League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 892: Perfect fit

Although De Lavin couldn't see what was born, he felt that he was dying and died, but Ye Che, as well as the dawn and the gun, saw the scene just now. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

I saw both De Lavin and the fan mom who lost their sights. After retreating in a row, they have already entered the vicinity of the wandering big move.

Then, it was even more tragic and stepped directly into it.

At that time, a blue figure, with Sparta descending from the sky, came instantly.


Pan Sen's big move, almost perfect hit the fan mother and De Lavin, causing a lot of damage.

Then all the skills of the wandering started, and with the one-q skill that Pansen finally lost, he took the Levin.

"The Holy Shield Strike!"

Delevin was just dead, and Panson’s point control fell on the fan.

"Oh! Ah hahahaha!"

The female gun flashed in a flash, and then the body swayed wildly, countless angry bullets, spewing out from the muzzle, the fan mother did not even end the stunned time, then stepped on the footsteps of Delavin.

The two died, and then they were the towers, the dragons, and the several waves.

Ye Che's wild knife is not as attacking as other nightmares, but the attack power is for its 1o cooling reduction.

The nightmare is good, that is, the cooling time of the big move is very long, but if the cooling reduction equipment is used, the frequency of opening the big move is still very fast.

With just that big wave, the time has passed three minutes, and Ye Che is planning to do another wave of things. The middle road suddenly sends a signal that the wanderings are coming out at a very fast frequency.

As the interface turned, I saw that the wandering was covered by three people.

And these three are the emperor, the article, and the opposite single knife girl.

It is conceivable that they are very dissatisfied with the success of the wandering and Pansen.

The article is a big move, and the wanderings are directly transmitted to the words and cannot be successful.

"It seems that the rhythm is going to slow down a bit..."

Ye Che snorted, then sighed: "Wandering!"

Then, his big nightmare, "Ghosts and Shadows," has suddenly opened.

Then Ye Che did not need to know and knew that the wandering was absolutely dead.

Sure enough, when the wanderings opened the big move, the purple three had already been like headless flies, but only subconsciously estimated the direction of the wandering and began to approach.

However, when they lost all their horizons, the wanderings had disappeared from the original place.

Ye Che has no way. The main core of this routine is wandering. If the wandering is dead, the rhythm will be much slower, so it can only be saved by extravagance.

However, it didn't matter. When it was about 19 minutes, the nightmare's big move was good. This time, Ye Che aimed at the opposite road.

His purpose is very simple, can not let the breeding, but to force the other party to play!

"All come to the middle of the road to show your face, but don't hit it directly. When the purple hero gathers, listen to me!"

Ye Che said quickly, if this wave is successful, the purple side will have no resistance!

However, cooperation must be done well!

Soon, with the blue side dawn, the female gun, and Pan Sen appeared in the middle, the purple side was also anxious, and quickly rushed to keep the tower.

"Go back to Xiaolong!"

Ye Che said calmly, this wave, forced to let the purple side in the Xiaolong group!

Wandering and others went to Xiaolong to retreat, I am afraid that bronze and silver know that there is a small dragon.

So the purple side of the people could not help but say that the leader of the prince knife and sister, opened to the small dragon.

Near Xiaolong, I have already explained in advance the vision of Ye Chu.

Although the purple side opened the scan and began to sweep the eye slowly, but the Ye Che camp is not slowly consumed, but the kind that exists as long as it appears in the range of skill distance, it can be hard!

"Wandering preparation!"

Ye Che snorted and his eyes suddenly condensed.

His eyes, staring at it, the more and more purple people who have come back!

Suddenly, a grass eye on Ye Che’s side was about to be unplugged. At this moment, with the loud noise of “Rumble”, the sky suddenly darkened.

A **** and killing taste, swept the entire map!

The purple five people were cold, but they were not too anxious, but they were tight and waiting for the nightmare to rush in to collect the fire.

I want to spend a second... two seconds... three seconds... four...

No, the third second!

I saw the purple party five people just calmly gathered together for three seconds, a horrible shadow, has been with a fierce and turbulent wind, against the purple side of the demon, rushed over.

In the eyes of the emperor and the knife sister, they flashed their killing moments. When they wanted to give the nightmare to the second, they came behind the screams of adc De Lavin and the fans.

Not only that, the next second is the emperor and the knife sister, and their blood volume begins to go crazy.

It’s just that the effect of losing sight in this moment’s dreams disappeared. When the two men turned back, their faces were filled with horror.

I saw that the place behind them was already insane. There, there were already four heroes who were scattered and killed.

It is the wandering, the female gun, Pansen, and the Twilight goddess!

You must know that the wandering level 2 big move can be transferred to the 3ooo code!

What is the concept of 3ooo code, which is equivalent to the distance of 5 female policemen, which is equivalent to being able to pass from Xiaolong to Zhonglu!

At this time, the wave of the big move spells are covered by the nightmare, and then transmitted to the purple side, easy to add freehand.

"Ah, hahahahahaha!"

The female gun held a pair of guns, and almost all the people in the purple side, swaying blood and youth.

The wandering power of the rune is frantically surging, and the spells are like a green machine gun, roaring out.

Pan Sen's big move, playing a full 7oo magic damage, in addition to directly lost by the light, and then the fire of the second Deli Wen, almost in the center of the fan mother, but also quickly followed the foot!

And the article, after being feared by the nightmare, almost completely suffered the damage of the female gun, less than one-fifth of the blood.

Not only that, but at the moment there is the golden sword that Dawning has come to the emperor!

In the eyes of the emperor, there was a chill in the eyes, and if you didn’t want to make a flash, you would have to escape.

However, the nightmare did not care about the same knife who was flashing away, almost simultaneously flashed out, and posted on the face to leave the emperor!

There is no other reason, mainly because the emperor is playing wild!


A few bursts of flashing sounds, the surfers Pansen flashed to chase the knife sister, while the female gun and the dawn, with the nightmare began to kill the emperor!

After 1o seconds!

Ace group is off! ! !

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