"Hey, you're playing with us..."

One of the three warriors of Asgard, the fat man Werth Tagg was dissatisfied and tried to push Su Yue to reason with him, but he just stretched out his hand, and before he finished speaking, he suddenly covered his hands and groaned and took a few steps back.

There is an arrow in his hand!


The sudden attack shocked Sif and the three warriors of Asgard immediately, and then they saw one red and one green, two women in uniform with bows and arrows walking out from behind Su Yue.

"This time it's a warning, next time you'll be shot in the head!" Thea Quinn said in a deep voice.

The one in the red uniform is Thea Quinn.

Beside her in a green uniform is Mia Smoke.

The bows and arrows of the two were aimed at them, and they had no intention of putting them down.

This is a warning and a threat!

Sif looked at Su Yue and was about to ask for an explanation, but Vos Tagg, who was hit by the arrow, didn't have the patience.

Who is he?

Warriors of Asgard!

After fighting in the Nine Kingdoms for so long, when have you suffered a loss? When will you be threatened?

Holding the arrow in his hand, he pulled it out and threw it at Thea, and then charged at them with the axe. At the same time, the other two good friends naturally advanced and retreated together, each picking up weapons and rushing over to prepare to do it.


A cold hum suddenly sounded, and a piercing scream sounded instantly.

The impact of the ultrasonic wave directly blocked the three warriors who were rushing forward, and then the surrounding temperature dropped inexplicably in an instant. The cold people made people tremble all over, and a strong cold air hit, and the ground was quickly frozen, almost frozen. In just a few breaths, the three warriors of Asgard were directly blocked by ice from their feet to their heads.

Black Siren and Killer Frost stood beside Thea and Mia respectively.

"I said, I have a lot of guards, and you only know some of them." Su Yue said lightly, looking at the three warriors of Asgard who shattered the ice and recovered their freedom. "You are lucky. If they shoot later, you won't even have a chance to walk into Dimension Street."

Because, Su Yue will make a move!

If he made a move, it wouldn't be as simple as being hit by an arrow, and the three warriors of Asgard would not be punished by being frozen for a short time.

Su Yue wouldn't think that no one dared to attack him, even if he was outrageously strong, there would still be those people who were hot in their heads, or who thought they were lucky, or who thought they were not that strong would provoke them to death. In fact, Su Yue actually hoped that someone would take action against him, and someone would provoke him, so that he would have a chance to show his strength and have a chance to rip off.

So Vorstag's shot didn't make Su Yue angry, he just regretted that Thea and the others took action too quickly, which made him miss the opportunity to teach Vorstag and others a lesson.

"You..." Vorstag glared at Su Yue in dissatisfaction. Just as he was about to shout, Sif had already grabbed him and called out his name seriously.

"Shut up for me if you still want to help Sol!"

Sif glared at Vorstage fiercely. Although Vorstage was not convinced, he could only lower his head and snort, and let it go.

"Unfortunately..." Su Yue shook his head regretfully. Sif had saved Vorstage. If Sif didn't stop him, the killing might not necessarily kill him, but he would definitely not be able to escape with a beating.

Chapter 0367 Sol, who has never experienced social beating


The sound of the sudden braking sounded harshly, and a black SUV with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo suddenly stopped on the side of the road. The door opened, and Nick Fury, wearing a blindfold and a black trench coat, got out of the driver's seat, followed by a few more people from the car.

Su Yue's eyes crossed Nick Fury's eyes and the corners of his mouth raised slightly as he looked at the people who got off the bus one after another. Phil Coulson, an old acquaintance, was the first to get off, followed by jeans and a leather jacket with a curious expression on his face. Observing around Steve Rogers, then Hawkeye, who was recovering from a serious injury, and finally a strong man with long blond hair. This strong man is none other than Thor, the **** of thunder who was banished to Earth.

Interesting, very interesting.

Isn't this lineup the original version of the Avengers? It's just that Black Widow and Hulk who are closely related to him are missing, and Iron Man, who should not have officially joined at present.

This should be the strongest lineup that Nick Fury can currently master, Captain, Hawkeye, Thor.

The captain was frozen. Although it was information provided by Su Yue, Nick Fury found the captain and woke him up. The relationship between the captain and S.H.I.E.L.D. was unusual, and it was normal to follow Nick Fury.

Hawkeye was originally Nick Fury.

