League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 891: Dark, please close your eyes

However, everyone has a smirk attitude, a person who ranks a million in the ranks to create a battle group, who will join

Even if it was once notified by the Holy Forest world, it is nothing. Bayi ★ Chinese network W√wくW ★. ★81z★W√. √CoM

The so-called clear **** is already out of breath.

The rest of the big forces are not taken seriously, and the so-called 15oo reputation is just a kind of violence.

At this time, in the star field of Soraka, Ye Chechang took a sigh of relief, and then faintly said: "The 80th, open"

"If you open successfully, please choose your location hero for your teammates."

Listening to the prompt tone, Ye Che's eyes, the first time flashed a touch of fine light, the 80th, the lowest opposite, are drilling iii, drilling ii, so he has not wanted to rely on personal strength to win.

But, intend to win with a routine

"On the single Panson in the single stray adc female gun assistant, Twilight goddess"

With the sound of Ye Che, one by one, fell into the spring.

Pansen, the king of war with wild and bronze skin, the wandering Ritz, the snowy white, the chest and the half, the bounty hunter with the domineering double gun, and the goddess of dawn, wearing a golden armor

as well as

"Is dark coming scared?"

A hoarse and full of erratic magnetic sound, slowly sounding from the spring water.

Then a figure wrapped in black light appeared.

He had no feet, and the whole man stood up in vain, only the claws of his hands, flashing cold.

The whole person looks like a demon who appears in a dream. He is an eternal nightmare.

"In this game, you play the same mode, when you start playing, listen to me."

Ye Che said in a faint channel on the friendly channel.

Although these four friendly forces are projections, the strength is only the peak of Platinum, but there is an advantage, that is, listening to the command.

This point should actually be set up in order to test the strength of the challenger.

Because of this, Ye Che can only win in a row.

The four friendly forces did not answer, and they all had a tacit understanding of buying equipment, but Ye Che knew that they had already listened to their own words.

Ye Che controls the nightmare, and after buying a wild knife and a reusing type of potion, he goes to the wild area.

At the beginning of this game, Ye Che first set a small goal, that is, to reach level 6 first.

Soon, with the sending of troops, the heroes of both sides were each on the line.

Ye Che is on the road, Pan Sen, with the potion out, the enemy is the knife sister, but also the same equipment.

The middle road is wandering against the lines, while the next road is the dawn and the female gun, the fan mother opposite the line, and De Lavin.

Playing wild, opposite is a very strong hero, the emperor

However, Ye Che does not care so much, does not invade, does not take the initiative to catch people online, just brush the wild.

Soon, in the wretchedness of the three roads on the side of Ye Che, the opposite economy began to lead.

And even if it is wretched, after all, the strength gap is here, less than six minutes, Ye Che's side of Pansen, and wandering, have each handed over a head.

However, because Ye Che has always appeared on the line from time to time, the loss is not too big.

Soon, several important positions on both sides reached level 6

They are in the order of the single and the wild

The nightmare is very fast, mainly passive. Every time, you can attack the split group and have extra damage.

So soon after the middle road reached level 6, Ye Che’s nightmare had reached level 6.

"Pan Sen, wandering, coming down the road, killing, taking the dragon"

Ye Che's tone is plain and full of a natural meaning.

This time, they listened to the advantages of the command and showed it again. I saw that the two soldiers did not make up. They immediately retreated and started to return to the city. After buying the equipment, they rushed to Ye’s nightmare.

"Follow me"


Bsp; Ye Che whispered, and then from the purple square blue buff side, with two people around the past.

Almost just after walking to the grass behind the tower of the purple side, De Lavin and the fan seem to have been alert, and immediately began to fly back.

At this time, both sides still only have five levels of detours, and there is no means to retain people in the dawn. Therefore, they can only watch De Lavin open a "blood sprint" and the fan mother's addition, farther and farther away from themselves. .


Ye Che took a breath and was now alert to retreat, but it was late.

Teenager, dark, please close your eyes

"Pan Sen, open in the field, wandering, Pansen big move open for about a second, you are bigger"

Ye Che sees De Lavin and the fan mother retreat into the defensive tower and slams into it.

There was a glimpse of Panson and the wandering eyes, and it was obviously unknown.

What is the ghost of Pansen’s original opening?

However, I didn’t think much about it. Pansen had already launched a big move in the same place.

And wandering, it also opened up its own big move, "the curve is broken over"

The wandering "folding over the curve" is equivalent to the portal. When you are at level 1, you can lead yourself and the friendly forces near the portal to carry out distances of up to 15oo.

15oo code, which is equivalent to more than double the scope of the police attack

Just before the wandering opened the big move, Ye Che's degree was faster, and the nightmare affected the whole picture, which made countless heroes stunned, and the scalp numb's big trick "had a heavy ghost" suddenly started.

Just listening to the "rumbling" sound, the purple Fang De Lai fan mother, and even the middle road and the emperor and the knife sister, are all caught in the darkness.

Visible range, low to the extreme, small soldiers, and the surrounding scenery, all removed from the eyes, this moment can only see themselves, only themselves

Nightmare big move, reduce the horizon of all enemy heroes, and remove the enemy hero's vision for 4 seconds

Yes, this duration has a full 4 seconds

And the moment when the 4 second field of view is lost, the wandering big move has already started, and his big stroke is only two seconds.


I saw the direction in which Delavin and the fan mother escaped. The ground flashed blue and then began to distort.

"Puff puff"

Ye Che's nightmare, at this time has already rushed to De Lavin, q skills nightmare path, and e-skills with fear effect, "speaking fearless", playing De Laiwen and retreating.

He and the fan mother retreat, in fact, not afraid of nightmares, but afraid of the female gun and dawn

However, they did not worry at all, because the two of them were full before they were caught, and there was still a flash on the body, and there was no fear.

Even the eyes of De Lavin and the fan mother are still surging, and they have a killing effect on the nightmare that one person dares to rush.

"When the time of loss of vision is over, cooperate with the fan mother, at least the flash of this nightmare, and the disability of him."

In the eyes of Deleven, the light flashed.

However, at this time, he suddenly felt that his body was stiff, as if he had been fixed in the same place.

In this darkness, he could not see anything, only to see that as he was stiff, and then the blood was like a flood of water, a mad drop.

"The trough, this Nima"

Although De Lavin did not speak, but in this moment's eyes, it is such a shocking color.

Then, the color of the temptation is not over yet, and the flash is too late to open. He is now lying in the same place.

What happened, what happened in the darkness?

De Lavin looked awkward.

Ps: pro-test available, nightmares open, enemies lose their horizons, wandering and then open their own transmissions, or send them with friendly forces, the enemy can't see the waves, the big transmission is so terrible, if the wandering brings some strange things in the past

Then thank you for your birthday greetings. Thank you for your continued support. I’m so grateful that I didn’t go to my birthday. I finally wrote it, and I laughed in brackets.

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