I am creating an angel civilization in Marvel!

I am creating an angel civilization in Marvel!


192 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: I am creating an angel civilization in Marvel!

Reborn in Marvel, Luo Hua becomes the King of Angels!

He has the ability to set everything in angel civilization!

Angels, heaven, celestial city, treasure house of knowledge, all of these can be created as long as you have enough energy!

Odin: "King of Angels, only you can save Asgard from Ragnarok."

Wanda: "How much does it cost me to become an angel?"

Thanos: "Angels are the most beautiful creatures in the universe! I said it!"

Man of Steel? Sorry, this is the basic configuration of the first generation of Angel.

Have you heard of Wings of Time and Space, Great Judgment, Sky Blade Battleship, Star Slasher, Silver Wings, and Vibranium Armor?


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