League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 890: Battle group name, the main god

"Soraka's star field has turned seven passes, whether to activate the highest difficulty, nine turns"

The tone sounded cold and asked. August 1 Chinese √WW★W★. 8★1zW. CoM


Ye Chedao.

"Activation failed during activation, the challenger was detected, the battle group was not created, or the team was not joined, and the difficulty of nine turns could not be opened."

Listening to this voice, Ye Che stunned, the next second has already understood, to activate the difficulty of nine turns, you must first create a battle group.

Thinking, Ye Che did not hesitate, I plan to create a battle group first.

Looking at the golden icon next to the character bar, Ye Che directly hit it. As soon as he opened it, countless dazzling names of the battle groups appeared in front of him.

"There are more than 400,000 people who have joined the silver group, which is four times more than the number of the second-ranked group."

Ye Che was slightly surprised and glanced at the swaying sun, screaming.

However, he did not care too much, but called out to create a button and started the formation of the battle group.

"The prestige value reaches 1o, the reputation value reaches 5oo, the conditions are met, please name your battle group"

As soon as the words fall, a voice input window enters Ye Jing's eyes.

"The name is the main god."

When Ye Che spoke, there was a moment of embarrassment in his eyes. He remembered that when he first arrived in the East, he blinked for a long time.

"The main **** is currently no name, can you confirm?"


Congratulations to the success of the founding of the Lord God, the current level of the main gods, bronze, member 1, contribution value o, please complete the mission as soon as possible, get the contribution value upgrade level

叮I would like to ask whether to open the automatic collection of the team, after opening, the applicant does not need to review, you can join directly.

This point Ye Che thought about it, and did not open it. After all, there is at least 2o field to play. If there is no need to review it, it will be very messy, so Ye Che banned it.

叮主神教 has not yet entered the battle group hall. Is it open? After opening, the main gods will appear on the battle group hall, which can be viewed by the entire holy forest world. The intelligent income system can be opened, and the 15oo reputation value is required to be opened.

"The Order of the Warfare"

Ye Che brow slightly wrinkled, but only hesitated for less than 1 second, Ye Che chose to open, after all, want to be the first battle group, that kind of face-like things, you can not do less.

However, he did not know, because he wanted to make the battle group enter the theater hall, he had to pay 15oo reputation. Therefore, there is no name of any battle group in the entire theater.

That is to say, with Ye Che opening the battle hall, only the main **** teaches a war group, such as loneliness like snow, standing on it.

Ye Che did not notice this. After the battle group was established, Ye Che started his 71st game.

Wang Ming is the person of the Supreme Court, but he always feels that he has a feeling of dying. He kills the devil in the front line and earns the merits. He buys resources and kills the devil. Then he eats and excretes, excretes the meal, then wakes up and kills the devil. Combat.

After so many years, he never knows what his meaning is.

Every day, it is a big fight with a group of diamond goalkeepers. After all, his talent is only the case. Wang Ming is bent on doing a big job, but in so many rolling geniuses, it is as small as dust.

This time I came to the holy forest world, he was just holding a mixed mind.

After all, he is a diamond in a district, among hundreds of millions of people,

Nothing is wrong.

But after he came, he is now, the world is actually quite fair. No matter how high the weight you used to be, how enchanting the talent is, coming here is the same starting point, only the o level.

This now makes his heart completely hot.

He knows that his chances are coming. Just spell a little, put a little more, and step into the ranks, you can enter those big forces and be human.

Finally, after so many days of desperate struggle, plus a little good luck, let him grab a small commander, so Wang Ming has reached the level of 39 experience, in the ranks, entered the top million

At this time, his gaze was being shot on all the battle groups.

Especially in the current ranking of the first chaotic Yang Yaotian, and the second time in the magic light battle group.

He really wants to join these two, but he is afraid of not being reused, so hesitated for a long time.

At this moment, Wang Ming suddenly flashed a trace of strange, because he is now, next to the battle group leaderboard, the original gray battle group hall, suddenly lit up.

"No, who is such a local tyrant, activates the battle group hall"

Wang Ming was shocked and said to himself.

He also wanted to open the theater hall to see what it was, but now he needs the 15oo reputation of the head of the regiment to activate.

15oo reputation, Wang Ming can't think

"It won't be activated by the Chaoyang Yaotian Battle Group. Nima 15oo reputation can change how much advanced equipment, but for a reputation, spending 15oo reputation, it really is the first battle group."

Wang Mingxi has a voice, but a little open, a very strange name of the battle group, lonely in his eyes.

"What is this ghost of the Lord God?"

Wang Ming is amazed.

If this main **** appears in other places, he promises that he will never take a look.

Because the above shows, the number of battle groups is only 1

Like this kind of unsatisfactory, no-grade spicy chicken battle group, whoever joins in, who is an idiot.

But now this number is only one "spicy chicken" battle group, but the local tyrants appear in the battle group hall.

Need 15oo reputation to be able to board the battle hall

Who is this, with a reputation of 15oo, even if it is chaotic, this stage is not likely to have it.

Wang Ming knows that his curiosity has been completely hooked up.

So, he did not hesitate to open the information of the battle group of the Lord God.

The information of the main gods' battle group is very simple, the level of bronze, the number of 1.

But when the name of the founder fell into his eyes, Wang Ming couldn’t help but burst into a thick mouth.

In his eyes, he was shocked.

This scene, not only this Wang Ming staged here.

As the theater is activated, more and more people know this information.

Clear God, five or six days ago, the entire Holy Forest world is unknown.

Although there has been no movement in these days, the ranking has dropped to a million, just like the past, but the God of God is the person who has been notified several times by the Holy Forest world.

In just a few days, they still can't forget.

Originally, everyone thought that the **** of the gods might be dead, and then perhaps it was a sudden failure to meet something, and was eliminated. He did not expect that he also created a battle group.

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