"My revered God, I am willing to give everything I have to become your priestess, so that everyone in the world can obtain the happiness they pray for."

The goddess's praise sounded, like a ray of light piercing through the smoke-filled sky.

Tsumuri suddenly felt a cold touch across her face.

She slowly opened her eyes, and saw Lin Feng stretched out his finger, as if wiping away tears, and gently brushed across her cheek.

Then, a burst of white light lit up in Lin Feng's hand.

That was the power of Tsumuri's prayer.

"I have truly felt your wish."

After saying that, Lin Feng took out another card and inserted it into the drive.

【Attack Ride! Rise On Big Bang!

As the mechanical sound sounded,

Tsumuri and Ukiyo Hidetoshi were shocked to see that

Lin Feng raised his hand and released the printing function, and actually printed out Dan Rito's body next to him!

And this Dan Rito was a completely human being!!!

At that moment,

Tsumuri and Ukiyo Hideto began to doubt their lives!

"Is this even possible?!!!"

Tan Lidou was also stunned for a moment.

He looked at his hands, then at his body, with a complicated expression.

Finally, he looked up at Lin Feng.

"I didn't expect that the person who reshaped me would be you, Kamen Rider DarkDecade."

Hearing this, Lin Feng crossed his arms and said:

"Isn't this the result you want?"

When Tsumurai heard this, she was completely stunned.

"Wait, wait, is this what Mr. Tan Lidou wants? What does it mean?"

Lin Feng picked up the Xiumagia headset in her hand and explained:

"As you can see, he originally had a Shumagia body, but the upper limit of this body was too low to carry his divine talent, so he wanted to create a complete carrier and channel, that is, through the power of creation."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at Danrito with sudden enlightenment,

"So, the reason you came here to find me is actually just to ask me to rebuild your body?"

Tan Lidou snorted coldly.

"Just? Do you understand how great my divine talent is? I don't care about ordinary flesh! But I didn't expect that DarkDecade would suddenly interfere with my plan. I thought plan 13 was going to fail, but......Things have taken a turn again."

He stared at Lin Feng,

"Tell me, how did you know my plan?"

Lin Feng casually threw the headphones aside and said lightly:

"I told you at the beginning that there are more than just you two who are gods, I am one too."

Although Lin Feng's words were somewhat pretentious, as a time traveler, knowing everything about the past and the future, in the eyes of the natives of this world, there is no difference between him and a god, right?

As for Lin Feng's answer, Tan Lidou snorted unhappily.

"It's up to you. But I want to remind you, have you considered the consequences of reshaping me? Now, my divine talent can be perfectly exerted by this body, I can definitely create a cassette that defeats you!"

Lin Feng glanced at him contemptuously,

"You said the same thing last time, what was the result?"


Danrito felt a little aggrieved.

He was Kami! Danrito the God!

When had he ever been so aggrieved?!!

"The past is the past, and the present is the present! If you insist on comparing the past with the present, buddy, why don’t you compare it with when you were born?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng opened his hands and made the gesture of the Dust Release Technique in the famous anime Naruto, and said:

"If you are not good at it, practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play. When you can achieve what you said, come and show your face to me!"

"You! You wait for me!!!"

Danrito threw off his sleeves in frustration and turned away.

Tsumurai looked at his back with an incredible look on her face.

"After all this time, the wish he made on the ema, wanting a child, was actually about himself? ? ?"

Fuck, giving birth to myself?

Why would I have such a weird dream???

Tsumuri's CPU was about to burn out

Lin Feng suddenly laughed,

"This is him, Tan Lidou, a combination of a madman and a genius."

This is also why Lin Feng decided to reshape Tan Lidou.

Although he does create a lot of trouble, he is very good at making things happen, and once he makes things happen, he makes things happen hard and well!

How does that saying go?

【Some people are alive but already dead; some people die just because they don't live any more. 】

Tan Lidou is such a person.

He can die, but he must live a crazy life before he dies!

Lin Feng is looking forward to what kind of good life he can come up with in the future, adding some unexpected fun to this boring world!


Tsumuri smiled stiffly.

"Well, as long as he is happy, the happiness he prayed for has come true."

Hearing this,

Lin Feng suddenly remembered something, and he quickly called out to Tan Lidou who had not yet walked far away.

"Wait! You crazy guy over there, come back first!"

