You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1982:

He took off his shirt directly, showing his shoulders.

He couldn't see it himself, so he asked, "How is it, is there a problem?"

The director immediately said: "Of course there is a problem, this...this is too..."

Most of the captain's shoulders have turned black, because Zhou Ping weakened the little ghost's ability, so even if they tried hard to bite this bite, they did not bite off the meat like Zhong Wenqing and the assistant before.

However, the yin qi has entered the body, and if the treatment is not hurried, this arm will probably be useless.

Zhou Ping frowned and said, "If your arm is dead, it will be abolished forever after a week..."

"No... isn't it, so serious?"

Qin Zheng hehehe said: "Nonsense, you were bitten by the little ghost. If it weren't for my mother's ability to weaken those three little ghosts a lot, a piece of meat on your shoulder would fall off. Have you seen Zhong Wenqing? On her body, that was bitten by the little devil...the yin Qi entered into the living person, do you think it was a joke?"

The captain swallowed his throat: "Then...Is there any way?"

Qin Zheng pursed his lips: "With my mother, of course there is a way. Your luck is really good."

The captain said: "Master, help."

He really did not expect that one day he would call for help from the **** stick he once despised.

In this world, there really is nothing impossible.

Zhou Ping sighed: "Cup, do you have a cup?"

The captain hurriedly said, "Is there a glass for drinking water?"


Zhou Ping first drew a touch of chicken blood cinnabar with her index finger, and drew a rune on the black spot of the captain's shoulder...

Then, he took out a previously drawn talisman, stuffed it directly into the glass, and then buckled it on the captain's shoulder.

The director asked: "Eh, this...isn't it lit?"

Zhou Ping looked up at him and didn't say anything. She buttoned the quilt on the captain's shoulder and said a spell.

Everyone saw that the yellow talisman isolated from the air instantly burned in the transparent glass.

Xiao Liu exclaimed when he saw this magical scene.

Even the chief's eyes widened in shock. He has been a policeman for decades and has seen any strange cases.

Although he somewhat believed in spiritual things like this.

However, when Zhou Ping came over today, he kept a bystander attitude for a while, and he did not trust Zhou Ping that much.

But seeing this scene, I couldn't help being stunned...

The captain couldn't see and didn't know what happened, and asked: "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

He didn't feel much at first, only that the chill on his shoulders seemed to be less. After a few seconds, he felt the chill on his shoulders flowing away from his body like running water.

The captain feels that this... is really amazing...

The burning time of that yellow talisman is far more than the burning time of a piece of ordinary paper, burning for more than twenty seconds...

After the flame swallowed the entire yellow talisman, the flame seemed to grow on the captain's skin, especially the rune painted by Zhou Ping.

The flame was blue-green at first, and finally turned red...

When the flame turned red, the captain began to feel a little hot on his shoulders.

He shrank his neck: "His...a bit hot..."

Zhou Ping held his shoulders: "Don't move, you'll be all right now, don't fall short."

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