In the early morning, in the photo studio,

Lin Feng frowned and sat at the table in the restaurant, drinking water and thinking about something.

Because he played with Jiutang Rin'in all day yesterday, and then had a fight with Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, he was a little tired when he got home, so he fell asleep after dinner.

In the early morning of this day, a dream suddenly woke Lin Feng up.

He dreamed of Jiutang Fengya, that is, his father-in-law.

Lin Feng still remembers his words,

"In the future, Linyin may fall into a state of self-doubt. If necessary, let her enter the dream and I will help her resolve the difficulties."

If these are really just dreams,

Lin Feng can completely ignore the deep meaning of the words, but Lin Feng is one of the few people in the Gochard world who knows that Jiutang Fengya is definitely still alive.

Therefore, this dream is very likely a dream entrusted by Jiutang Fengya to remind Lin Feng to protect Jiutang Linyin in the future.

However, after thinking about this dream carefully,

Lin Feng discovered that his father-in-law's behavior���He was just a riddler.

There wasn't much information in his words.

The few pieces of information he had were that

Jiutang Rinyin might run into trouble in the next few days.

He didn't even say how big the trouble would be. Really.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Suddenly, there was a sound of slippers stepping on tiles.

Jiutang Rinyin rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked down from upstairs with her fluffy hair.

Then she came to Lin Feng's side and fell over.

She hung on Lin Feng's neck like a koala, and acted like a child while mumbling:

"Onii-sama, I dreamed about my father."

A bit of sadness appeared on Jiudou Rin's face.

"I know it's a dream, but it feels so real...Do you think he will be back soon?"

Lin Feng rubbed her head and comforted her:

"It will definitely be soon, don't worry, by the way...What did he say to you in the dream?"

Lin Feng guessed that

Jiutang Linyin might have dreamed the same thing as himself.

"Dad told me to be careful during this period of time, because dangerous people and things are coming."

Sure enough.

Lin Feng put down the water cup and became more certain of his previous guess.

"Then do as your father says. Be careful whether you go out to play or stay at school these days."

"Okay, I understand."

As she said that, she let go of Lin Feng, then hesitated for a moment, turned back and kissed Lin Feng on the side of his face.

After hearing a"pop" sound,

Lin Feng's eyes gradually became clear, and he quickly turned his head to look at Jiutang Linyin, but found that she didn't seem to understand what he had just done, and still went to the bathroom to wash up as usual.

This made Lin Feng confused for a while.

Although the two of them have lived together for many years, this relationship has developed in a strange direction.

Even if they are just siblings, kissing each other on the cheek is not a big deal. What, so if Lin Feng takes the initiative to tell Jiutang Linyin about this, it seems that he is making a fuss over nothing, but if he doesn't say it,

Lin Feng always feels that this hole will get bigger and bigger, and even develop into an uncontrollable situation in the end!

No, what's wrong with Jiutang Linyin?

Is there some expert who is good at picking up men behind her? ? ?

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head repeatedly. He just dreamed of his father-in-law last night, and was suddenly kissed by his daughter today.

This matter must not be made public.

Once the father-in-law finds out, he will definitely hunt him down.

【I asked you to grow cabbage for me, but you ended up eating my cabbage? 】

Lin Feng shook his head with a bit of a smile.

These past few days, troubles have come one after another.

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had not received the reward for yesterday's task.

He quickly took advantage of Jiutang Linyin's absence to communicate with the system.

"System, collect rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Gemn series card set!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Faiz series card set! 】

Listening to the announcement,

Lin Feng automatically had two more card sets in his hand.

Kamen Rider Gemn is the Kamen Rider transformed by Dan Lidou.

In the original Ex-Aid, he is a little expert in making fathers.

His dangerous zombie suit is also the favorite of many people in the whole drama.

In addition, he is full of charm, and all kinds of BUG forms are astonishing. His popularity in the special effects industry has always been very high.

As for the most long-standing, it should be the famous scene of the four-tone tone.

It is a pity that I have never had the opportunity to replicate this famous scene with Dan Lidou in these few times. It is really a pity.

Kamen Rider Faiz, nicknamed Qiao Ye, created the two classic actions of gangster squatting and hand shaking.

At the same time, his signature crimson twelve company left a deep impression on people, and it can even be ranked among the most handsome knight scenes.

In addition, although Faiz Explosion's data was at the bottom during the Heisei period, its combat performance has always been very good.

