Susan had to deal with a lot of things, and she couldn't finish it in one day, so Su Yue came back first, and when Susan finished her work, she came back with the time-space teleporter.

As for Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, and the fact that the energy that has been sucked is no longer the Stone Man's book, the aerospace program is handed over to them, and they don't need to go to Dimension Street anymore.

When Su Yue came back, Caitlin was already awake. When she saw that she had packed up her suitcases, Su Yue didn't say anything or hold back. She just told Caitlin that she would visit her when she was free. You can also come by yourself.

Anyway, there is a teleporter, and it will arrive in the blink of an eye, faster than an elevator.

Caitlin is gone, and the Green Arrow universe has come to an end. It will take time for the Fantastic Four's aerospace program to take effect. Susan will be back in a few days. It seems that there is nothing urgent to deal with for the time being. .

First let Jesse have the speed force to become Jesse Quick, then meet Joey Meacham of Rand Group, help her father regain his freedom and solve Mrs. Gao, after all, they paid the price and handed over the aerospace project Come out, the benefits have been received, and the things that need to be done naturally have to be done.

At present, these two things need to be done, and it won't take long.

Su Yue planned to make Jesse a Jesse Quick customer first, and then just let her practice Mrs. Gao to improve her ability to improve. Although they are all speeders, Jesse Quickie's speed and ability are obviously inferior.

But, even so, the speeders of the speed force are mixed enough in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After all, whether it is the Quicksilver of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the Quicksilver of the X-Men series, no matter what their expressiveness is, only from the setting In terms of data speed, it is definitely not as fast as Jesse.

So, Su Yue was going to let Jesse join the Fengshen team and form a team with Queen White and Ao Bing.

Turning around, Su Yue was about to leave the attic to find Jesse.

However, just as he turned around, his movements suddenly stopped.

Su Yue turned his head to look at Thor's Hammer eating ashes in the corner, and smiled at the empty corner with the corner of his mouth slightly raised. "You're very brave, you dare to sneak into the Dimension Street, and you want to steal my things. The taste of convulsions... is it not good? The second prince of Asgard, the descendant of the frost giant, Loki!"

The space where the eyes can reach is slightly distorted, and a slightly illusory figure knelt down on one knee in embarrassment and slowly got up. With an evil face, angry eyes, and a gorgeous Asgard dress, he is Thor's younger brother, the most charming villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the reindeer... No, it's the evil **** Loki!

"Thor's Hammer doesn't belong to you!" Loki glared at Su Yue.

"Really? It belongs to me when it's with me." Su Yue remembered that in the movie, when Sol was demoted to the world, Loki secretly tried to lift Thor's hammer, but he didn't expect Thor's hammer to be in the dimension now. In the street, Loki even dared to come.

Judging from the results, he should be like the TV series, unable to hold Thor's hammer at all.

Chapter 0352 Rocky debut: I, Rocky, will definitely become your nightmare!

"A ignorant mortal, just because you want to get your hands on Thor's Hammer? You are beyond your own power! You said it belongs to you here, can you take it? You call it, will it agree?" Loki sneered disdainfully.

He knew Su Yue and Dimension Street. The last time Sif came to Dimension Street to deal with Su Yue, it seemed a little unpleasant, and then he also confirmed that Su Yue was indeed different from other people on earth, and his strength was even more extraordinary. Even the old man admired Su Yue on Dimension Street, and even threw Thor's hammer here.

But, so what?

Earthlings are Earthlings, how strong can they be?

Loki has this confidence to let Su Yue know how strong the new king of Asgard is.

Poor Loki, he does know some things about Dimension Street and Suyue, but he knows too much. Sif and Su Yue are unhappy? Well, it was a little unpleasant, but that was because the two of them were drinking and driving.

As for the old man, that is, Odin's admiration? Hehe, what Loki knew was only superficial, and he had no idea what level of Su Yue's strength was in Odin's heart.

