Chapter 1448 God Realm Enchantment

Illusion Demon King Fist is a boxing technique that controls will and spirit, and naturally it can also isolate the goddess of dispute Alice from the control of Ulysses’ will. But at this time, Ilias just smiled bitterly at Aspros’ words:

“It’s useless, you don’t need to waste your energy. As long as Alice, the goddess of strife, is defeated, then I will follow her and return to the depths of the underworld again.”

His words fell, and at this moment, from above the magnificent palace complex, a terrifying voice immediately sounded, “Athena’s Saint Seiya, and Pluton’s Pluto Fighter, do you think that if you defeat them, the matter is over? ?! Ants, let you see the power of the gods!”

The voice was sharp and arrogant, like a hysterical mad woman. With the sound of this sound, an extremely astonishing small universe immediately enveloped the entire disputed realm.

The golden brilliance, like a canopy, shrouded the sky of this god’s realm.

Under the shroud of this terrifying small universe, a large number of palaces and buildings in the entire God’s Domain seemed unable to withstand such terrifying power, and they began to collapse continuously. At the same time, a golden light rose from the highest point of the Dispute God’s Domain.

Amidst this golden light, wearing a gorgeous golden garment, a figure slowly rose up, standing at the highest point of the entire God’s Domain!

The sacred clothes on this figure are luxurious and heavy, with the golden skirt hanging down, holding a magic staff in her right hand, and holding a golden apple in her left hand.

The terrifying small universe was suppressed, as if he wanted to completely suppress the entire God’s Domain.

Under the suppression of this small universe, even the Pegasus wearing the sacred clothes, or the Aspros wearing the same sacred clothes, just feel that the whole person’s body seems to be blessed with an astonishing layer. Bondage.

Under this layer of fetters, the power they can exert seems to be reduced by 80% compared to the previous one! Even at this moment, in this disputed God’s Realm, they only felt that just standing, they seemed to have to put in considerable effort.

“It’s the barrier of the Divine Region of Discord!”

Ilias said in a deep voice, “Unlike ordinary enchantments, this enchantment is centered on the golden apple in her hand. Unless the golden apple is broken, otherwise, in this realm of God, I want to defeat Alice, the goddess of strife, is basically impossible.”

Hearing the words of Ulysses, Aspros and Pegasus both looked towards the sky.

“Golden Apple?! According to legend, in the age of mythology, the goddess of strife triggered a war between the gods with a golden apple, which caused the earth to be covered with charcoal and corpses. Since then, the golden apple has become the goddess of strife. Symbol of theocracy.” Aspros said.

Then the words fell, and he screamed, but the whole person turned into a black light and rose into the sky. This black light was like a black sharp arrow, rushing towards the goddess of dispute Alice in the sky.

“Enlighten the Cthulhu! The Milky Way Starburst!”

Aspros roared, he soared into the sky, and across the air, he threw a punch at the goddess of strife Alice.

A terrifying fist burst out, tearing the sky apart, as if trying to crush Alice, the goddess of dispute.

However, facing Aspros’ punch, Alice, the goddess of strife, just looked down at her, her long golden hair fluttered, her cold eyes looked down on the earth, and her lips moved slightly in her cold face:

“The humble ant!”

After this sentence fell, the goddess of the goddess of strife, Alice, slammed the scepter towards the bottom, and the terrifying divine power shocked, tearing the sky likewise, and fighting against Aspros’ fist and light, horrifying divinity. As a beam of light, it slammed down from the sky, crushed Aspros’ fist, and hit him fiercely, knocking him down!

Boom! Aspros fell down and smashed into God’s Domain, and a deep pit was smashed into the land of God’s Domain.

And watching this scene, on the ground, Defertros, who was struggling to sit on the ground, roared:

“elder brother!”

At this moment, Ulias’s face, who also looked up at the sky, changed drastically again:

“Under the blessing of the God of Dissension, the goddess of Dissension Alice’s divine power has increased by more than three times! In this case, we can’t be her opponents at all.”

“How could this happen!” Ulyas’ words fell, Tianma also looked a little ugly.

But then he asked again towards Ulysses, “Then what shall we do now, Mr. Ulysses!”

“There must be a larger universe to suppress her enchantment!” Ilias said.

“A more powerful universe?!” Ulysses’ words fell, and three figures rose subconsciously in Tianma’s mind.

The first is naturally Mukuro, the second is naturally Aaron, and the third is Sasha.

And sure enough, just as Tianma was thinking this way, a voice belonging to Mukuro rang in his mind, “Tenma, are you in trouble?”

Hearing Mukuro’s voice, Tianma’s face immediately showed an expression of ecstasy:

“Brother Mukuro!” shouting Mukuro’s face, Tianma quickly continued to say, “Brother Mukuro, please help me, help me suppress the barrier of the goddess of dispute Alice.”

Tianma’s words fell, and Mukuro said with some regret, “Sorry, it’s okay to let me kill her directly, let me suppress her enchantment, I don’t have a small universe, and I really can’t do it. However, although I can’t do it, but There is a man, no, a god can do it.”

“A god? Is it Aaron or Sasha?” Tianma couldn’t help but said.

But his words fell, and Mukuro’s voice just smiled and said, “Neither, just a lazy person. However, sometimes it needs to be used!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and immediately from the heights of the Dispute God’s Domain, a huge Uzumaki appeared suddenly!

This Uzumaki rotates, covering the entire disputed realm.

At the same time, around Uzumaki, along with Uzumaki’s rotation, the terrible thunder light continued to flicker, and then a dark light burst out of Uzumaki and fell directly toward the ground!

This pitch-black light fell, like a black meteor, piercing the sky, fiercely penetrating into the barrier of the Divine Region of Dissension, and then falling to the ground! Boom! In the astonishing tremor, this figure smashed on the ground, and then, instantly became silent.

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