Fuyo Hidetoshi looked at Lin Feng who was walking forward, stepping out of the smoke and dust.

He suddenly glanced at Dan Lidou beside him and said with a smile:

"I never thought that one day I would join forces with a madman."

Tan Lidou snorted coldly and stood up with all his strength.

"I also didn't expect that I would defeat a boss with someone I don't like."

Obviously, the two gradually found common topics while being beaten by Lin Feng , and even began to sympathize with each other.

If Lin Feng knew what they were thinking at the moment, he would probably say that they were a good match.

After all, one had made a game like"Kamen Rider Chronicles" that allowed ordinary people to become knights and kill each other, and the other had made a tricky operation in the Desire Contest to resurrect the dead and bury them back underground.

Even if these two were not a good match, they were definitely two talents who could urinate in the same jar.

To make these two people feel helpless and have no choice but to join forces with someone they don't like, it is conceivable how powerful the image of Lin Feng was in their eyes at this moment!

"It's coming...This is the final blow!"

"Success or failure depends on this one move!!!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was the first to slap the Nine-Tails Upgrade Buckle on his waist, and a sound effect accompanied by the sound of an engine rang out.

【[Boost Charge! Boost Tactical Victory]

When the sound effect burst out, the power in Ukiyo Hidetoshi's body also burst out.

He poured everything into the special weapon B9 Destroyer in his right hand, and then transformed it into a sword form, and threw it at Lin Feng with all his strength!

Only a whistling sound of breaking through the air was heard, and the sword blade was like a blue arrow, with a huge arc wrapped around it, and the space was shaking and shaking wherever it passed!

Although the method of throwing the sword blade"983" is very rare, the power it caused is extremely terrifying. It can even be seen in shock that the sword energy of the sword blade directly cuts off all the obstacles around, and even the ground under his feet is forcibly cut into a gap!

At this time,

Lin Feng stood calmly at the end of the ravine, slowly pulled out a final driving card, threw it into the driver, and pushed it down with force!

【FinalAttackRide! S-S-S-Saber!】

【The Blade King's special move is revealed! Saber draws his sword! The Blade King slashes with one book! Saber! 】

As the sacred recitation spread throughout the world, the energy in Lin Feng's driver began to surge out crazily, constantly entwining the blade of the Blade King Sword in his hand, forming a charming nebula-like aura! Then the dazzling rainbow-colored nebula-like light bloomed like a vortex!

When the power accumulated to the limit,

Lin Feng calmly swung horizontally forward, and a silver crescent-shaped light blade burst out, colliding fiercely with the B9 thrown by Ukiyo Hidetoshi!


Boom boom boom boom!!!

As the harsh metal collision sounded, the two terrible energies began to erode each other non-stop, and the aftermath ripples expanded crazily, constantly causing amazing energy explosions around. A series of sounds made the whole town hear it, and those who didn't know thought it was thunder from the sky! Boom!

However, it was visible to the naked eye that the nebula-shaped silver moon blade released by Lin Feng was even more powerful.

As Ukiyo Hidetoshi's blade was constantly pushed, a large number of cracks began to appear on the blade!

At this moment, two exciting mechanical sounds rang out from the drivers of Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

One of them pulled the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle, and the other slapped the cassette on his waist.

Then the two turned into one blue and one purple, and two streams of light shot up into the sky!

【Boost Strike!】

【Hyperwaza! Critical Dead End】

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou fell at the same time, releasing two knight kicks, aiming at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's B9 Destroyer Blade!

Blue flames and arcs, purple game flash special effects, the two tried to use this superimposed attack method to defeat Lin Feng!

The fact is that this attack did work at the first time, but they can superimpose attacks, and

Lin Feng can do it too!

He even prepared this move long ago, and saw him slap the badge of the Blade King Sword with extremely fast hand speed, and then brush all the various inheritances imprinted on the sword!

【Blade King's special move Read Blade King's special move Read through! Blade King Xross Star Slash! 】

The magnificent recitation sounded from the holy sword.

The next second, not only Danrito, Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and Tsumurai who were at the scene, but even the tourists who had already escaped from the town saw from afar that on the hillside, ten giant knight phantoms descended here in an epic and magnificent manner!

They held holy swords of different attributes and stood quietly behind Lin Feng!


As soon as the word was spoken, the eyes of the ten giant shadows suddenly lit up.

