You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1981:

Xiao Liu is already very light, because the captain made a timely move last night and gave the yellow talisman to Xiao Liu. He didn't lose too much Yang Qi.

"But, he is now, he sleeps more and wakes up less..."

Zhou Ping took out the black dog blood cinnabar, dipped some of it with her thumb, pressed it to the center of Xiao Liu's eyebrow, and pulled her hand...

Almost immediately, Xiao Liu woke up before Zhou Ping raised his hand.

The captain was pleasantly surprised: "Wake up, wake up... Director, you see that you are awake..."

They couldn't wake up no matter how they called before, and they tried various methods to no avail.

Zhou Ping woke up with such a simple swipe...

The captain’s respect for Zhou Ping suddenly increased a lot...

"I...what's the matter, me, hiss...oh, oops...what's wrong with me, how come my body hurts so much..."

After Xiao Liu did it, he looked pained and felt his whole body move, as if he could fall apart.

"Madam, he?"

Zhou Ping said: "Normal, with Yin Qi."

When Xiao Liu heard the Yin Qi, he suddenly remembered, "Ah...I remember, last night, last night, Captain, you didn't know..."

The captain said: "I know... the three little ghosts came out to make trouble last night... You didn't wake up people only because they sucked in Yang Qi..."

Xiao Liu was shocked: "I...I'm okay...I won't have any sequelae?"

Zhou Ping relieved him: "You don’t lose too much yang energy on your body. In the past few days, you should spend more time in the sun and eat more things with strong yang fire... Of course, if you... No..."

Xiao Liu hurriedly asked Zhou Ping: "Master, can the fragrant grey water make the yin qi in my body disappear?"

Qin Zheng helped answer "Yes...this is not ordinary incense ash, this is the incense ash that our family enshrines to our ancestors all year round, it is very spiritual. "

Xiao Liu: "I drink, I drink..."

Zhou Ping waved her hand and let Qin Zheng do it.

Qin Zheng sighed: "The 3000 yuan is gone again..."

The captain who heard this gave another sigh in his heart. He secretly rejoiced that this master was a kind hearted person, and he didn't ask for money from them, otherwise the three charms would be enough for him to cry.

After Xiao Liu drank the fragrant gray water in one breath, his body improved a lot soon, and he shouted that Zhou Ping was a celestial master, a god, and too spiritual...

If it weren't for the people in their own bureau, the director and the captain would definitely think that this is an exaggerated act...

Zhou Ping remembered something and asked the captain: "I remember, you said at the hotel that you got bitten on your shoulder?"

"Ah, I was bitten, should be okay..." The captain didn't care much about his body.

Zhou Ping shook her head: "It's okay? Don't you think that your right shoulder is getting heavier and heavier, and your whole arm is now as if it was filled with lead, and it hurts more and more?"

The bite he suffered was much worse than the Yang Qi that Xiao Liu had lost.

The captain exclaimed: "You... know all this?"

Qin Zheng held the incense ash jar proudly and said, "My mother, there is nothing I don't know."

Zhou Ping said: "You take your clothes off, let me see."

Xu Mu's face is not so good...

However, he held back and told himself secretly: My wife is here to help others...

The captain didn't twitch, either, Zhou Ping was an elder, and the others were men.


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