Chapter 1446 The perfect golden saint

Tianma’s words fell, and Ilias’s face was even smiling. Tianma continued, “Ulyas, you are indeed the righteous and brave father from Regulus! You are a true saint!”

As he said, Ilias spoke again, “No need to say anything. Now that you understand, you can send me on the road. After all, I am just a puppet resurrected by the evil god… The place of eternal sleep. It is my true destination. I can return to this land until the sanctuary is safe. I will rest assured. As for the rest of the battle, I will leave it to you.”


Elias was resurrected, and he was not lusting for eternal life at all.

It’s just that his sleeping soul, after receiving the call of the goddess of strife Alice, in order to re-protect the earth and stop the conspiracy of the goddess of strife Alice, he deliberately responded to her call.

And when he returned to the earth and knew what happened in the sanctuary, in fact, at that time, the last regret in Ulys’s heart had been satisfied.

Sure enough, his son has also become an outstanding saint.

And now, on the surface, he shot without mercy, blocking Pegasus and Deftelos.

Not only is it not organizing them, but it is trying to intensify the will in their hearts and use external forces to force them to stimulate their true potential. Otherwise, with his strength and skill, he might not be able to kill Pegasus, but it would be easy to kill Deftelos.

The successful persecution of Tianma allowed him to truly awaken his sacred garment, and the Master had gained the sleeping power in his soul. For Ulysses, his final task had also been completed.

With a completely awakened Pegasus, no matter what kind of enemy invades the earth, the sanctuary can be guarded!

Seeing Ulyas’s appearance, Tianma finally raised his fist, and he punched forward. However, his fist hits Ulysses, but it finally stagnated.

“I can’t kill you! I want to take you back! Regulus has always missed you!” Tianma said categorically.

Ulysses have been resurrected.

He already has a new body, and his soul is his own. The only problem is that he is now resurrected by the goddess of strife, Alice.

Sure enough, when Tianma’s words fell, Ilias smiled bitterly and said, “It’s useless, I’m dead, and the current me is just a puppet resurrected by the goddess of dispute Alice. Don’t look at it now, I can still have it. Freedom as it is now. But as long as her oracle comes down, she can manipulate my body at will, and even twist my will.”

“Even if I have understood the ninth sense universe, it can immediately contend with her will, but as long as the time is long, in the end, I can only be controlled by her will and become a weapon in her hand. So, you I’m going to kill my life soon.”

This point, Ilias still sees very clearly.

However, even though Ulyas said so, Tianma still shook his head!

Then he said seriously and firmly, “As long as I defeat the goddess of dispute Alice!”

His words fell, but Ilias was stunned, but he still shook his head, “Alice, the goddess of dispute, is not such an easily dealt with. Even you, if you want to defeat her, you must not relax.”

“And besides me, there is still a dead fighter in her hand. This person is no less powerful than me. If you don’t kill me now, wait until the goddess of dispute Alice twists my will. At that time, what you need to face is her, plus two undead fighters from the ninth sense universe! At that time, even you, Pegasus, may fall into her hands!”

In this sentence, Ilias absolutely did not mean the slightest alarmist.

Tianma had already awakened the sleeping power in his soul.

But, in fact, this power he used was still very imperfect. He just went from being unusable to the point where he could be used, but he was far from perfect performance, not knowing how far.

With the current strength of Pegasus, it may be possible to defeat the ninth sense Ulysses, but if the opponent is the goddess of dispute Alice, plus the existence of two ninth sense universes, then with the current strength of Pegasus, I am afraid it is really very It may be defeated.

Comprehending the existence of the ninth sense small universe, the fighting power that can burst out, even if it is not far from the first-level god.

In addition, the goddess of strife Alice herself, although she is not the main god, but as the daughter of the dark god Erebus, one of the twelve slave gods of the dark god, she also has a small universe equivalent to the first-level god.

In this way, it is impossible for the fighting power of the three first-level gods to be singled out with the power of Tianma.

But at this moment, a voice sounded, “Don’t worry, this guy has already been killed by me.” The cold and proud words sounded, and then a figure fell, but appeared in front of Tianma.

This person is dressed in gorgeous black sacred clothes, noble temperament, not Aspros! And in Aspros’ hands, he was carrying a head.

“Huh, this guy has a bit of skill. He actually understood the small universe of the ninth sense. In terms of the small universe, his small universe is indeed superior to me. However, now I have the sacred clothes and immortality bestowed by Master Pluton. The body, although it took a little effort, but still killed him.”

Looking at the head thrown on the ground by Aspros, both Ulysses and Pegasus took a deep breath.

Their expressions are full of shock!

Although Aspros spoke lightly and casually, no matter whether it was Ulysses or Pegasus, I don’t understand. In order to deal with such an enemy, I am afraid that Aspros absolutely fought an extremely difficult battle before finally defeating the enemy. .

And even though it occupies the advantages of the sacred clothes and the immortal body, Aspros can actually kill all the existence of the ninth sense universe. This alone is enough to amaze them!

At this moment, Tianma’s heart couldn’t help but rise up with a thought, “As expected of the legendary golden saint who has achieved perfect heart, skill, and body!”

Seeming to understand what Tianma and Ilias thought, Aspros coughed, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said, “This guy is not as powerful as you thought.”

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