They swung the holy swords in their hands, which could truly be called the holy swords that pierced through the heavens and the earth, and slashed at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Danrito below!


The explosion that resounded through the heavens and the earth exploded, and ten holy swords slashed down at the same time. Incomparably terrifying violent energy gushed out in an instant, and a semicircular spiral shock wave expanded wildly around.

Everyone saw a white light, and then, like a nuclear explosion, in the center of the explosion, the continuously expanding explosion shock waves superimposed together, and the extremely huge violent energy kept destroying the bodies of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou.


There was a series of extremely crisp and subtle shattering sounds, and the drivers, upgraded buckles and cassettes on Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou's waists were smashed on the spot by Lin Feng's attack!

【Ding! Mission completed, system rewards have been issued, please check in time! 】

In the shocking picture, the incredible and violent vibration caused the halfway point of the mountain to begin to break, and large and small pieces of rubble even began to fall uncontrollably and fall into the city!

The air waves, which were more terrifying than the tsunami, rolled around, and all the buildings around the town began to shake.

The fragile glass was shattered into slag by the air waves, and the earth began to fall apart.

For a time, the northern part of Furano was in chaos!

This situation lasted for several minutes.

As the white light like a nuclear explosion disappeared, the air waves, earthquakes and other problems also disappeared.

People finally breathed a sigh of relief, but looking far away at the mountains behind the town, the originally continuous mountains were now cut off by an unspeakable force, like a divine punishment from heaven.

Many superstitious people knew that there was a shrine there, so they immediately began to kneel in the air and pray that the disaster would not continue to come!

At this time, in the shrine,

Tsukiyomi looked at the dim surroundings with a sad expression. The three figures disappeared without a trace.

She tried to find them aimlessly, but they were nowhere to be found.

This made her heart increasingly sad, and her eyes unconsciously became red.

Suddenly, she felt something under her feet.

She looked down and saw a fragment of a nine-tailed belt buckle.

There was also a blue and white headset not far away.

Tsukiyomi stood there and closed her eyes silently.

As expected, were they killed after all? Huh!

A breeze blew, Tsumuri raised her hands to block her eyes, opened her eyes with difficulty and looked forward, only to see a figure holding a sword, gradually approaching, it was Lin Feng, Kamen Rider DarkDecade, (to read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!

) Tsumuri was stunned, she clearly saw that there was no scar on Lin Feng's body, except for some white smoke rising from the Blade King Sword in his hand, it seemed that all the efforts made by Danrito and Ukiyo Hidetoshi were in vain.

They never shook this figure at all, nor did they bring any impact to him.

Perhaps this result was determined from the beginning, but thinking of this, Tsumuri still felt sad.

An ant trying to shake a tree, how ridiculous and overestimating one's own ability? She lowered her eyebrows and asked with tears in her eyes:

"Can you tell me the real reason why you came here? Is it really just because Mr. Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi’s fight disturbed your entertainment? Is there no other reason besides this?"

Lin Feng looked at her and said indifferently,

"No. My sister and I were just strolling peacefully on the street, but the noise you made broke the peace and provoked me, an unreasonable person. Maybe you can't understand it, but this is the truth."

Tsumuri shook her head when she heard this.

"Everyone has their own desired happiness, and this is what you should pursue. I understand. I just didn't expect that such a powerful person like you would come here specially for such ordinary happiness."

Lin Feng also shook his head.

"For me, this happiness is ordinary but precious.���Think about it, there are many monsters in this world. When it is frequent, such a large-scale battle may occur several times a day. Therefore, although a peaceful life is ordinary, it is very precious to me."

Tsumu Li smiled reluctantly.

"That's right. With your powerful strength, facing so many troubles in the world, even if you don't want to take action, many people will force you to take action. Allow me to apologize to you for my previous misunderstanding."

As he spoke, blue and white energy particles suddenly surged between heaven and earth.

These particles gradually gathered together and formed a familiar figure beside Tsumuri. It was Ukiyo Hidetoshi who had just been dispersed by Lin Feng in the battle not long ago.

Tsumuri turned around and asked about his situation.

"How are you doing? Are you going back to the future?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said nothing.

He raised his hand and countless fragments scattered in some corner flew out one by one.

In his palm, they re-formed into the shape of the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle, but there were countless cracks on it and it could break at any time.

He put away the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle and looked up at Lin Feng.