After all, the arrogant Loki doesn't even know the situation of Kama Taj, and it is normal to judge Su Yue's strength self-righteously.

The only thing that surprised Loki was the sudden twitch when he went to get Thor's Hammer. He didn't have the slightest defense or resistance, and he almost didn't cry out.

So far, Loki has not figured out how this twitching feeling came from. Nine times out of ten, it must be Su Yue's ghost. Although there was no sign and there was no way to resist, Loki did not panic. He is the king of Asgard, and he doesn't need to take action against an earthling. It is enough to let the Destroyer take action.

Uh, a very shameless idea.

The Destroyer is Asgard's most powerful weapon, it can be controlled remotely, and convulsions are ineffective at all.


Loki thought sharply for a long time, but in fact it didn't take long. Su Yue responded, and Rocky sneered.

"Can you? Okay, come and hold it up, you call him."

"Okay, then I'll let you open your eyes, lest you just sit and watch the sky and really think you're a person." Su Yue said to Loki, no, he should be raising his arm to the Thor's Hammer beside Loki, Zhang Zhang Open hands.

Loki couldn't help sneering when he saw this familiar start-up style. He was too familiar with this movement. It was like this when Thor used Thor's Hammer. But, do you think you are Thor? Even so, Sol is not qualified to pick up Thor's...

"This is impossible!"

Thor's Hammer, move!

Loki stared at the floating Thor's Hammer in disbelief, and rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

Thor's Hammer really moved.

Really moved because of Su Yue's call.

how can that be?

How could a mere earth person get the approval of Thor's Hammer, how could he pick up Thor's Hammer? Impossible, this is impossible, why? Why can I, the prince of Asgard, no, the king can't hold Thor's hammer, but he can?


The Thor's Hammer flew into Su Yue's hand with a swish sound, and in an instant, the electric light shone, and the divine power was reckless.

Although he didn't directly change his clothes and put on Thor's suit like Thor, it is clear that the power of Thor's Hammer has been completely released and can be used by Su Yue.

"It feels like it's nothing!"

Su Yue looked at Thor's Hammer and said something unsatisfactory. Before, he could lift Thor's Hammer but couldn't use it, but just now he used transcendence energy to modify the setting, Thor's Hammer admitted him, and naturally he could let him driven.

However, Su Yue was not so satisfied with Thor's Hammer.

Yes, Thor's Hammer is indeed a marvelous artifact in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but to be honest, it's only half as big as your own Flaming Gun, maybe even slightly inferior, at least the Flaming Gun will definitely not be crushed by Hela.

Thor's hammer is thunder, and the fiery spear is fire.

One is forged with special Western forging skills, and the other is an artifact fairy treasure in Eastern mythology.

Are they basically the same except that the Flare Spear can't add a flying effect like Thor's Hammer?


With a wave of Su Yue's hand, Thor's Hammer instantly flew towards Loki.

At that moment, Loki thought of the fear of being dominated by Thor.


Thor's hammer smashed directly on Loki's body. Loki involuntarily slammed into the wall, holding the Thor's hammer with a painful expression and wanted to move it away, but unfortunately... Thor's hammer is really not something that everyone can take. At least Loki couldn't hold it.

Seeing that Loki's face was getting more and more red, Su Yue stretched out his hand again.



Thor's Hammer obediently flew back to Su Yue's hands.

Loki gasped heavily and looked at Su Yue with a complicated expression.

"The Thor's Hammer, I picked it up. I called it, and it agreed." Su Yue watched as Loki threw the Thor's Hammer to its original position. That gesture was like throwing an ordinary thing. .

"For you, Thor's Hammer may be very important and powerful. But for me, it's just a tool to pretend in front of you and teach you this frog at the bottom of the well. You can throw it away when you're done."

Loki ignored Su Yue, turned around and tried again with the Thor's Hammer in both hands, but the well-behaved Thor's Hammer in Su Yue's hand just now became very cold and completely unmoved.

"good very good!"

