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Wang Hao naturally understood what Huangfu Song meant.

At the same time!

He knew even more clearly that once Huangfu Song stepped down, Zhang Wen and Dong Zhuo would take over.

Sikong Zhang Wen was fine.

But Dong Zhuo was a jerk.

Once they took over, Wang Hao's situation could be imagined.


Wang Hao was unwilling to see Huangfu Song step down from the bottom of his heart.

He hurriedly clasped his hands and said:"Since Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong said that you missed the opportunity to fight, let's just go to the battle. Why bother here?"


Wang Hao took a deep breath and calculated:"Our strategy of attacking the hearts of the people has been implemented for half a month. I think Liangzhou is already in a mess. Whether it is Wei County or Long County, the people must be in panic."

"If we go into battle now, we will surely be able to capture Weixian and Longxian at a minimal cost. Then the Tunqi and Yueqi will go first and head straight to Yicheng to kill them by surprise. There will be no need to worry about Beigong Boyu's demise!"

Xu Min on the side also advised,"Yes, General, General Wang is right. If we go into battle now, we have at least an 80% chance of winning. Why are you so stubborn?""

"I am indeed stubborn!"

Huangfu Song let out a long breath.

His eyes swept across Xu Min and others, and finally landed on Wang Hao:"To be honest, 17, I particularly like the strategy you developed. It can achieve the greatest strategic effect at the lowest cost."

"I am from the northern part of Liangzhou!"

"Emotionally speaking, I really don't want to do anything to them. We are all comrades in arms, why do we have to do this!"

"So Wang Hao, whether I leave or someone else takes over, I hope that the strategy we have formulated can be implemented smoothly."

"Please give Liangzhou a chance!"

"Give the Han people in Liangzhou a chance!"

"Give them a chance to reform themselves!"

Huangfu Song said this very sincerely, with extremely genuine feelings.

He was actually willing to exchange his own future for the chance for the Han people in Liangzhou to reform themselves!

No matter how others evaluate Huangfu Song!

But in Wang Hao's eyes!

Huangfu Song is a man with feelings.

He has already broken away from fame, wealth and power, such a low level!

In his heart, there are things that are more cherished and valued than those things.

This is a person worthy of admiration!

"General!" Wang

Hao couldn't help but bowed very solemnly:"Don't worry, I will do my best to complete this strategy."

Huangfu Song nodded and said:"If we can solve Liangzhou peacefully, we will try our best to solve it peacefully!"

Wang Hao let out a long breath:"Okay! I promise you!"む."Is it ok?"

The eunuch interrupted sarcastically:"It's getting late, we still have time to go!"

Huangfu Song turned his head and looked at the generals:"Brothers, although we have not been together for a long time, I, Huangfu Song, still want to thank you for your trust in me. After I step down this time, I hope you can continue to work hard and kill the enemy!"

The generals and soldiers all bowed:"......"A moment of indifference.

Wang Hao escorted Huangfu Song out of the camp and watched him get on the prisoner car.

"General, please take care."

"Well, don't worry!"

Huangfu Song smiled calmly and waved his hand:"Go back. After I leave, you are the most important in the army. At this critical moment, you must not make any mistakes!" Wang

Hao nodded:"General, don't worry, I will never let you down."


The prisoner car started slowly and drove away from Chencang.

Wang Hao did not see him off.

It was not because he was unwilling to do so, but because he had more important things to do.

Turning suddenly,

Wang Hao returned to the camp.

He was not polite at all, and went straight to the head of the group, his eyes were stern, and he swept over everyone:"General Huangfu has resigned and left, and His Majesty has ordered me to temporarily supervise the three armies!"


Immediately, a disdainful voice sounded:"General Huangfu Song just left, are you so anxious to command the three armies? What if there is His Majesty's will? I, Lu Qian, will not obey you!"

"That's right! You think you can lead us? You're dreaming!"

"When General Huangfu was here, we would have given in to you. Now that he's gone, it's no longer your turn to boss people around!"

"Isn't it just a little bit of merit? When I was suppressing the bandits, you didn't know what to do!"


, a barrage of bad words came at him.

Xu Min was about to fight back, but Wang Hao interrupted him with a wave of his hand:"You have misunderstood. I am not here to lead you, and I am not qualified to lead you!"

"But I can tell you clearly!"

Wang Hao's eyes were firm, and he exhaled and said:"Now, Liangzhou is in turmoil and is on the verge of destruction. If the generals sent by the court take over, will you be able to achieve such military merits?"

"do not forget!"

"Strictly speaking, you are General Huangfu's men. You have been branded with General Huangfu's mark. Even if the court sends someone to replace you, in his heart, you are still General Huangfu's men!"

A new emperor appoints new ministers!

In fact!

It is the same in the army.

For the successor, there will always be some knots in his heart.

He will bring his own confidants with him, and basically adopt the method of divide and rule for the troops left by the previous one.

Fighting is naturally indispensable, but forget about military exploits!

It only belongs to the confidants, not to the old man who took office!


Wang Hao knows it.

The Sanhe generals know it even better.

Therefore, at this moment, the military tent suddenly quieted down.

717 Wang Hao's eyes fell on the Sanhe generals, and he said earnestly:"I know you are unhappy, but if you don't want to mistakenly take the military exploits of Liangzhou!"


Wang Hao patted his chest and said,"You'd better listen to me! Because I am the one who is most familiar with this strategy. No one except me can take Liangzhou in the shortest time!"

Xu Min immediately clasped his hands and said,"I am Xu Min, the last general, and I am willing to obey the general's orders!" Most of the soldiers of the five battalions of the Northern Army had heard of Wang Hao's name, so they naturally followed suit and said,"We are willing to obey the general's orders!"

At this moment, only the elite officers of Sanhe were left.

They looked at each other, and their eyes finally fell on Lu Qian.

Although Lu Qian was very jealous of Wang Hao's current achievements, he also understood the meaning of Wang Hao's words.

Deep in his heart, he didn't want the fruits of victory to be taken away by others.

After a little consideration, he weighed the pros and cons.

Although Lu Qian was reluctant, he still clasped his hands and said,"I am Lu Qian, the last general, and I am willing to obey the general's orders!"

The other elite officers of Sanhe also followed suit and clasped their hands and said,"We are willing to obey the general's orders!"

"Very good!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and said loudly:"We only have one thing to do, try to delay General Huangfu's return to Beijing, and at the same time, speed up the psychological offensive against Wei County and Long County!"


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