"By the way, the White Queen and you belong to the same era, and the spirit disc is much younger than you. Your era should be around 1962, right? When the spirit disc was summoned by me, it was around 1983, according to your timeline According to calculations, the spirit disc should have been born not long ago. As for Polaris, although she is also a mutant and is more or less related to you, her time line is further back, and her relationship with you belongs to a parallel universe, not a universe. "

"And here, it's 2010!"

After Su Yue finished speaking, he directly used the recall function to summon the spirit disc in front of him.

The Spirit Disc was summoned at the same time as the Invisible Woman Susan. At that time, Pepper Potts needed manpower, so they were used as assistants after being summoned.

Both Spirit Disc and Invisible Woman have been with Pepper Potts, and they have also been on their own in the world of black robe pickets. Now Susan is about to return in the world of the Fantastic Four, while Spirit Disc is with Pepper Potts. Handle the affairs of Dimension Street.


Ling Die first said hello to Su Yue, nodded and said hello to Jessica Jones, and then looked at Mystique Ruiwen.


At a glance, the spirit disc recognized the identity of the Mystical Girl Ruiwen.

After all, her characteristics are too obvious and too unique, and in her time, Mystique Ruiwen was the hero of many mutants, and it was difficult for the spirit disc to not know her.

"Master, you summoned Mystique? This is the first time I've seen a real person." The spirit disc was a little excited.

"You, know me?" Rui Wen asked blankly.

Ling Die nodded and said, "Of course, in my time, many mutants knew you."

"There are many mutants?"

"a lot of!"

"Ling Die, take Rui Wen around, tell her about the situation here, and answer her doubts." Su Yue ordered.

"it is good."

Ling Die nodded happily and greeted Rui Wen to leave the inn. "By the way, Master, Joey Meacham from the Rand Group is here. When I was called, I happened to see her coming this way. I don't know if it's looking for Pepper Potts or you."

"I know."

Su Yue nodded, she came just in time, so she didn't have to go to find her by herself.

Ling Die took Rui Wen out of the inn, and Jessica Jones went back to the bar to continue to work, uh... She said she was going to work, but in fact she had nothing to do at all. With the development and growth of Dimension Street, there were very few Tourists will stay in the inn, after all, this is the residence of the dimensional lord. And there's a new hotel opening in the outer residential expansion, and Jessica Jones hasn't had a guest in a while.

Su Yue waited for a while in the lounge area in the lobby, and after about five or six minutes, he saw the tall figure of Joey Mitcham walking in.

Today, Joey Meacham is wearing very casual, a very wide red straight trousers, at least five or six centimeters of high heels, a yellow T-shirt tucked into the trousers, and a long plaid coat on the outside. The matching is very temperamental, which makes her originally tall figure even more outstanding, especially her long legs, which visually look longer.

"Hey, you're finally back, it's not easy to see you." Joey Meacham sat down opposite Su Yue and complained with a smile.

Su Yue looked at her and reminded, "There's something on your face."

"Something?" Joey Meacham was stunned, hurriedly touched his face, and took out a vanity mirror from his bag to take a picture. "No, I have nothing on my face?"

"Yes." Su Yue affirmed.

"have what?"

"It's kind of pretty!"


The sudden scratches flashed Joey's waist.

She didn't expect that the lord of Dimension Street would come up with this kind of scratching words in a serious manner.

Something on your face?

have what?

Kind of beautiful!

As one of the leaders of the Rand Group, Joey Meacham listened to praise a lot. If someone praised her with such scratching words, instead of being happy, she would think that the other party was too immature and self-righteous. Humor, instead of adding points, will greatly reduce points.

But the person who said this was Su Yue, so naturally it was another matter.

Since he knew Su Yue, his attitude has been very normal, or very upright, and it is a business transaction, but now, Joy Meacham suddenly feels as if an invisible barrier has disappeared, and from the bottom of his heart, he feels two things. Getting along with people is not just about business or transactions, but to become closer friends?

Even if it is not now, it means that it is possible.

"Even if you praise me for being beautiful, it can't offset the fact that you put my pigeons. I gave you what you asked for a long time ago, and what I asked for... When did you give it?" Joy Meacham retracted the mirror and smiled. asked Su Yue.


Su Yue leaned back slightly on the sofa and said with a smile, "If you don't come to me today, I will find you too. I was busy a while ago, so I can't take care of your business. Now that I'm done, I naturally have to do it. My promise to you, after all, your requirements for me have not been compromised, which I am still very satisfied with."

"What are you going to do?" Joy Meacham was shocked.