As for Thor, Thor, after he was demoted to Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. found him first. He didn’t know anything about Earth, he was penniless, and Thor, who had lost his divine power, could only rely on S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury. .

Speaking of which, Sol's treatment should be much better than in the movie. After all, no one knows Sol's true identity in the movie, and now S.H.I.E.L.D. is very familiar with Asgard because of Su Yue, although Sol has Lost his powers, but Nick Fury certainly wouldn't treat him badly for that.

Nick Fury is still such a chicken thief. Not long after Sif and others appeared, he brought Saul and others here, and his purpose is self-evident.

On the one hand, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard are friends of Sol, and Sol is currently on the side of S.H.I.E.L.D. Once they meet, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard will definitely follow Sol, which is naturally a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. one side.

On the other hand, Nick Fury must know the news of Thor's Hammer on Dimension Street, but he has never taken action before, nor did he let Sol come to Dimension Street. Now he is taking this opportunity to come here, obviously wanting to hit Thor's Hammer. idea.


"Why are you here?"

Sol and Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard got together after seeing each other. Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard were happy to find Sol, and Sol was happy to see their good friends.

God knows how painful he was when he was suddenly thrown to the earth and lost his supernatural power. Now that he sees his good friend, not to mention how happy he is.

The originally unpleasant atmosphere disappeared immediately because of the appearance of Nick Fury and others, not to mention Saul, Sif and others, and to say that Nick Fury walked over with the others and said hello to Su Yue.

Needless to say, Phil Coulson is very familiar. Hawkeye can be considered to have dealt with each other. After all, his injury is due to Su Yue. As for the captain, this is their 'first' meeting, at least this is the first time the captain has seen Su Yue.

After getting acquainted with him, the captain learned a lot, especially about Su Yue and Dimension Street, so after the meeting, the captain expressed his gratitude to Su Yue. After all, without Su Yue, he could not have been discovered so quickly, and he would have woken up so quickly.

"Who are these?" Nick Fury glanced at Joey Meacham beside Su Yue and Thea and others behind him, pretending to be inadvertently curious and asked.

"My people." Su Yue replied lightly.

Nick Fury looked depressed, I still don't know who you are? What I want to know is their names, their identities, their origins, and their abilities.

For the dynamics of Dimension Street, Nick Fury will definitely try his best to understand it. He remembered the appearance of these people and looked back to see if he could find out their identities.

Here they greeted and greeted each other, and over there Saul, Sif, and the others had almost chatted.

Saul said that he had seen Loki before, and Loki said that his father was no longer there, and he might be exiled on earth forever. But the news brought by Sif and the others was not like that. Odin was just asleep and not dead. Now that Loki controls Asgard, he lied to Thor, and even Odin's sleep may have something to do with him.

Sol, who had figured out the truth, came to Su Yue angrily and said directly: "Where is Thor's Hammer? I must get Thor's Hammer back and return to Asgard."

"Who are you?" Su Yue suddenly asked.

"Me? I'm the son of Odin, the prince of Asgard, Thor!" Thor looked proud.

He can finally reveal his identity again and again. Before, he thought that he was exiled and his father died. It was his fault, so he was ashamed to say this.

"No, you're not!" Su Yue shook his head. "For me, don't say that you are just an ordinary person who has lost your power now. Even if you are still Thor, even if you have Thor's Hammer in your hand, you are just an ordinary person in front of me."

"Your father has never taught you manners. I don't mind teaching you for your father."

Su Yue's words were not polite at all, and he didn't give any face at all. Whether it was Nick Fury, Joey Meacham, or anyone else, none of them seemed to expect Su Yue to be so direct.

But, is there something wrong?

No problem!

Since Thor's Hammer fell on Dimension Street, no matter who it belonged to before, since it fell on someone else's territory, if you want to get it back, at least be polite, right?

When I came up, I didn't even say hello, and I didn't say a few polite words. I directly asked where the Thor's Hammer was. I had to get it back. Who are you?

You are your mother all over the world, do you have to get used to you?

"You..." Thor was furious!

Although he is an ordinary person without divine power, he has never suffered such grievances since he fell. Prince Asgard's pride has not diminished because of his exile. After all, during the period of SHIELD, his pride The treatment is still very good, so now Su Yue is so disrespectful and speaks ill of his father, how can Saul endure this?

Without thinking about it, the furious Sol was like an angry lion, rushing directly to Su Yue and waving his fist.

"don't want!"

