The kitchen was filled with Gu Yan's casual yet emotional singing.

Leng Qingqiu's heart trembled slightly at this moment.

For some reason, she seemed to be able to feel the joy of Gu Yan when he sang this song.

Why? Leng Qingqiu was not a fool.

From the lyrics of"Owning you means owning the whole world", Leng Qingqiu could tell.

This was obviously referring to herself.

However, what she didn't expect was that Gu Yan actually believed that owning her was equivalent to owning the whole world.

Leng Qingqiu had never experienced this feeling before, and for a moment her breathing quickened slightly.

"listen well...."

Leng Ling'er was also mumbling to herself. Although she was just humming, the catchy melody and sweet lyrics also made Leng Ling'er's eyes appear with a picture.

It was a couple, they were sweet and loving. This song sounded like a confession to someone she liked.

But who sang this song? She didn't seem to have heard it before?

At this moment, Leng Qingqiu also moved his feet.���, slowly walked towards Gu Yan

【The love object is moved by the song sung by the host, points +1】

"Honey, don't be willful....."

Gu Yan was humming halfway when a system prompt sounded in his mind.

He was slightly stunned, and just when he was about to turn his head, he heard a cold voice, and at the same time a tall figure stood beside him.

The other party raised his head slightly, frowning slightly.

He asked with a somewhat dissatisfied tone:"Who do you say is a little hard to chase?"

Leng Qingqiu didn't know why he asked this question. Maybe he just wanted to start a topic with Gu Yan.

Gu Yan reacted in just a breath after hearing it.

He smiled lightly, then reached out and tidied the hair by Leng Qingqiu's ears:"Of course it's our Qingqiu. She was the number one talented woman in Jianghai City back then:""

"You are like the stars in the sky. It was really difficult for me to pursue you at that time."

Leng Qingqiu felt Gu Yan's action, but she did not resist at this moment. Instead, she snorted and said,"I didn't hear that the eldest son of the Gu family wanted to pursue me back then."

"On the contrary, I have heard that you are pursuing the eldest daughter of the Shen family in recent years."

"You sang this song for Shen Wan'er, didn't you?"

When Leng Qingqiu said this, the enthusiasm in her heart was slightly dispersed for some reason.

After all, it is not impossible. What if Gu Yan sang this song for his old face?

Although it is none of her business who he sings to, but... now she and Gu Yan are at least nominally fiancée and fiancé.

She just doesn't want her fiancé to still be reluctant to let go of his ex.

In that case, she will not feel comfortable using the Gu family.

Hearing the question asked by Leng Qingqiu, Gu Yan certainly knew how to answer, so he naturally took Leng Qingqiu's hand and said affectionately:"Qingqiu "

"My love for you is like a river that flows through plains and hills"

"I never fear any danger and come all the way to you"

"《The song"Confession Balloon" is my original song that I wrote for you back then."

"Maybe it's fate that we are still together now!"


That's why I couldn't help but hum this song.....Oh, why are you exaggerating so much?

Leng Qingqiu listened to Gu Yan's exaggerated words, and for some reason her mood improved. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly:"You are so funny."

She quickly pulled her hand out of Gu Yan's. She turned her head and took a deep breath before facing Gu Yan again. This time, she asked with a curious tone:"You said that the song you just hummed is called"Confession Balloon"? Or is it your original song?"

"You still have this kind of talent?"

Gu Yan nodded and said,"Of course, but this was also the inspiration that came to me at the time, because my mind was full of you, Qingqiu, and I even fantasized about doing this and that with you, so I created this song."

"Bah, what are you doing, can you speak?"

""Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's hurry up."

Leng Qingqiu spat, then reached out and touched the sink.

"Qingqiu, what are you doing?"

Gu Yan saw Leng Qingqiu's action and immediately grabbed her hand:"This is the sink, it's dirty."

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu broke free from Gu Yan's palm and said speechlessly:"This is my home, of course I know this is the sink."

"and you...."

"Humph, what are you doing? Do you think that girls who are hard to pursue can't wash dishes?"

Leng Qingqiu rolled up her sleeves and turned on the faucet very skillfully to wash the dishes.

Seeing this scene,

Gu Yan was slightly stunned.

He originally came to Leng Qingqiu only because of his inevitable death and the system.

Later, because Leng Qingqiu was the type he liked, he chose to be nice to her.

And in his opinion, children like Leng Qingqiu who used to live in a big family probably couldn't cook for themselves, or even clean.

But now.....

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu who was helping to wash the dishes, and a warm feeling appeared in his heart.

Leng Qingqiu was washing the dishes, and she could guess what Gu Yan was thinking.