I believe that after the blessing of Lin Feng's DarkDecade driver, its strength will rise to an unexpected level.


The door of the bathroom opened again, and

Jiudou Rinyin, who had just washed up, walked out while tidying up her clothes.

"Brother, I won't have breakfast at home today. Senior Ginkgo Lianhua asked me to go catch Kemi together, and said she would treat us to dinner after we catch him. Do you want to come with me?.?"

Lin Feng thought about it and felt that the school seemed to have some other things to deal with, so he refused.

"Go ahead, but be careful and don't forget what your father said."

"OK, I got it. I'll call you back when it's over."

Watching the youthful figure gradually disappear,

Lin Feng suddenly felt a little emotional and guilty. He had a strange feeling that the sister he raised might actually try to capture him.

Father-in-law, look for yourself, this is really not my fault~

In the southern part of Furasu High School, in an abandoned villa,

Jiudou Rin and Ginkgo Renhua led the way, followed by Kurogane Spana and Tsuruhara Senmaru.

Ichinose Takarō had overslept and had not yet arrived, so the team to capture Kemi was officially assembled.

However, the abandoned villa in front of him looked a little too gloomy.

There were furniture placed randomly inside, and it looked like it had been looted.

In addition, before coming here,

Teacher Minato specifically said that other families around the villa said that every night, there would be strange noises in the villa, which sounded like ghosts.

Although this is usually the case with Kemi, in such a dark environment, it is easy for people to believe those rumors.

For example, Ginkgo Renhua is now very afraid of ghosts.

Now she can only hold Jiudou Rin, who is not afraid of ghosts, tightly and explore the villa step by step.

Suddenly, a noise came from the corner of the kitchen in the villa, and

Ginkgo Renhua jumped directly behind Jiudou Rin and locked her up.

"What the hell!!! Rin-chan, come and have a look!"

After Jiutang Rin-yin walked a little closer, she suddenly discovered that the person hiding in the kitchen was a plant-type Camie!

A level 6 plant-type pitcher plant master!

""Catch it!!!"

Black Steel Spana roared and ran out first, followed by Jiutang Linyin and others. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Unexpectedly, the pitcher plant master was more flexible than expected.

After getting rid of the four of them, he rushed out of the villa.

Just when he was about to see the light of day again, a figure suddenly came out of the villa door and collided with him head-on! []


""Ah! My nose!"

Ichinose Taro rolled on the ground, holding his nose in pain, and the pitcher plant master also held his non-existent nose and wailed on the ground.

Seeing this, Jiudou Rinyin and the other four who rushed out of the house quickly operated the Kemi catcher and put the pitcher plant master into the blank Kemi card!

The capture mission was completed.

Only then did everyone realize the existence of Taro, and

Black Steel Spana even complained mercilessly:

"You came after Kemi had captured him. Is this normal for an amateur alchemist?

Ichinose Takarō stood up pretending to be calm.

"It's not my fault, okay?...Who hasn't overslept?...If there is another Kemi, I will definitely catch him immediately!"

However, at this moment,

Tsuruhara Showan discovered something and shouted through the tablet in his hand:

"Hey, hey, hey! Everyone, turn your heads and look over here!"

After hearing his voice, everyone looked back and saw a group of humanoid creatures dressed as alchemists but with monster-shaped heads, slowly walking out of the shadows.

Seeing this, Ichinose Takarō was the first to rush to the front and shouted:

""Don't make any moves, I'll show you how to catch Kemi in zero frame!"

The next second, the group of humanoid creatures raised their staffs and rushed towards him!

Jiutang Linyin's eyes froze in vain, and he exclaimed in surprise,

"Ichinose! Those are not Kami!!! They are going to attack you!!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone realized that something was wrong, because these humanoid creatures did not have the aura of Kami at all, and there were too many of them! Basically, all of them looked exactly the same!

Even the largest number of ant legions among Kami did not have so many!

"Could it be Malgan?!!"

Ichinose Tarotaro's face suddenly changed.

He took out his driver and was about to transform and fight, but suddenly, a gust of wind blew from the side.

A man suddenly broke into the villa and kicked the three humanoid creatures away.

Then he stood in front of Ichinose Tarotaro and others and said coldly:

"They are not Malgan, they are evil demons."

Just when everyone was wondering who this stranger was, two figures, a man and a woman, rushed in from outside.