"My name is Tan Lidou, I am Kami! I am not a lunatic!"

Tan Lidou ran back with his mouth twitching.

"You'd better really have something to say, otherwise I will fight you to death now!"

Lin Feng is so infuriating!

What does he think of a Kami?

His servant? To order him around at will?!

However, what Lin Feng said next was what really broke his defense.

"It's not just you, it's also Ukiyo Hidetoshi, you two listen to me."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou looked at each other, and they both saw deep doubts in each other's eyes.

Could it be that

Lin Feng changed his mind and decided to kill them both now?

As a result, Lin Feng's words made the two of them frown.

"This mountain and the town outside are all my family's property, and now, because of the previous battle, a lot of it was destroyed, so this responsibility must be attributed to the two of you."


Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Danrito had black question marks on their faces.

"Hey, hey, hey, let's be honest. Aren't you the one who caused the most damage?! Before you came, we only destroyed the ground of the shrine! It was only after you came that the mountain was cut off and the town was destroyed, okay?!"

Hearing this,

Lin Feng slowly opened the card box and asked very kindly:

"I have a lot of cards here, and I suddenly want to use them all"


This is a naked threat!

However, looking at the arsenal displayed by Lin Feng, the two dared not say a word.

Now they have no strength at all.

If they bite the bullet and refute Lin Feng, they will be beaten up by him again. What should they do? Isn't this just courting death?

Thinking of this, the two could only swallow their anger.

"I can pay for it!"

Tan Lidou shouted reluctantly.

"I have developed a lot of game cartridges in Huanmeng Company. As long as I sell them, Simoniko promised to give me a commission. Then I will use the money to rebuild the town. Is that okay?"

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"I am a person from the future, you can't ask me to bring you something from the future, right?"

Then, Fushiyo Hidetoshi saw that Lin Feng had already started to select cards.

"Wait, wait, wait! I really have nothing to give you. My sister Tsumurai has become your shrine maiden. What else do you want? ? ?"

Lin Feng smiled and pointed to the surrounding shrine that had been reduced to ruins, and said:

"From now on, this place belongs to me, and the statue to be worshipped here is also my statue. Do you have any objection?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi blushed on the spot.

He had spent a long time looking for such a good place to build a shrine, but now it was directly occupied by Lin Feng?!

How could he agree to this?!

Looking at the driving card that Lin Feng had already drawn,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi slid to his knees at the speed of light.

"Fine, fine, it's your place, you have the final say." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fuck!!! (Fuck)

Lin Feng nodded, and finally put away the extremely intimidating card.

"That's great, everyone is happy. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. See you later."

Danrito and Ukiyo Hidetoshi finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him leaving.

But then Tsumuri suddenly called Lin Feng,

"gentlemen...No, it's Kami Sama, then what should I do next?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng turned around and looked at her and said:


Overseer , when the shrine and the town are rebuilt, you will be free.

"Freedom? What does that mean? Do you want me no more?"

As she spoke, she suddenly became anxious.

"I am already your shrine maiden, please reconsider it! Although it is a bit embarrassing to say, I will learn to do those things!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the hot and pretty Tsumuri and his defense was broken on the spot.

Is this still his sister who takes everything lightly? She is not so gentle when treating herself!

Danrito was watching the show and was about to die of joy,

"Oh~oh~oh~someone is being bullied, I won’t tell you who it is~"

However, facing Tsumuri’s initiative,

Lin Feng scratched his temple and was a little confused.

"I didn't say I was going to abandon you. I meant to give you some freedom. After all, you said you were a witch. A witch is not just the wife of a god. You are also an independent individual. In addition to things that adults do, you can do a lot of things you want to do, such as going out to see the world and see the customs of different places."

"I mean, you don't have to be limited to the previous stereotypes and stay in the shrine all the time. Whenever you want to find me, go; when you want to travel, you can set off immediately; when someone wants to make a wish to the gods, you can guide them. These things do not conflict with each other, do you understand?"

Tsumuri nodded cutely.

This was the first time she got such a concrete definition of the word"freedom".

Originally, she was ready to live in the shrine for the rest of her life, satisfying Lin Feng's desires every day, and then...


Cimuli's face turned red again.

She covered her face and dared not look directly at Lin Feng.

"OK, OK! I heard your order clearly!"


Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

""Okay, say whatever you want to say. See you later."

After saying that, he did not stay any longer, summoned the dimensional wall and disappeared directly from the spot.

He hurried back to check on Jiutang Linyin's situation.

The girl waited too long, and she was probably worried about whether she would be in danger again.

Seeing Lin Feng completely leave, the pressure on everyone was relieved, only Tsumurai was still covering her face and fanning herself, not yet completely out of shyness.

"unlucky...Let's go!"

Dan Lidou was finally able to leave this unlucky place.

He was afraid that Lin Feng would turn back halfway, so he quickly disappeared on the mountain.

Seeing this, Tsumeli turned back to look at Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"Why are you still here?"


The corners of Ukiyo Hidetoshi's mouth twitched.

"Sister, you don’t have to change so quickly, right? Although you are Lin Feng’s shrine maiden, you are still my sister!"

Zumuri shook her head and said:

"I mean, aren't you going back to the future? I'm just asking, nothing else."

Hearing this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi pondered:

"Indeed, I will stay for a while longer, there are some things I need to deal with."

"Are you okay now?"

Zumuri was a little worried.

"You can't use the power of creation for the time being, and you can only transform into the basic form, right? If you encounter any trouble along the way..."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi waved his hand to interrupt her.

"Probably not, I came back to look for something."

As he said this, his thoughts went back to a few days ago, when he suddenly had a dream.

In the dream, he saw a pet dog he once raised. That dog was born in an ordinary person during one of his reincarnations.���His pet dog , who was raised at home, accompanied him through many unforgettable times.

Eventually, 077 died in a car accident.

Although he didn't know why he dreamed of the pet dog again, his intuition told Hidetoshi Ukiyo that he had to return to this world to see if he could find something unexpected.

Tsumuri stood aside and thought for a while with a puzzled look on her face, and finally gave up her guess about Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Let him be, anyway, now she is Lin Feng's shrine maiden, and she only needs to pay attention to things related to him.

After looking at each other in silence,

Hidetoshi Ukiyo put away his thoughts, looked back at the shrine that originally belonged to him, sighed, and then turned and walked down the mountain.

"Sister, if I need you later, you may need my help. I will come back to you then."

Tsumurai sighed speechlessly.

"If it's not necessary, I won't help you. I belong to Lin Feng now! I'm no longer the administrator of your shrine!"

"Don't be so righteous and kill your own relatives!"

""It is right to kill one's relatives for the sake of justice."

At the same time, in the small town at the foot of the mountain, on an empty street, a man in the uniform of the Alchemy Association slowly appeared.

He looked up and glanced at the shrine on the hillside. The small brush in his hand kept brushing the alchemy ring.

He was the investigator of the Kugimiya who had defected from the Alchemy Alliance not long ago.

"I sense your power fluctuations, Ukiyo Hidetoshi."

Kugimiya broke the brush in his hand with force, his face filled with hatred and anger, and then he took out a Kamie card from his pocket!

It was a level 10 Kamie of the professional attribute, X Wizard!

He just threw the card casually, and the X Wizard was immediately released from it!

"Mr. Kugimiya, my master, what can I do for you?"

Kugimiya stroked the ring and asked:

"Have you contacted the five level 10 Kemi I asked you to find?"

Master X replied respectfully:

"Their location has been locked...."


"Mr. Kugimiya, you should know that level 10 Camies cannot be controlled. If they are unwilling to be used by you, I am afraid that..."

Hearing this,

Kugimiya looked at Master X and said with a cold smile:

"Are you willing to serve me?"

Master X bowed and said:

"Mr. Kugimiya, treat me as a friend, I am definitely willing to work for you"


Kugimiya raised his lips with a sarcastic smile, which then disappeared.

"In that case, then wait and let those guys from the Alchemy Academy go and subdue the level 10 Kemi. Then, you will help them complete their training and get those level 10 Kemi. Do you understand?"

Master X laughed when he heard this:

"So the master wants to help others to subdue Kemi, so I will do my best to help him." After arranging everything, Kugimiya turned around and disappeared from the town.

"Ichinose Takaroutaro...Ukiyo Hidetoshi, I'll be waiting for you."

(Because the content of the joint theatrical version will be involved later, the plot of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Danrito meeting is set up in the front)

Say goodbye to Atomic

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