

With the sound of propellers roaring in the sky, tonight, as long as the citizens of New York look up at the sky, they can see a bright spot flying in the sky.

And there are dozens of bright spots chasing behind.

Although it looks like a fireworks show, but....

Bang bang bang ~!!!

Dada da da da da~!!!

As the main guns bombarded and the hot weapons fired.


Now the citizens watching finally knew what it was.

This was a chaotic battle.

The scene returned to Tony.

He was fleeing and was flying at full speed to the Angel Building.

Jarvis reminded him at this time:"Sir, it is estimated that you will enter the area where you will be chopped in 1 minute."

"I suggest you prepare your brakes in advance to avoid being accidentally cut off."

"I know it without you telling me!" Tony shouted back with a constipated expression when he heard Jarvis's reminder.

He really didn't want to be chopped again.

His brain was dizzy after being chopped that day.

And his gold titanium���The gold armor can only withstand two swords.

Tony looked at the armor chasing behind him.

I wonder if they can withstand two swords....

At this moment, in the Angel Building,

Luo Hua was leaning steadily and lazily on his sofa.

He crossed his legs, supported his chin with one hand and watched the real-time broadcast projected by Alan using energy projection technology.

At this moment, He Xi and Alan were standing next to Luo Hua.

Alan was using the Eye of Insight to scout outside while broadcasting with energy projection technology.

In fact, when Tony decided to lead all the Iron Soldiers to the Angel,

Alan had already seen it with the Eye of Detection.


It was just a few armors, much worse than Tony's.

So Luo Hua had no interest in them at all.

Seeing the final chase scene.

Luo Hua waved his hand silently to let Alan shut down, then leaned back on the sofa and said,"It seems that this time you can fully experience the power of the second-generation angel body."

"Yes!" Alan replied

"Then go ahead." Luo Hua waved his hand and said,"Let them see the power of the second generation angel body after being equipped with the dark matter computer."

""Yes!" Alan took the order happily.

She quickly walked from beside Luo Hua to in front of Luo Hua.

Then she put her right hand in front of her heart and bowed slightly.

After completing all the etiquette to respect Luo Hua.

Alan walked quickly to the top of the building.

Then she flapped her wings and disappeared in an instant.

Looking back at the room.

Luo Hua turned his head to meet He Xi's expectant eyes, and almost laughed helplessly and said:"Do we need to send out two angels for this?"


Hearing this, He Xi took advantage of Alan's absence and walked over to Luo Hua's side and sat down and said,"That's not what I meant......"

"What are you talking about?"Luo Hua said

"I mean, the tea I brew is not bad, do you want to try it?"He Xi looked at Luo Hua with expectation.

Until now, Alan has been brewing tea. Usually, as long as the tea is almost ready, Alan will take the initiative to grab it.

This has resulted in He Xi having no chance to show off in front of Luo Hua many times.

Several times, she stood up and wanted to grab the brew.

But Alan asked her to sit down again, saying that she was fast in research and that all these things were left to me.

So now Alan is gone.

He Xi wanted to steal the house, bah, that's not right.

She wanted to take the opportunity to try it out, and this was not stealing the house at all.

"Of course." Luo Hua reached out and took out a brand new set of tea sets from the dark plane and handed it to He Xi, saying,"Go ahead."

"okay~~~"He Xi immediately took the tea tray happily and walked towards the tea room in high heels.

Watching He Xi walk away with her slender white legs under her half-cheongsam dress.

Luo Hua had to smile helplessly a few times.

This He Xi.

People say she is aloof and queen, she was really like that when she talked to Alan. People say she is an old witch, she was like this as long as they were alone together in the past and now.

It's really laughable.

The scene turned to Tony.

He was about to enter the angel realm.

Jarvis reminded him in advance:"Sir! It is expected to be 10.9.8....3.2.1!"

Tony:"Brake!!!" As soon as the time was up,

Tony immediately raised his hands and feet forward and pushed himself in the opposite direction to brake.


Then, Tony, whose internal organs were under great pressure, coughed dully.

Then a stream of blood flowed out of his nose.

At least a lot of capillaries were broken.

But the result was good.



Bang! Boom boom boom!!!

As the sound of three swords and a kick came out,

Tony only saw a white figure flashing in front of him.

Then there were three balls of exploding fire and a soldier with sparks falling into the sea.

Tony couldn't help but tremble all over.

He opened the mask, wiped the blood from his nose with a metal finger, and said soberly:"Fortunately, my"brake" system works well."

After wiping the blood from his nose,

Tony closed the mask with a click.

Then he shouted:"I'll help you!"..... boom~~~~A sound appeared.

A figure that was kicked and rolled in the air for several rounds came back.

Tony was kicked in the head and said aggrievedly:"I am here to help you....."

"You have entered the realm of angels."


(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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