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A quick report sounded.

Beigong Boyu stood up and looked up. Without waiting for the soldier to speak, he hurriedly asked,"How is it? Have you caught him?"

The soldier shook his head and said,"General, Yang Aruo suddenly appeared in Jincheng Zhiyang. All of Yan Xing's family members were beheaded. According to the county magistrate's report, the rangers who came to assassinate Yan Xing's family all had ghost masks and had a force of 800 people!"


Beigong Boyu was stunned:"Eight hundred people?"


He absolutely did not believe it:"What a joke! All the rangers in Liangzhou area added together are less than eight hundred people. How could Yang Aruo have eight hundred people? The magistrate of Zhiyang County is deliberately exaggerating the facts to cover up his dereliction of duty!"

"Damn it!"

Beigong Boyu cursed inwardly.

If it were normal times, he would definitely order the execution of such a shitty county magistrate without hesitation.

But......, now the people of Liangzhou are in a panic, and the civil and military officials are even more worried.

No matter how stupid Beigong Boyu is, he would never dare to take action against the officials of Liangzhou at this time.

Once the anger of these low-level officials is aroused, he, the leader of the rebels, will probably be stabbed sooner or later!

I can't bear it!

Beigong Boyu forced himself to suppress his anger.

He sat down slowly, picked up the pen and drew a cross on the silk cloth.

It was all the Han generals in the rebel army.

There were at least sixty or seventy people, from the bottom to the top, covering all of them.

""Damn it!"

Beigong Boyu drew a cross unwillingly.

From the list of the dead, it was obvious that the other party was targeting middle-level and above generals.

Generals of this level controlled the military power and could launch a mutiny at any time and collude with Huangfu Song in Guanzhong.

In this way, Beigong Boyu could not help but take it seriously.

He wanted to take back all the military power.

But at this critical moment, Beigong Boyu would never dare to do so.


Once he seized the military power, he would inevitably anger the entire middle-level, even high-level generals.

This is equivalent to pushing them into Huangfu Song's arms!

But if there was no movement at all.

Beigong Boyu was also afraid!

After all, everyone has parents and clansmen.

Moreover, the court now has an absolute advantage, and these guys are likely to launch a coup.

The only thing he expected was that Yang Aruo could kill two more powerful generals.

In this way, the generals who control the real power will inevitably form a great feud with Huangfu Song in Guanzhong.

In this way, the powerful generals will be loyal to him!


Song had obviously planned it in detail.

So far, most of the middle-level officers he had killed were killed in battle.

Be it Li Wenhou or

Yan Xing!

They no longer had any soldiers in their hands.

But the death of their entire family successfully set off an uproar, making the generals who were still in control even more panicked!

I have to admit. This strategy of attacking the heart is really too cruel.

-Beigong Boyu racked his brains, but there was no way to crack it. He wanted to kill Yang A'ruo!

But Yang A'ruo came like the wind and left like lightning, his whereabouts were mysterious and unpredictable.

There was no way to start.

He wanted to protect the families of the generals.

But relying on the county soldiers was not enough, and it was even more undesirable to withdraw troops from the front line to defend!

He also wanted Yang A'ruo to kill some powerful generals.

But the other party was not under control at all.

All those who were killed were powerless or had already died in battle.

He even wanted to go out of the city to fight. But the Liangzhou rebels suffered heavy losses. Not to mention Huangfu Song, who had more than 100,000 soldiers, even Wang Hao, who had 5,000 soldiers, might not be able to win the battle, so how could he dare to go out of the city to die! To put it bluntly!

Although the other party did not move a single soldier, he had already forced himself to be unable to move!

This was the most passive Beigong Boyu had never been since he started the army, and he was even more helpless than when he faced Yong County!

After all, he could retreat unscathed at that time!

But now, I am like a fish on a chopping board, at the mercy of others!

I am so helpless!

""Damn it!"

Beigong Boyu's anger in his heart jumped to the top of his head.


He slammed the table angrily, clenched his teeth and made a clacking sound:"Huangfu Song! I, Beigong Boyu, will never coexist with you!"

This sentence!

It was almost squeezed out from between his teeth!



Beigong Boyu couldn't help himself and spat out twenty years of old blood!



"Quick, call the doctor!"

The general in the palace hurried forward, shaking his body and pinching his Ren Zhong acupoint:"General! General!"

Beigong Boyu woke up from his slumber and said in a weak voice:"Quick! Tell Han Sui in Wei County to come back and tell him that I have something important to discuss with him. Let him......10 million......Don't be suspicious!"

The general nodded:"Got it, General!"


Liangzhou had already been in a state of chaos.......,

Chencang also welcomed an uninvited guest.

Since the last victory report, Huangfu Song has not sent a report to the court.........,

Your Majesty's expected victory news has not come out frequently, so naturally you have to investigate the situation in front.

It doesn't matter if you don't investigate, but once you investigate, something goes wrong.

Huangfu Song has not moved his troops and has not attacked for a long time.

It has been more than half a month.


Huangfu Song had a reason.

But this situation was sent to the court and fell into the hands of the eunuchs Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong, and it was not the same.

At the beginning, Huangfu Song took advantage of the Yellow Turbans' victory and joined forces with Wang Yun and other scholars to fight against the eunuchs.

Although the eunuchs' status was not shaken, the feud was formed.

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong didn't care about Huangfu Song's reasons.

They just said that they missed the opportunity to fight and reported it to the emperor.

The emperor was naturally furious!

Seeing that the war in Liangzhou was about to end.

You kid deliberately stagnated. Could it be that you colluded with the Liangzhou rebels?

Suspicion suddenly arose.

Naturally, it became more and more rampant.

The emperor knew that Huangfu Song was from the north of Liangzhou.

Now he has an army of more than 100,000 soldiers under his command. If something goes wrong, not only will Chang'an be lost, but even Luoyang will be out of the question!

"General Huangfu!"

After reading the imperial edict, the eunuch said softly,"If you have any grievances, go and tell them to the emperor. It's useless to tell us. We don't have the power to save your life!"

"If I am not mistaken!"

Huangfu Song is indeed a general who has experienced many storms.

Even when the imperial edict to depose him arrived, he remained calm and unperturbed:"This should be Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong's deliberate mischief, right? If it weren't for him, my memorial would have reached the emperor!"

"I don't know what happened specifically."

The eunuch naturally would not give out Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong.

He just laughed and said,"Anyway, the emperor's decree is here. From now on, you are no longer the commander-in-chief of the three armies. The army will be temporarily led by Wang Hao. Your successor must take up the post within seven or eight days at the latest!"

""Damn it!"

Huangfu Song cursed inwardly.

He suddenly remembered the scene when he, Lu Zhi and Wang Yun sent Wang Hao to take up his post.

At that time, Wang Hao had said: Your Majesty has no choice but to lift the ban on political parties, and you must not act rashly.

Sure enough!


Wang Yun was thrown into prison, and Huangfu Song suffered setbacks one after another.

Now, the revenge of the eunuchs has really come again.

Huangfu Song turned his head and looked at Wang Hao:

"Song regretted not listening to the general, which led to this disaster!"


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In history, Huangfu Song was indeed raped by the emperor.

In the end, he was replaced by Zhang Wen and Dong Zhuo! _Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - ∪ Collection, recommendation, and sharing!

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