Qingyan returned to his Yansen Land in a rage.

The two guards were so frightened by Qingyan's angry look that they trembled all over and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

After entering his palace, Qingyan immediately turned into his original form, lying on the ground with his eyes closed and breathing.

The tortoise shell on his back that was broken by the Netherworld Slash had recovered, but the color was still a little different from other parts. Fang Chen was not kidding when he said that it would take a few years of recuperation to recover.

""Unfaithful man, throw it away after use! If I help you again, I'm a dog!" Qing Yan roared angrily.

The demon guards outside the door looked at each other.

They haven't seen Qing Yan so angry for a long time. The last time he came was because of Fang Chen, and he was tricked by Fang Chen. This time he was angry again after Fang Chen came.

In fact, they love and hate each other...

Every time he said that if he helps Fang Chen again, he would be a dog...

Just when the two guards were terrified, a cyan light fell in front of them.

The two guards' faces suddenly froze, and when they saw each other's appearance clearly, they were stunned for a moment.

""I have met Lord Qingluan."

The guards knelt on one knee in a hurry.

In front of them stood a graceful, charming and enchanting woman. Her green dress could not hide her perfect and hot body at all. Her every frown and smile made people dream about her, especially her pair of phoenix eyes, which seemed to be able to absorb people's souls and make people fall in love with her at a glance.

This is the Lord of the East Desert, Qingluan!

War is her favorite. The Lord of the human camp, Jing Chengtian, is in charge of war, and Qingluan plays the same role among the demons.

Each of the demons under her command is extremely cruel and brutal. Even if there is no formal war, they will continue to invade human areas.

So basically every year for a few months, the Warrior Alliance will organize its own personnel to conquer Qingluan's subordinates and conquer the places occupied by demons.

It can be regarded as a small fight, and Qingluan basically will not pay attention to such things, letting the demons below do what they want.

But when the real war between humans and demons begins, Qingluan will go out, and all demons must listen to her dispatch and command.

"Qingyan is back?"Qingluan smiled

"The master just came back!" The guard didn't dare to look up and replied hurriedly

"Damn Fang Chen! I remember you!"

Qing Yan's angry curse suddenly came out.

Qing Luan covered her mouth and smiled, saying:"Qing Guizi, is Chen Chen mad at you again? Open the door"


The guard hurriedly got up and opened the door, keeping his head down from beginning to end and not daring to look at Qingluan.

The door opened, and Qingluan walked in with an arrogant posture.

Qingyan lay on the ground, took a look, and snorted:"I smelled the scent of a slutty fox from a long distance. What's the matter? Why did you come all the way here?"

Qingluan walked up to Qingyan with a smile and said:"I heard you scolding my Chenchen when I came here. What's the matter? How did Chenchen make you unhappy again?"

Qingyan rolled his eyes and said with disgust:"Don't come to disgust me! Did you call Chenchen? He has a wife now. If you call him like this in front of his wife, do you think he will beat you or not!"

Qingluan's beautiful eyes showed a look of surprise, and asked in surprise:"Chenchen is married? To whom? In this world, there are other monsters who can match him besides me?"

"His wife is human! Don't you know that he doesn't like demons? In his words, the rough and big ones make him feel so pure that he wants to become a Buddha right away! Isn't it because of this that you become a coquettish and slutty bitch and run around all day long? What's the result? Don't people still look down on you? Dogs who lick the boots must not die well! Fang Chen said this!" Qing Yan said sarcastically with disdain on his face.

Qing Luan showed a very sad expression, covering her face and sobbing slightly:"I thought I was so devoted to him, but I didn't expect that he would marry a human woman and not want me, and didn't even tell me so that I could give him a red envelope. What an unfaithful man!"

Qing Yan rolled his eyes again. He was really fed up with this fox. He pretended to be a weak and poor woman every other day, but he was more fierce than anyone else when it came to killing people. He was simply heartless and insane.

"What on earth do you want from me? I'm injured and I'm not in the mood to watch you go crazy! You're talking like you're on good terms with Fang Chen! I'm annoyed every time I see you, I don't want to beat you up every time."Qing Yan said angrily.

If he couldn't beat him, he really wanted to slap him.

Qing Luan let go of her hand, and the sobbing look just now completely disappeared, replaced by a playful smile

"Beating is love, scolding is love, how could you, an old bastard, know the relationship between Fang Chen and me?"

Qing Yan took several deep breaths and tried hard to suppress his temper.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. I came here to ask you this time, who did you offend? Why did Jing Chengtian organize an army to conquer your Yansen land?"The playful and frivolous smile on Qingluan's face disappeared, and he asked very seriously.

Qingyan was puzzled.

"What? Jing Chengtian wants to attack me?"

Qingluan nodded:"Yes, I just got the news. He gathered for three days, and he came to kill him after five days, heading straight for your Yansen Land."


Qing Yan's temper immediately flared up.

He had gained nothing from helping Fang Chen this time, and he was also injured. Now he was the target of human attack?

"You can't beat Fang Chen, so you take it out on me? Is this the extent of Jing Chengtian's tolerance? This is the extent of his prestige?" Qing Yan cursed angrily.

Qing Luan narrowed her eyes, looked at Qing Yan with interest and asked:"So you went to help Chenchen, and then Jing Chengtian was beaten by him? What is Chenchen's current level of cultivation? I haven't seen him for a long time.

" Qing Yan shut up instantly.

He didn't want to tell Qing Luan that Fang Chen had killed Youming's original body.

"I don't know, but you know his speed is abnormal. Jing Chengtian was too arrogant and proud, and he capsized in the gutter and was abused."Qing Yan said vaguely.

Qing Luan showed a playful smile on his face, walked in front of Qing Yan, and put her soft and boneless white hands on his huge nostrils and gently stroked it.

"Tell me where he is."

Qing Yan suddenly shuddered, and a bone-chilling chill swept through his body, as if freezing his soul.

"Nine Swords���……"Qing Yan said in a muffled voice.

He was always shouting, and he dared to shout at anyone he met, but when he saw that the other party was going to use force, he had to back off.

Qing Luan smiled sweetly, patted Qing Yan's nose, and then turned and left, saying as he walked:

"Don't worry, Jing Chengtian wants to attack your Yansen land, but it depends on whether I, Qingluan, agree or not. If he wants to fight, then let's fight!"

Qing Yan looked at Qingluan's background and asked nervously,"You won't go to Jiujian Island, will you?"

If Fang Chen knew that I revealed his location, wouldn't he be beaten to death by Fang Chen?

Qingluan stopped and laughed like a silver bell.

"I'm going to gather the demon army. It's been a long time since I've had a real battle with humans. I'm already getting excited. As for Chenchen, he will come find me."

After saying that, Qingluan went out and left.

Qingyan looked at the direction of the door and snorted coldly.

"The dog who licks the dog will not die well!"

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