The shouting sounded, it was not Nick Fury or the people from Dimension Street who stopped Sol, but Sifhe.

Sif held Sol, who had no divine power, with one hand, and placed one hand in front of Su Yue. She turned her back to Su Yue and said to Sol, "Sol, calm down."

"You make me calm down?"

Seeing Sif stop himself from being in front of Su Yue again, Sol got even more angry.

He has no male or female relationship with Sif. He just regards Sif as a partner, a brother, and his own. Now that he has been humiliated, Sif, his own person, is protecting the other party to stop him, which makes Sol feel betrayed. a feeling of.

Chapter 0368 Beat yourself, humiliated Saul!

"Step aside!"

Sol glared at Sif with a gloomy face. He knew that Sif had come to Earth and dealt with Su Yue, but he could not accept that Sif betrayed him.

What are friends?

What is a brother?

That is, no matter what is right or wrong, no matter the pros and cons, you have to stand by yourself!

In fact, in another case, Sif would definitely be on Sol's side. But the situation is different now. The person Saul wants to provoke is Su Yue, who is a top powerhouse that even Father Odin praises.

Now that Odin's father is sleeping, and Thor has lost his power again. In this case, if Su Yue wants to teach Thor a lesson, no one can stop him. As a middleman who knows them both, Sif naturally can't watch Thor jump. Into the fire pit?

Besides, the Thor's Hammer is still in Su Yue's hands, and they also expect Su Yue to help deal with Loki. It would be unwise to tear up with Su Yue at this time.

In the past, Sif used to appreciate the style of a man like Sol, and he would do whatever he wanted!

But now Sif really thinks that Sol is a little too irrational, too calm, too immature.

Yes, the glory of Asgard cannot be desecrated, and it is okay for you to teach Su Yue a lesson, but the glory of Asgard cannot be desecrated, can the glory of the Dimension Street created by Su Yue be desecrated?

First, the three warriors of Asgard, and then Thor, Sif really felt very tired.

"Sol, the most important thing right now is to get back the Thor's Hammer to restore your divine power, and then return to Asgard to foil Loki's conspiracy." Sif persuaded earnestly.

Sol sneered, "That's what I did!"

After speaking, Sol suddenly threw off Sif with all his might, and his long legs came to Su Yue in an instant, his fists clenched, his strength tightened, and he directly hit Su Yue in the face.

When you hit someone, you have to slap in the face, so it's cool!


Sol felt the collision between his fist and Su Yue's cheek. At that moment, Su Yue was beaten and staggered to the side.

"Hmph, is the so-called Dimension Street lord at this level? Do you want to teach me a lesson? Are you worthy?"

The punch to the flesh made Thor feel in a trance that he had returned to the feeling he had when he was in Asgard, the feeling of invincibility, power and confidence.


With a heavy punch, Su Yue actually started to crack under his fist, as if he had been smashed to pieces. Sol couldn't help being stunned by this scene.

what happened?

Su Yue was broken by himself?

impossible? He has lost his divine power, and it is impossible to have such a power to shatter Su Yue. Even if there is, Su Yue should not be split like this.

Also, why didn't Sif stop him after fighting for so long? Dimension Street, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't seem to stop him, what's going on?

Sol subconsciously looked left and right to see other people's reactions, but when he turned his head, he suddenly felt a sense of seeing light from the darkness. At the same time, there was severe pain, and this severe pain felt like being beaten by someone.

"Sol, Sol..."

The exclamation sounded from far to near, Sol heard the sound and turned his head to see the concerned expressions of Sif and the three warriors of Asgard. At the same time, I also saw the surprised and nervous expressions of Nick Fury and others.

"F... What happened, wasn't that guy crushed by me?" Sol grinned and rubbed his face subconsciously. He could feel the pain and swelling on his face. "What's with the wound on my face?"

"You, you did it yourself." Sif said hesitantly.

"I beat myself? How is it possible, how could I beat myself, and I didn't do it at all..." Saul felt ridiculous and wanted to refute, but Sif, or anyone else, was not joking at all. look.

I really did it myself?

No, it's impossible for me to hit myself. I obviously hit...

Sol suddenly looked in the direction of Su Yue, and sure enough... Su Yue stood there calmly, with a look on his face watching a good show. He was not crushed by himself, nor was he attacked by himself, so... I thought it was him that I was beating, but in fact it was me who was beating?

This is... magic?

Psychic magic?


Lost the adults!

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