowned saint. As for the remaining snakeman The saint clothing of the seat is buried in history and is nowhere to be found. Perhaps it was completely shattered. Perhaps it was taken away by a god. It’s just because Athena picked out these four constellations, and since then , Sanctuary lost the power of these four constellations.”

“This person is a keel saint. I think it is the age of mythology, a certain generation of keel saints.”

Aspros said, looking at Pegasus and continued, “In fact, in history, the gods also thought about sealing Pegasus. There were even 117 gods who cursed Pegasus, but in the end Athena sweared to save Pegasus. Seat. From now on, this is a pretty correct decision. If Pegasus was sacrificed at that time, I’m afraid this sanctuary would have already collapsed.”

“But now, in this era, it seems that this sanctuary has finally ushered in a new situation.”

Aspros’ words fell, Tianma couldn’t help but nodded. His expression was full of consternation.

He really didn’t expect that in the history of Sanctuary, so many bizarre and twists things happened.

When these words fell, Aspros looked at Ulysses on the ground, but said again, “Ulyas, hum, I didn’t expect that we would meet again. Well, but for now, I’ll help. You suppress the control of Alice, the goddess of strife.”

Aspros said so, he raised his hand, as if casually punching Ulias’s eyebrows.

This punch light hit, and Ilias’s expression seemed to ease a lot at once.

At this time, Aspros spoke, “My phantom Demon King Fist has blocked the will of the goddess of dispute Alice for you.”

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