"It's easy to save your father, and it's not difficult to kill Mrs. Gao, but the hands behind Mrs. Gao's back are not easy to deal with. Of course, when I say it's not easy to deal with, I mean that they are like flies, and they will come out at some point. It doesn't bite people, but it's disgusting. So I'm going to solve the hand union once and for all, so that you and your father have no worries, and I don't have to face annoying flies!"

Chapter 0355 Rainbow Bridge Appears: Sif and Asgard Three Warriors


A deafening loud noise suddenly sounded outside, and Joey Meacham, who originally wanted to ask Su Yue what he was going to do, was startled, got up quickly and looked outside the inn, and asked with subconscious concern: "This voice... ...isn't something wrong?"

"Someone's here." Su Yue got up indifferently and replied, and walked out of the inn.

somebody is coming?

Who can cause such a big commotion?

Is he here to make trouble, or... is he an enemy?

Joy Meacham followed in amazement.

The sudden loud noise shocked many people in Dimension Street, but the guards who maintained the law and order showed no signs of panic, and their calm and calm appearance gradually calmed down many people.

where is this place?

Dimension Street!

Even if the sky falls, the guards and heroes of Dimension Street will solve it. As long as they are still there, as long as they are not panicking, then there is no need to worry about them.

"This sound, this feeling... It seems a little familiar. I remember that I experienced it once when I was in Dimension Street. At that time, a beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then there was a place near Dimension Street that was burned. There are traces of her, and a woman fell from the sky. Well, yes, if I remember correctly, that woman was like that when she left, banging all of a sudden, and then disappearing."

"I seem to have seen the light beam you mentioned. It is in the direction of the residential area on the periphery of Dimension Street. It should not be in the residential area. Could it be that someone has fallen from the sky again?"

"It's possible, maybe it's the same woman last time."

"Go and see?"

"Let's go, go and have a look."

After the panic, there was excitement, and many people rushed to the direction where the beam fell.

Anyway, it won't be dangerous in Dimension Street. It's not good to be a melon eater and watch gossip, at least when you go back and talk to your friends, you can have bragging rights.

Outside the residential area on the outskirts of Dimension Street, countless melon eaters gathered in twos and threes to watch the hot place not far away, and there was a lot of discussion. The iconic totem of the Rainbow Bridge was imprinted on the flat ground, and the four people looked around with a dazed expression.

These four people, three men and one woman, wore medieval-like armor and held strange cold weapons.

"This is the Earth? It doesn't seem to be anything special."

"What are they talking about, it sounds like they're not afraid of us at all."

"Why do I feel that people on Earth are so weak?"

Three men, every word you say to me makes everything feel novel. These three men are Vorstage, Hogan, and Fandral of the three warriors of Asgard. As Sol's good friends and followers, they are either potbellied or unshaven, and their own strengths are quite good. Sol has made a lot of military exploits in the north and south of the nine kingdoms.

Unfortunately, it's only good strength.

After Hela, the goddess of death, returned to Asgard, the three of them took the box lunch and went offline. Let alone defeating Hela to protect Asgard, they couldn't even cause trouble to Hela. The cool one is called one. quick.

"This is Dimension Street, of course they won't be afraid of us." Sif reminded vaguely.

The three of them don't know where Dimension Street is, but Sif does. Not to mention the lord of Dimension Street, even the last time Kara and several others were top-notch powerhouses. If they angered the other party, Sif felt that the guy might not even give his own face. After all...he's a guy who doesn't even care about Father Odin.

"Heimdall sent us here, which means that Thor's hammer should be in Dimension Street, and if you find Thor's hammer, you can find Thor. Besides... don't forget what Heimdall said before leaving, Loki is in Dimension Street. We're shriveled, and our purpose this time is not only to find Sol, but also to get the help of Dimension Street."

As soon as Sif finished speaking, she saw Su Yue walking towards him in the crowd, and the blond beauty following Su Yue.

"This guy, he is always surrounded by different women." Sif muttered to herself, but she didn't realize it, her tone was a little sour.

Although what happened to her last time with Su Yue was an accident after drinking, and although Sif knew that the two had no relationship at all, she was able to control her emotions very well in normal times, and even almost forgot about it. Yes, but now seeing Su Yue, that incident, the emotions that made her uncontrollable came up again.

"Are they..." Joey Meacham asked Su Yue in surprise as he looked at the four people in fancy clothes.

They were all dressed so strangely. The place where they stood was still steaming, and they seemed to have some kind of pattern. Who are these guys? The sound just now was brought by them?