"That blow did shatter my carrier in this world, but I can still come here in my spirit form, I just can't use the power of creation.....


Lin Feng crossed his arms and said nothing.

"I didn't say I could kill you completely."

The Fox God, after all, was a god who had died and completely became a god.

Even if Lin Feng belittled him, Lin Feng knew in his heart that he wanted to���The only way to really kill him is to go to the future and find his physical body.

So Lin Feng didn't plan to let him turn into ashes like Dan Rito from the beginning, he just wanted to beat them up.

Moreover, Dan Rito was blown up along with his body, which was also beyond Lin Feng's expectation.

I didn't expect the immortal player to be so fragile.

If Ukiyo Hideto heard what Lin Feng said at this time, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

He tried so hard but failed to beat off Dan Rito's skin, and you still think he is too fragile?

What a mess!

However, when hearing Ukiyo Hideto say that he could not use the power of creation, the sadness on Tsumuri's face became even stronger.

"So, Mr. Danrito, has he completely disappeared?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the Shumagia headphones in her hand and consoled her:

"As far as I know, a machine like the Shumagia can be recreated as long as there is data."

Tsumuri looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with tears in her eyes.

"Having experienced DGP, do you still feel that the person recreated through data is still the same person as before? Or, after becoming a god, have you long forgotten those painful experiences?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi sighed helplessly.

After becoming a god, he was indeed deprived of too many emotions.

What he said just now was the result of his rational analysis.

Although it was cold and ruthless, it was the fact.

But Tsumuri felt a little disappointed.

A long time ago, she was a robot like Ukiyo Hidetoshi who only knew how to observe everything in the world.

She did not have any emotions. It was only after witnessing the lives of the contestants of DGP that she gradually developed feelings.

However, after the end of DGP, everyone seemed to have changed again.

Her feelings seemed redundant and very saintly.

Tsumuri has been bearing these pressures that are incompatible with the world in her heart.

Whenever this happened, she could only close her eyes and let the tears of sighing slide from the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, the system's broadcast sounded again,

【Ding! Tsumurai's prayer detected, mission triggered!】

【Mission objective: Become Tsumurai's god and fulfill her wish!】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Card Set X1! 】

Seeing the mission panel in front of him,

Lin Feng looked at the weeping Tsumurai again.

This beautiful scene, like a goddess pitying the world, really moved him.

In that case, let's do it.

Then, Ukiyo Hidetoshi saw

Lin Feng suddenly reach out and pull out a driving card from the card box and throw it into the driver.

【Kamen Ride! Zero-Three!】

Watching Lin Feng transform into Kamen Rider 03,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi subconsciously took up a fighting stance.

"You are in this state now, can you still fight?"

Hearing Lin Feng's teasing and sarcastic words,

Fuyo Hidetoshi's mouth twitched and he immediately stepped back a few steps.

Now he is indeed not qualified to fight with Lin Feng again.

In this case, what should he do?

Lin Feng turned around and walked towards Tsumuri step by step.

This action suddenly woke Tsumuri up.

She looked up in confusion, not knowing why the other party did this.

Until Lin Feng came in front of her, he said in a faint voice:

"Tsumurai, please be my shrine maiden. If you want to help Danreto gain happiness, perhaps an unknown god like me can become the faith you can rely on."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo: ??? I'm still here! You're a minotaur in front of you, right?!!

But actually it's not a minotaur, because Tsumurai used to be the administrator of Hidetoshi Ukiyo's shrine.

Now Lin Feng's request is for her to become a shrine maiden.

In other words, Lin Feng is her first time.

However, what makes Hidetoshi Ukiyo even more curious is, is it possible that Lin Feng really has a way to restore the broken Danlito?

Tsumurai had the same idea in her heart at the moment.

She looked at the figure in front of her and suddenly remembered Lin Feng's magnificent figure not long ago.

Compared with Hidetoshi Ukiyo and Danlito, he was more like a god!

If Lin Feng can really do it, she is willing to do it.

She saw her hands interlaced with her ten fingers clasped together in front of her chest, holding them tightly, standing on the ruins, her dress fluttering in the wind.

In this huge disaster, her figure is like a goddess praying for hope to come.

She slowly closed her eyes and said softly with an extremely sincere expression:

"My beloved god, I am willing to give everything I have to become your priestess, just to let everyone in the world get the happiness they wish for."......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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