However, she couldn't let Gu Yan think about her like that.

Even though she couldn't see now, many aspects of her life were inconvenient, but......

She also did n't want to show her weakness in front of others.....

Gu Yan seemed to have done a lot for them today.

He had to share some of the burden.

Haha, he is obviously a rich young master. Leng Qingqiu thought with amusement in her heart that Gu Yan was simply the best man among the rich second generation.


Yan also turned on the faucet on the other side:"Okay, then Qingqiu, you wash that one, and let me take care of the bigger pots and bowls here."


Leng Qingqiu paused when he said this.

Then he asked intentionally or unintentionally:"Then you won't sing the confession balloon?"

Gu Yan was stunned when he heard it, then he smiled and said:"Sing it, I'll start again."

"I don't really want to listen, it's up to you whether you sing or not"

"Okay, okay, I'll start."

"It's up to you."

Then, the [God-level Singing Skill] that Gu Yan had just exchanged was heard in the kitchen again.

Because it was sung for Leng Qingqiu, the system was moved and discounted it again......

What the two of them didn't realize was that standing at the door was a girl with a gradually stiff expression.


Leng Linger looked at Leng Qingqiu and Gu Yan, who seemed to have their own light effects, like a petrified person.

They were talking, laughing, singing, and washing dishes.

This made her feel like she was just... just a...

""Wow wow! How could this happen!" Leng Linger held her head and cried out with tears in her eyes.

The sun had already set.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first."

Gu Yan said goodbye softly.

In the luxury car behind him, Lao Gao was very pleased to see that his young master had changed so much.

His eyes turned very friendly when he looked at Leng Qingqiu.

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu nodded calmly and said,"If you have to cook so many dishes every time you come, forget it."

"I know you feel sorry for your husband because I'm too tired to cook, so I'll do less next time."

Gu Yan smiled

"Haha, I didn't say that, I'm just worried about the life of my stove."

Leng Qingqiu paused, then turned to Gu Yan and said,"Go back and drive slowly."

Then, before Gu Yan could react, he walked into the house.

Gu Yan also came to his senses and shouted happily,"Qingqiu! I'll come again tomorrow morning!"

He was responded by a flat voice

"It's up to you."


The door closed.

But in a place where Gu Yan couldn't see, Leng Qingqiu walked and walked, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

At this time.


An object rushed into Leng Qingqiu's arms.

Then there was a wailing:"Sister!! You have changed!!"

Pausing Leng Ling'er's words, Leng Qingqiu showed a helpless smile:"What's wrong, Ling'er, why did your sister change?"

Hearing this, Leng Ling'er was even more sad:"Sister! You just changed! You have been wrong since Gu Yan came!"

"There is only Gu Yan in your eyes!"

"This! It's only been two days! Me! I've become an outsider in this family!"

Leng Qingqiu thought that she might have neglected Ling'er because of Gu Yan's matter.

Alas, she really shouldn't have done this, so she reached out and patted Leng Ling'er on the back:"Be good, sister hasn't changed."

"It's just that our Leng family needs the financial resources and power of the Gu family to make a comeback, so I endured the nausea and spoke to Gu Yan."

Leng Qingqiu comforted

"Is that so?"

When Leng Ling'er heard this, she raised her head with a happy expression on her face:"That's great, sister! I really thought you liked Gu Yan!"

"It’s ok that you didn’t fall in love with him! Although that bastard man seems to have some talent! He cooks delicious food, sings well, has a good family background, and is quite handsome, but, but, it’s a good thing that you didn’t fall in love with him!"

"Otherwise, Ling'er, I can't stay in this house!"

Leng Qingqiu felt something was wrong the more she listened. How could she like Gu Yan?

What a joke. It was impossible for her to experience love like a normal girl.

It was impossible for her to like someone.

"Don't think too much, Ling'er, how could I like Gu Yan, and how could I not let you stay at home?"

""Okay, okay, I'll take a shower, watch some TV, and then go to bed."

Leng Qingqiu comforted.

Leng Ling'er nodded vigorously, and while leading Leng Qingqiu into the house, she shouted happily:"Sister, I feel much more relieved when you say that."

Leng Qingqiu smiled, not knowing for what purpose.

She suddenly asked casually:"By the way, what do you think Gu Yan looks like?"

"Oh him! Although he is a small fish, it is undeniable that he is indeed a small fish with high appearance! It is said that in order to please Shen Wan'er, the small fish Gu will go to the gym every day, so he has a good figure. If he can COS, he will definitely be silent!"

"It's just a pity that his previous dog-licking behavior made many people in the circle feel ashamed."