"Wait, this is not over! As the king of Asgard, the king of the Nine Realms, I, Loki, will definitely become your nightmare!" Loki said viciously to Su Yue, and then his body quickly Blurred, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Su Yue could see very clearly that at the moment when Loki disappeared, a look of astonishment and pain appeared on Loki's face, and his body was shaking violently.

The convulsive punishment of God's law, this should be a good parting gift.

"Loki is here, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard will soon come on stage to find Sol, and then the Destroyer." Su Yue muttered, turned and went downstairs, wondering if he should summon something with him as he walked. Destroyer play?


The defense seems to be inferior to the Destroyer, and the Destroyer can be repaired automatically, which is a bit of a disadvantage for the Transformers, but if the Transformers after the event can absorb the material of the Destroyer, maybe it can be improved to a higher level.

Otherwise, let the Destroyer or something go first, and you don't need Transformers to come up to eat, you can call Mystique back first. Make Mystique look like Odin, tsk tsk tsk... Loki must kneel, right?

Although Loki is also good at illusion and cunning, the change in Mystique is a real change, not illusion. All of a sudden, Loki must be stunned!

Chapter 0353 Mystical Girl Ruiwen

Su Yue originally intended to summon Mystique, but now that the idea of ​​making Mystique look like Odin makes Loki kneel and call Dad, the thought is even more uncontrollable.

Opening the system panel, Su Yue glanced at the data of the dimensional summoned creatures and frowned slightly. The level of Dimension Street determines the upper limit of summoned dimensional creatures and creatures in Dimension Street. The former determines how many dimensional creatures can be summoned, and the latter determines the number of dimensional points added per day.

Before summoning a lot of people from the Green Arrow universe, now there is only one place for the summoned creature in the dimension, which is just used to summon Mystique. As for the next time you want to summon dimensional creatures, according to the original method, you can only wait for the level of Dimension Street to increase.

But there are too many dimensional points needed to upgrade. Fifty million dimensional points can only be upgraded, but at present there are only one million. The upgrade... is far away.

Can Su Yue, who has figured out his identity, still need to follow the steps as before? The Dimension Street system itself is his power. Since he has recovered some of the transcender's abilities and can modify the settings, the settings of the Dimension Street system can naturally be modified.

For example, precision summoning, such as precision lottery, or setting ten times the dimension point volume, then... modify the settings and get some coupons to increase the upper limit of dimensional summoned creatures or upgrade coupons to increase the level of dimensional street. what a difficult thing.

Su Yue now understands why the Dimension Street system needs people or creatures to stay in the street, and also understands why this can increase the dimension point, because the Dimension Street is beyond the realm, and anyone who appears in this realm will be silent. They are absorbed by a certain special energy. The absorbed energy is harmless to them, but it can enhance the transcendence domain and their transcendence energy.

To put it simply, the transcendence energy of oneself as a transcender has been sealed or used up. Only by operating the Dimension Street, which is the transcendence field that is closely related to oneself, and making it prosperous and lively, can it absorb the energy of more people. , and these energies can be used as unsealed or supplemented transcendental energy, allowing oneself to gradually return to the level of the original transcendence.


"Successful summoning."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "X-Men: First Class": Mystique Ruiwen."

Su Yue, who came out of the attic, just walked down the stairs and came to the lobby of the inn, when the Mystical Girl Ruiwen was already summoned in front of her.

"This... what place is this place?" Mystical woman Rui Wen was stunned. She subconsciously grabbed the towel on her body and covered herself tightly. Her appearance like the girl next door also changed in an instant, and her whole body seemed to be a Like the rolling scales, it instantly turned dark blue, and the color of the hair was even redder like flames.


A voice of surprise sounded from the side, and Jessica Jones came out of the bar, looking at the Mystique Raven, who had changed a lot in surprise. Speaking of which, there are too many strange people in Dimension Street, such as Ao Bing with dragon horns, Bumblebee with special life form, and Mineva, who is quite similar to the woman in front of her, so although Jessica Jones is Surprised, but not as frightened as ordinary people.