"Asgardians are also the Nordic gods in public perception." Su Yue introduced casually. "The very brave woman in armor is called Sif, the goddess of land and harvest in Norse mythology. The other three men are the three warriors of Asgard, Thor's friends and good friends."

"Nordic... Nordic gods?"


Joey Mitcham has never heard of the three warriors of Asgard, but she knows Sif, Thor's wife. As for Thor, it is even more powerful. Basically, anyone who knows something about Norse mythology knows who Thor is.

If they are really gods in Norse mythology, doesn't that mean that there are really gods in this world? Joey Meacham couldn't believe it instinctively, but... Su Yue's words should be true, right?

What he just said about the Asgardians, so... maybe they are really gods in Norse mythology, but their existence or identity must have an explanation that they don't know.

"Long time no see, Sif." Su Yue greeted Sif with a smile while looking at Sif who was walking towards him.

Sif looked at Su Yue with a complicated expression. For a moment, she really didn't know what to face. Last time, Sif wanted Su Yue to apologize, but was fooled by Su Yue with 'prediction', and everything that happened now proves how correct his 'prediction' was.

But Sif is Sif after all, after all, she is the strongest female warrior in Asgard. She quickly adjusted her mind and nodded and said hello to Su Yue, and then introduced the three warriors of Asgard around her.

Chapter 0356 Sif...Su Yue...There's a story in here!

After introducing the three warriors of Asgard, Sif introduced Su Yue's identity to them, and then inadvertently asked: "Are Kara and the White Queen not here? Is this your new guard? She can replace Kara and the others as your guards. , The strength should be very strong, right? Or... very pleasing to you?"

very sour!

Also a woman, Joey Meacham could naturally hear the jealousy in Sif's tone. This made her find it interesting. Sif is the goddess in Norse mythology. Why is she so bitter towards the women around Su Yue as soon as they meet?

There is a story here!

There is gossip here!

Sif...Su Yue...they have a leg?

Tsk tsk, doesn't the Norse mythology say that Sif is the wife of Thor, the **** of thunder? Now he has a story with Su Yue, so... Su Yue is so courageous? How dare you hook up with Thor's wife?

"I have a lot of guards, and you only know some of them." Su Yue replied noncommittally.

Sif said lightly: "I understand, you are the Lord of the Dimension Street who doesn't even care about Father Odin, and one of the strongest people on earth. If you want to protect you, naturally many people are willing."

"I came here for two purposes, you, some of the things you predicted before have come true. Father Odin is asleep, Thor is exiled, Loki has taken control of Asgard and became the new king. Thor Hammer, it should be with you, right? I want you to show us Mjolnir and find Thor. And... help us deal with Loki."


Su Yue smiled. "As long as you can give me a reason to help you."

Sif frowned and reminded: "You haven't apologized to me for what happened last time. Is this reason enough?"

Su Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at Sif playfully: "Are you sure you want to use this kind of thing as a reason to trade with me? You should know what kind of person I am, some things are very important if you keep them in mind, but Once it is used as a bargaining chip, it loses a good possibility, a higher value."

"If I say that Loki will definitely trouble you, as long as you are willing to help Thor and help us defeat Loki, you can get our friendship, Asgard's friendship, is this reason... enough?" Sif was silent. After a while, he asked.

"Not enough!"

Su Yue simply shook his head, Loki was looking for trouble? Hehe, although Loki is cunning, Su Yue really didn't take Loki seriously. Loki's cleverness and cunning are useless in the face of absolute strength. In the face of Thanos, even if he is scheming, he will still be strangled to death, right?

As for the friendship between Thor and Asgard?

Let's talk about Sol first, this guy was an arrogant and annoying reckless man in the early stage, he became a funny guy in the middle stage, and he became a fat house in the later stage. Is his friendship a hammer?

Well, it's not as useful as his hammer.

Speaking of Asgard, Asgard was destroyed in Ragnarok after Hela appeared. Although they kept saying that Asgard was not a place but a people, the rest of Asgard was crooked. Dates are not attractive.

Want manpower?

Can't you summon yourself from the endless dimensional universe?

Is the person summoned not beautiful? Or not strong enough?

Since he can summon the people he wants and is satisfied but cannot betray him, why should he care about Asgard's friendship? My own person, isn't he fragrant?

"Since it's not enough, what else is there to say?" Sif didn't expect Su Yue to deny it so straightforwardly, which made her feel aggrieved, or even humiliated.

Since you can predict the future, how can you not know what conditions we can come up with now? You're just trying to humiliate me, you're just trying to tell me that no matter what you do, you won't apologize, and I have to beg you in the end anyway.

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