It is worth noting that they all had black drivers on their waists, and they knew a lot about these creatures called evil demons.

However, what shocked Ichinose Tarotaro and the others the most was that these three people actually took out props similar to buckles, and after inserting the props into the side of the driver, they turned into Kamen Riders at the same time!


【Set! Ninjia! Zombie! Beat! 】(Ninja, zombie, beat)

【Ready Fight! 】

As the mechanical sound effect fell, the three people completed their transformation, and then rushed towards the evil demons and soldiers without hesitation!


"They all transformed?!!"

Not only was Baotaro dumbfounded, even Jiudou Rinyin and the others were also very surprised.

Could it be that they were all...

Before they could guess, a voice sounded in their ears.

".~ Of course, they are all Kamen Riders after all."

"??? Who is it?!"

Baotaro, in a daze, looked up at the fence of the second floor of the villa, and saw a man wearing a windbreaker and a middle-parted hairdo who appeared there at some point.

"Do you know them?"

"Yes, they are my companions."

The man introduced them one by one with a mysterious smile on his face:

"The ninja-style one is called Sakurai Keikazu, also Kamen Rider Tycoon; the purple cow is Azuma Michinaga, also Kamen Rider Buffa; and the cat, you should be familiar with it, she used to be a very famous internet celebrity, Kurama Neon, also Kamen Rider Na-Go."

Hearing this,

Ichinose Takarō nodded, and then asked in confusion:

"What about you? Who are you?"

The man stood up on the fence, made a fox shape with his fingers, and said with a smile:

"Ukiyo Hidetoshi, you can also call me Kamen Rider Geats...If I say this, will you believe it?"

After the words fell,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi fell straight from the sky, and then very elegantly inserted the upgraded buckle into the driver on his waist in the air.

At the moment of landing, he perfectly transformed into Kamen Rider Geats, Magnum Thruster Form

"oh!���"I've seen you before!"

When Ichinose Tatarō saw the transformed Ukiyo Hidetoshi, he finally realized that he had helped Ukiyo Hidetoshi once when he first got the Gotchard actuator. The two people who had not been in contact before met again by such a coincidence this time, which made Tatarō excited!

He turned around and looked at Black Steel Spana,

"In that case, let's go together!"

Heigang glanced at him and snorted in a very cold tone:

"A layman alchemist, don't tell me what to do."

Although he refused, his hands were very honest. He even took out the Crazy Wheel Card and inserted it into the Wrench Sword before Baotaro put on the Gotchard actuator!

"Iron steel!"


【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

【MadWhee1! Gokin! Valvarush Tuneup! MadWhee1! 】

When the exciting mechanical sound effects fell, it was not only a sign that Baotari and Heigang had completed their transformation, but also a symbol of the official start of the melee!

However, Ukiyo Hidetoshi was obviously not having a lot of fun, because he had just lost the power of creation not long ago, and could only fight in this basic form. He had to wait at least half a day before he could use the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle.

In addition, he vaguely felt that the appearance of this group of evil demons was not a coincidence, and it seemed that someone was deliberately guiding him here.

Let's wait until the current trouble is solved and the mastermind behind the scenes is transferred out before talking about it.

It was easy for the six Kamen Riders to deal with a group of miscellaneous soldiers.

After finally coming to the rooftop of the villa and killing the last few evil demons, the six people finally gathered together and had the opportunity to communicate and chat.

Ichinose Tatarō rubbed his hands excitedly.

After all, it was the first time for him to see so many Kamen Riders at the same time.

And they didn't seem to have any violent tendencies, unlike senior DarkDecade, who would beat him up right away.

Lin Feng: Tatarō, wait for me. I'm on my way. (Doge)

"Ahem, hello everyone, my name is Ichinose Tarotaro, and I am also Kamen Rider Gotchard!"

Hearing this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi asked with some confusion,

"Everyone present here should be Kamen Riders, right?"


Black Steel Spana immediately had several question marks on his forehead, was this intentional?!

"This joke is not funny."

Although he was helpless and angry,

Heigang had no reason to refute, so he could only change the subject:

"Look at your feet, these monsters called evil demons seem to be made by alchemy."

Hearing this, everyone looked down and saw that the evil demons had indeed turned into alchemy particles and dissipated!

At this time, a violent vibration came, and five huge monsters appeared!......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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