
Wang Hao understood it too well.

Since the celebration banquet has gone bad.

Then, no matter how well he performs, he will probably not be accepted.

The reason is simple. Everyone is here to compete for that official position. The procedures that should be followed in private should have been completed long ago. As for the public banquet, it is just a formality.

The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit!

That's the truth.

These days!

Lu Zhi has not shown up.

Is he just staying at home leisurely?

The answer is naturally no!

Wang Hao can think of it with his toes. Lu Zhi must have been worried and visited some people he looked down upon, and he had to swallow his anger and flatter for this!

Otherwise! How can these people who come and go know their own names and even their origins clearly.


Since the celebration banquet was already impossible to win favor.

Then, why did Lu Zhi bring me here to be insulted?

Besides, what was his intention to let me arrive early and secretly see all the faces of these people?

Although he was invincible and full of wisdom on the battlefield, he was far from being good in the officialdom. He couldn't even figure out Lu Zhi's intentions!

Damn it!

It's a pity that I only have 60 points in politics.

If I had 90 points, maybe I would be able to see through it in my mind.

I have to admit it!

Each of the four-dimensional attributes has its rationality.

Wang Hao can't be a soldier all his life, so whether it's intelligence or politics, they all need to be improved.

Their hidden functions are definitely more important than force and command! Go upstairs.

Enter the venue.

It's already full of noise and laughter.

Some nobles are bringing their younger generations to pay tribute to the seniors in the court.

After this circle, I have almost met everyone I should know.

Lu Zhi did not do so.

He just walked to his seat, sat down, and waited for the banquet to begin.

Wang Hao stood aside, his eyes sweeping over the people in the meeting room.

"Mr. Yang, this is the youngest of the Guo family, and he is now on duty as the Third Officer."

"Well, he is really a handsome man!"

"I, Guo Quan, pay my respects to Mr. Yang!"

"He is worthy of being a descendant of the Guo family!"


Lu Zhi seemed to notice Wang Hao's gaze and lowered his voice:

"That man was the newly appointed Linjin Marquis Yang Ci, the head of the Hongnong Yang clan."

"The Hongnong Yang family has always been known as the Guanxi Confucius, and its power in the court is second only to the Runan Yuan family."

So that old man is Yang Ci!

Wang Hao suddenly realized!

No wonder!

The younger generation around this guy are all lining up to get on the pole.

"I guess!"

Wang Hao's eyes fell on the young man next to him:"The one standing next to him is his son Yang Biao, right?"

Lu Zhi exclaimed in surprise:"I didn't expect that you also knew Yang Biao?"

Wang Hao nodded:"How could I not know the next successor of Hongnong Yang family!"

Lu Zhi hummed:"That's right! He is Yang Biao, this man is talented and famous at a young age. Now he is only 42 years old, but he has been appointed as one of the Nine Ministers. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be one of the Three Dukes within ten years!"


Wang Hao raised the corners of his lips and smiled faintly:"If you count it this way, isn't it another case of three officials for four generations?"

Lu Zhi nodded:"That's right! So the power of the Yang family in the court is second only to the Yuan family of Runan!"

After saying that, Lu Zhi turned his head and glanced at the other side:

"That man is Yuan Wei, the head of the Yuan family!"

Wang Hao looked in the direction of Lu Zhi's gaze.

He saw an old man sitting beside him.

Although he was the head of the Yuan family, the number of people around him was obviously less than that of the Yang family.

When Wang Hao was puzzled, Lu Zhi had already explained to him:

"Yuan Wei will take over from Yuan Feng!"

"Since Yuan Feng's death, the Yuan family has suddenly become a pillar of strength!"

"Although Yuan Wei was one of the Three Dukes, he was just a figurehead, like a walking corpse."

"The current reputation and power have been overshadowed by the Hongnong Yang family."

Sure enough!

Wang Hao nodded and let out a long sigh:

"Even so, if Yang Ci dies, the Yuan family will naturally rise again."

Lu Zhi was startled, raised his head and glanced at Wang Hao with a surprised look:

"Wang Hao! I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to think of this."

""Mr. Yang is old and weak, and I am afraid he will not live long!"

It is recorded in historical records.

Yang Ci died in 185, the second year after the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Wang Hao is a time traveler, and he has the wheel of history to find traces.

But Lu Zhi is different. He can keenly perceive this, which is enough to prove that he has extraordinary insight.

"Oh, look, the great hero who helped in the campaign against the Yellow Turbans is here!"

"Hahahaha, Master Wangzi, you have made me wait so long!"

"Come on, take a seat!"


Wang Hao could only laugh.

Even the dignified General of the Northern Army was here, but he was not welcomed by them.

These guys actually took the initiative to welcome a prince division!

"Be patient!"

Lu Zhi's expression remained calm, neither humble nor arrogant, as if he didn't care at all:"This man is Wang Yun, the head of the Wang family in Bingzhou. He was just appointed as the Imperial Censor not long ago, and then he encountered the Yellow Turban Rebellion!"

"His Majesty appointed him as the governor of Yuzhou, and sent him to the battlefield of Yingchuan with the left general Huangfu Song. It is said that he performed very well and made many military achievements, which became a legend for a while!"

Wang Hao didn't care:"No matter how great his achievements are, can they be as great as yours, Lu Zhonglang, in killing Zhang Jue? They just disliked you, Lu Zhonglang, for your background in ancient literature, so they deliberately ignored you."


Wang Hao gnashed his teeth, burning with anger:"This is too much!"

Lu Zhi waved his hand:"Calm down!"

As he spoke, Wang Yun walked up to him and bowed to Lu Zhi:"Zi Gan, why are you here alone?"

Lu Zhi smiled indifferently and replied casually:"I'm used to it, it's good like this!"

Wang Yun let out a long breath and naturally understood the reason:"Putting aside the classics, brother Zi Gan, you did a great job in this battle. Jizhou is Zhang Jiao's lair. In less than half a year, you annihilated the Yellow Turbans and killed Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang. It's really admirable!"


Facing the compliments, Lu Zhi remained calm:"In fact, the victory over the Yellow Turbans this time was entirely due to my little brother Wang Hao. He was very smart and made many unique suggestions, which is why we were able to achieve such a great feat in such a short time!"


Wang Yun was stunned:"Is this true?"


Wang Yun's eyes fell on Wang Hao, and he saw that Wang Hao was tall and straight, with a dignified demeanor and a heroic look in his eyes. He couldn't help but nod and praise:

"He is indeed handsome!"

"I just don't know which family Brother Wang is from?"

Wang Hao didn't hide it, clasped his hands and answered directly:

"I am just a Jizhou village warrior, not a descendant of any family."

At this moment!

Wang Hao could clearly feel the disappointment on Wang Yun's face.

However, it was only for a moment, and then it disappeared, replaced by an awkward laugh:

"The young are to be feared! The young are to be feared!"


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