Inside the main peak of Jiujian Island.

Saint Qin Ziyu looked grim, and below her sat all the elders of Jiujian Island.

Fang Chen was now guarding Su Xinyi in Jiujian Cave, while Qin Ziyu convened a wartime meeting.

The only grandmaster elder Qin Cheng had been killed by Fang Chen, so now there were only seven elders of Jiujian Island.

Among them, the second elder Qin Hai had the highest cultivation level, and he was only one step away from the grandmaster level at the level of the ninth-grade grandmaster.

The seven elders were now terrified and on pins and needles.

Back then, they skipped the island rules and supported Qin Wei to the position of island master, sidelining the saint Qin Ziyu. Now the daughter of the saint returned with her powerful husband to awaken the inheritance, and even killed Qin Wei. Their lives were completely in the hands of Qin Ziyu.

As long as Qin Ziyu gave an order, they would die!

Fang Chen was elusive, and no one knew where he was, so they dared not escape even if they wanted to.

In fact, they didn't want to escape. After all, this was their home, their roots. The people of Jiujian Island had a strong sense of belonging to Jiujian Island. Being displaced was not much better than killing them.

"Fang Chen's suggestion is not to participate and completely withdraw from the wartime treaty. What do you think?"Qin Ziyu looked around at the elders and asked in a deep voice.

She is also very entangled now.

On the one hand, she doesn't know how powerful Fang Chen is, and what the grudges are with the Royal Club. On the other hand, she herself is unwilling to participate in this war of conquest in Yansen Land.

Disobeying the wartime decree is equivalent to withdrawing from the human unity camp. Sometimes, keeping to oneself means a catastrophe.

"I think... I think we should still participate……"The second elder Qin Hai said in a low voice.

The other elders also agreed with Qin Hai's point of view, but they were embarrassed at the moment and did not dare to speak out.

Qin Ziyu glanced at Qin Hai, then looked at the others and asked,"What about you? What are your opinions?"

Everyone looked at each other, unable to say a word.

"Saint girl... Did the young brother-in-law really break up with the Emperor? Is he really on good terms with Qing Yan, the master of Yansen Land?"The third elder Qin Hui finally summoned up the courage to ask the question that everyone present wanted to ask.

Qin Hai had already told them what Fang Chen said in the Nine Swords Cave at that time. In addition to shock, they were terrified.

Qin Wei's collusion with the demons had already made them blame themselves. If the future husband of the Nine Swords Island Master was the same, then they really didn't know how to live.

Humans and demons are mortal enemies!

How can we cooperate with demons?

How many humans died at the hands of demons?

How many predecessors fought to the death with demons for the future of mankind?

This is a racial hatred! It is absolutely unsolvable!

"Now I am asking whether to participate in the expedition to Yansen Land! As for Fang Chen's matter, you don't need to consider it."Qin Ziyu shouted with a gloomy face.

She also wanted to know the answer, but she didn't dare to ask Fang Chen.

Fang Chen gave her too much oppression. Even though he was her son-in-law, she didn't dare to look at Fang Chen as an equal or even an elder.

But there was one thing she was clear about, that is, Fang Chen would not interfere with the decision of Jiujian Island. He just wanted his daughter to complete the inheritance safely.

"Humanity is one. I think the wartime treaty cannot be withdrawn! I am a sinner and do not want to live in vain. Please let me lead the team!" An elder suddenly stood up and said with a determined look.

He was determined.

The other elders looked at him with complicated and sad eyes.

Qin Hai also stood up and said,"I agree with the fifth elder's opinion! I am willing to lead the team too!"

After Qin Hai expressed his position, the remaining elders also stood up and expressed their agreement.

In the battle to conquer the Yansen Land, Jiujian Island must participate!

Qin Ziyu looked at the elders with determined faces and sighed slightly.

"Do as you say."

Qin Ziyu stood up and left the meeting room after saying this.

Qin Hai and others looked pale and looked at each other.

"Fang Chen, an outsider, has now invaded our Nine Swords Island and refused to leave. After participating in this conquest, we can make a request to the Royal Association to ask them to help us expel Fang Chen and restore peace to our Nine Swords Island."Qin Hai gritted his teeth and said.

This is why he agreed to participate in the conquest war even if he was dismissed and imprisoned by Qin Ziyu on the spot.

He couldn't let Fang Chen occupy their Nine Swords Island for his whole life. He didn't care who would become the next island owner between Qin Ziyu and Su Xinyi, but Fang Chen couldn't live recklessly on their Nine Swords Island.

"But according to what Fang Chen said, didn't the people from the Royal Club come before? Wasn't the big commotion in the outer domain caused by his fight with the people from the Royal Club?"An elder asked in confusion.

He didn't know what was true and what was false, and his mind was a mess. Because Qin Wei colluded with the demons, he still hadn't recovered.

"What he said is true? Who saw it? Are you sure he is not deliberately framing us? Yes, he is indeed very strong, and he must have the strength of an emperor, but it does not mean that he can compete with the emperor!"Qin Hai asked coldly.

The other party was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, no one saw it.

At that time, they were all in the Nine Swords Cave and did not dare to go out. The Four Symbols were in passive defense mode, and they could not see the situation outside from inside. Moreover, with the intensity of the movement at that time, they did not dare to let anyone go out to check.

""Okay, then I'll do as you say."

The other elders didn't say anything else, they all nodded, their eyes determined.

Fang Chen was sitting in front of Su Xinyi at this moment, with one hand supporting his chin, looking at his wife with a smile on his face. She was beautiful no matter how you looked at her.

Her delicate and pretty face was glowing red, and her slightly frowned eyebrows looked a little cute.

"I don't know how long this inheritance will take.

Fang Chen sighed.

He missed the first seven days of his marriage.

It was wonderful and joyful.

Now it would take a long time to go back to that time.


Suddenly, the nine giant swords behind Su Xinyi made a violent buzzing sound, and the whole space was twisting and shaking, and the red sword energy was flying wildly.

Fang Chen stood up and frowned slightly.

Su Xinyi's face suddenly became very painful at this time, and cold sweat oozed from her forehead.

Seeing his wife's uncomfortable appearance, Fang Chen was immediately distressed. A strange golden rune appeared on the palm of his right hand and gently pressed it on her forehead.

The moment he touched you, Su Xinyi's whole body suddenly burst into a blazing red light, instantly swallowing Fang Chen.

Fang Chen's eyes flashed.

The next moment, he appeared in a very strange space.

This is a huge space, with no end in sight. The top of the head is dark and there is no texture of the sky at all, as if in a cave, but there is no rock wall around to scream, it is empty, giving people an illusion of endlessness.

Here, magma continued to gush out from the ground, turning into fire dragons, tumbling and rolling. The air contained extremely violent spiritual energy. When Fang Chen appeared, the spiritual energy rushed towards him like a wolf meeting a lamb, wanting to devour him completely.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

A layer of golden light mist vibrated out from his body, instantly shaking off the violent spiritual energy that rushed towards him.

"Human, why did you trespass into the land of my Fire Clan's inheritance?"

At this moment, an old and simple voice came slowly.

(Seeking flowers and monthly tickets for evaluation)

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