"It is said that he has rejected hundreds of girls who confessed to him for Shen Wan'er. I heard that he has never had a girlfriend until now!"

Leng Ling'er got her sister's guarantee, so she replied with disdain without thinking.

"Oh, so that's it."

Leng Qingqiu nodded aside.

I don't know what he was thinking.

"Sister, please don't fall in love with the trash Gu"


Leng Qingqiu was silent for a while after hearing this.

"Ling'er, he is now your nominal brother-in-law, you should show some respect"

"And didn't you say you failed math? Come to the study room after you take a shower tonight and I'll give you some tutoring."

"Ah! Sister!!!"

Leng Linger was stunned. What was going on?................

On the way back home.

Lao Gao was driving and saw Gu Yan's smile in the rearview mirror.

He couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, and asked cheerfully:"Master, it seems that you like the girl from the Leng family very much."

Gu Yan smiled lightly after hearing this, nodded and did not deny:"Yes, Lao Gao, I have decided to treat her well for the rest of my life."

After saying that, Gu Yan paused, he remembered something, so he asked:"By the way, Lao Gao, how strong are you?"

In the original book, there are actually many plots about Lao Gao.

But most of them are about dealing with ordinary people.

The only serious one is.......

【The young man's fist whistled like the wind, and he attacked Gu Yan viciously.】

【"Young Master!" Lao Gao's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed over with a low sigh.】

【Puff! With a burst of flesh and blood exploding, Lao Gao stood in front of Gu Yan, and his head was blown into a bloody rain. 】

Well,���This section is about warriors. It tells the story of the original plot, in which the protagonist chose to stop a car at night to assassinate Gu Yan because he heard Shen Wan'er say that he was too annoyed with Gu Yan.

He was still saying something like you have already died.

Lao Gao also died protecting Gu Yan at that time, and Gu Yan naturally died soon after.

Miserable, too miserable.

Outside world.

Lao Gao heard this.

A smile appeared in his eyes, and then he jokingly said:"Haha, maybe I can block the bullet for the young master."

""Okay, Lao Gao, since you said so, then I will protect you from now on."

Gu Yan shook his head and smiled.

Lao Gao is a loyal man of the Gu family. He has been guarding the Gu family since Gu Yan's father was a child.

So he is very loyal.

The original book does not specify the strength, but according to him, he can block bullets......

That's at least a Grandmaster level.

Grandmasters are considered the top level strongmen in this world.

After all, the highest level of the characters described by the author in the original book is only the peak of Grandmaster.

But unfortunately...

I happened to meet the protagonist.

When thinking of the protagonist, Gu Yan's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

According to the plot, the other party will kill him.

He is not the opponent of the protagonist yet, so he will not go to find the other party.

But, even if he doesn't find him, he must at least know the whereabouts of the other party.

Moreover, he has a system, and there are many things that can be guaranteed in advance.

Gu Yan's expression became slightly cold.

In fact, a plan has already emerged in his mind. If it works.

Then even if he is the protagonist of the original work, he is not afraid.

First analyze the situation.

According to the plot, the timeline of the protagonist's cultivation and returning from the mountain is not long after he failed to confess to Shen Wan'er.

Thinking of it, Gu Yan's eyes showed an inexplicable meaning, and said:"Lao Gao, investigate the person named [Xiao Lin] who has been in Jianghai City recently."

Lao Gao heard this, although he didn't know who this person was, but he would not refuse the young master's request:"Okay, young master, we can find them all by tomorrow night at the latest."

After getting the reply, Gu Yan closed his eyes.

Xiao Lin's story came to mind.

Xiao Lin, the hero in the original novel, used to practice with a few old men on a mountain called Dragon King Mountain.

He was passionate and simple.

It was the old men's idea to go down the mountain. Before leaving, the old men gave Xiao Lin a dragon-shaped jade pendant.

Others didn't know what that thing represented, but Gu Yan, who had read the story, knew it.

The meaning of the jade pendant was......The Young Master of the Dragon King Palace!!

The Dragon King Palace is a huge organization in the original novel. Unfortunately,....

It was destroyed by Leng Qingqiu.

When Gu Yan thought of this, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly rise.

As expected of our Qingqiu.

Although I don't know why Leng Qingqiu destroyed the Dragon King Palace and has been targeting the protagonists.

But, at least this is good news for Gu Yan.

Because this can explain..........

The Dragon King Palace was no match for Leng Qiu.

It was just that the plot of this organization was in the middle and late stages of the novel.

It was still early.

Gu Yan felt that he had enough time to lay out some safeguards in advance.

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