Jessica Jones was surprised but not frightened. Su Yue's calmness and calmness. Mystique Ruiwen was a little surprised by the reaction of the two. She knew her own particularity and also knew what the consequences would be if she was found out. She was just a subconscious reaction after being panicked, but the reaction of these two people... was a little abnormal.

As if... as if they knew what they were!

"What kind of ability does she have?" Jessica Jones asked curiously while standing beside Su Yue.

Su Yue said: "She is a mutant like Polaris, White Queen, and Spirit Disk. She is code-named Mystique. She has the ability to change into anyone's appearance and slow down aging."

"She can change her own cell and tissue structure at will, after the change, the iris, fingerprints, skin texture, voice, and even gender can be exactly the same; she can also change clothes, imitating the style and texture of any clothes, in short, she can change To be replaced by any one person, you can wear any style of clothes every day.”

"Ruiwen, become like her."

Su Yue casually gave an order to Rui Wen, who was bewildered.

The confused Rui Wen looked at Jessica Jones, and subconsciously changed into her appearance.

"God, god, it's really turned into me." Jessica Jones couldn't help but marvel when she looked at herself exactly the same. This feeling was like looking in a mirror, her appearance, height, clothes, and even some places The little details are perfect...

"No, no, who are you, what is this place, and why am I here?" Ruiwen suddenly reacted, and hurriedly distanced herself from them and asked loudly and vigilantly.

"My name is Su Yue. You can call me Lord Lord, or you can call me Lord directly. This is Dimension Street, a transcendental realm that can connect to the endless universe. I summoned you from the original universe to come here."

Su Yue's mouth didn't move, but the voice rang in Rui Wen's mind.

Ruiwen turned pale in shock. The reason for her surprise was not the Lord Lord, not the Transcendental Dimension Street that can connect the endless universe, nor was it a summons, but...

"You actually have the same psychic ability as Charles?!!!"

Charles Xavier, the future Professor X.

In the plot of the first battle, Ruiwen, who was a child, went to Charles' house to steal food when she was a child. She turned into Charles' mother, but was seen through by Charles. So far, two people with special abilities became friends.

Ruiwen and Charles can be said to be childhood sweethearts, and it can also be said that Charles regarded Ruiwen as a kindred spirit and raised him like a younger sister. Their relationship is indeed very deep, but it is not the kind of love between men and women, but the love of brother and sister.

What Charles really likes is a female CIA agent named Maura Marktag, and Ruiwen's life experience is also very complicated. Although she followed Charles at the beginning, she has always been inferior to her identity, and then they met together. Magneto Eric Lanschel, influenced by Magneto's mutant attitude, left Charles to follow Magneto.

Later, she returned to Charles and became a member of the X-Men. Later, she died at the hands of the Black Phoenix Qin. Although the black phoenix piano at that time was not intentional, Rui Wen did die, and it was a pity.

Chapter 0354 Spirit Disc and Mystique and Joey Meacham

Su Yue used her psychic ability to quickly inform Ruiwen about her situation and the details and rules of Dimension Street. Because of Charles, Rui Wen was very familiar and adaptable to her psychic ability, so she quickly understood how after receiving the message. matter.

"So, this is a place where you can accept a mutant like me... mutants, you can let mutants live in the sunshine without discrimination and oppression?" Rui Wen took a deep breath and controlled With their own relatively excited emotions. "Can I, can I meet anyone else? Other mutants."

Rui Wen didn't twitch, which meant that she had no unfavorable thoughts or thoughts of escaping from Dimension Street.

"Of course." Su Yue said with certainty. "You already know the rules of Dimension Street. As long as you don't violate these rules, I will not restrict your freedom. However, the White Queen and North Star are currently performing tasks in other dimensional worlds and should not come back in the short term, so you can first See the spirit disc."

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