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Zhiyang County. Yanfu.

The streets were filled with a murderous atmosphere, with only a few people walking in a hurry.

Since the assassinations happened one after another,

Beigong Boyu immediately issued a city closure order, not allowing the people in the city to move around freely.

But......, ordinary people always need to buy food and survive.

Therefore, there are always some scattered people on the street, appearing one after another and leaving in a hurry.

This kind of thing cannot be stopped at all.

Now outside the Yan Mansion, some soldiers in armor are on guard at all times.

They are responsible for protecting the lives of the Yan family.

"Go away, go away!"

"Otherwise I will treat you as Yang Aruo and kill you. Do you believe it?"

"Don't challenge my patience, get out of here"

"......"The soldiers tried their best to maintain order here.

In fact, they were very nervous and on edge, not daring to be careless.

After all, once Yang Aruo showed up, not only would the Yan family die, but they would also be doomed.

After driving away the unruly people who passed by, the soldiers on duty chatted with each other.

"This damn Yang Aruo, is he really going to come to the Yan family?"

"How would I know? Anyway, it's been four in a row, maybe five now."

"The higher-ups are trying to block the news, maybe it has already happened"

"Alas, this Yang Aruo is really amazing. How many people does he have under him? He can actually succeed one after another!"

"How would I know? I just hope he doesn't come here!"

The two were chatting.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman appeared on the street.

She had a bamboo basket on her wrist, probably going to buy vegetables.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"This is a restricted area, otherwise I will kill you as if you were Yang Aruo!"

The woman stopped calmly.

She took out a demon mask from the bamboo basket and slowly put it on her head.

"You're right"

"I am Guifeng Yang A'ruo!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of cold lights flashed.

Yang A'ruo's sword moved like a dragon, with strange steps. It seemed that in just a moment, the soldiers guarding the door fell to the ground one after another.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"It's Yang......"

Before Wang Ruoqin could finish her words, the scattered civilians on the street turned into rangers holding sharp blades.

What was even more shocking was that each of them wore an evil ghost mask.

Although the clothes were different, it was enough to confuse the vision.

This was a strategy specially designed by Wang Hao based on Yang Aruo's characteristics.

After all, Yang Aruo would definitely be targeted. His characteristics were too obvious and he would naturally be easily targeted.

Therefore, Wang Hao dressed everyone up as Yang Aruo, which could reduce the pressure on Yang Aruo. Yang Aruo was also very grateful to Wang Hao for this. Because even he had not considered how to protect himself. Empty

-."brothers!".Second. Charge!"Bang!"

The door of Zidang Mansion was knocked open.

Yang Aruo took strange steps and rushed in first.

A cold light flashed with his sword, and he cut off all the arrows whistling towards him.

Then, he flashed and avoided the opponent's crossbow, went around to the side, stabbed the guard on the side to death with a sword, and killed all the guards around with lightning speed!

The rest of the rangers rushed in!

They acted as fast as lightning, without any delay.

In an instant, the guards at the door were all killed by him.

It has to be admitted that the ranger's martial arts Compared with ordinary guards, it is indeed much higher.

Before the soldiers form a sufficient lineup, they are just scattered soldiers and cannot compete with the rangers at all!

When the ghost faces appeared in front of the soldiers, they were even more frightened.

Some timid soldiers were pierced through the throat by a sword before they even had time to raise their weapons, and died on the spot.

Yang Aruo has long been a forbidden delicacy in their hearts.

One is enough.

Now countless"Yang Aruo" are pouring in.

How can these soldiers not be afraid?

Yang Aruo killed them on the spot and shouted:

"Move quickly, or the county soldiers will be back soon."


The brothers split up and acted.

In a moment, the small Yanfu was flooded with blood and countless bodies were lying on the ground.

"The east wing is finished!"

"West Wing Finished!"


"The main house is finished!"


"Let's go! Get out of the city quickly"


Yang Aruo rushed out of the Yan Mansion like a demonic wind.

What a coincidence!

They actually ran into the county soldiers who came to support them.

The county soldiers saw Yang Aruo coming out and were about to rush up.

Another Yang Aruo rushed out of the mansion.

Immediately afterwards, another Yang Aruo came out.




At this moment, the soldiers of Zhiyang County were stunned.

They only knew that Yang Aruo wore a ghost mask, which was different from others.

But they never thought that the whole city was full of ghost masks, so how could they start?

A moment of shock gave Yang Aruo a chance to react.

He made a prompt decision:"Go to the city gate quickly, Asan will lead the team and cover me."

The rangers:"Yes!"

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The golden sound exploded, and sparks splashed.

In an instant, the two sides fought together.

Yang Aruo seized the initiative, so he had a slight advantage.

However......, there were too many county soldiers.

After a moment of shock, they immediately reacted and fought back.

Yang Aruo led his troops, fighting and retreating, and rushed straight to the city gate.

The city gate had been blocked.

But when Yang Aruo took action, Deng Zhan and Wang Fu led the rangers to fight with the thieves.

They had more soldiers, and although the guards at the city gate had increased their strength, they were only fifty people, a small team.

Not long after. They were all killed by Deng Zhan.

He saw the county soldiers coming, and hurriedly called out:"Brother Wang, you stay here, I'll go to meet Aruo!"

Wang Fu nodded:"Okay!"

Deng Zhan waved his hand fiercely:"���Brothers, follow me!"


A hundred rangers came to support immediately.

Yang Aruo's strength was strengthened and he immediately launched a counterattack.

Hundreds of ghost faces joined the battle, and even the county soldiers were stunned.

"Why! Why are they all Guifeng and Yang Aruo?"

"How could they have so many soldiers? Aren't there only a dozen or so?"

"Damn! How is the information transmitted?"

"Damn it, are you asking us brothers to die?"

"......", facing the strong counterattack of Guifeng Yang Aruo.

The soldiers of Zhiyang County were defeated step by step and were killed without any chance to fight back.

Yang Aruo shouted:"Brother Deng, it's enough, hurry up and leave here."

Deng Zhan responded:"Brother Yang, retreat quickly, I will cover you!"

Yang Aruo was not polite:"Okay!"

Deng Zhan fought for a long time, and seeing that the other side did not pursue, he slowly withdrew his troops.

What is shocking is that although the other side chased after them with troops, they always kept a distance from them and did not dare to confront them head-on.

It's obvious!

Everyone cherishes their lives.

Since the Yan family has died, who is willing to risk their lives?

Deng Zhan sneered and was completely relieved:

"Brothers, leave quickly!"



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