When Leng Ling'er heard the voice, she was delighted and quickly put down her doll and ran out.

At a glance, she saw Gu Yan hugging her sister tightly and walking towards her.

She felt unwell immediately.

Seeing this, Gu Yan pretended to be puzzled and asked,"Ling'er, why do you get unhappy when you see your brother-in-law?"

"Didn't I feed you just now?"

It would have been fine if she didn't say it, but Leng Ling'er got angry when she said it. She glared at Gu Yan:"Bah! What brother-in-law! You! How dare you say that!"

"I didn't know you didn't eat that thing."

"Girls won't eat that kind of thing, okay!"

Leng Qingqiu was a little confused. Wait, what are these two talking about?

What about feeding? What about that thing?

Why can't I understand with my IQ of 260?

"" Okay, okay, it's over now!"

As he said that, Gu Yan helped Leng Qingqiu sit down with an expression that said,"I'm going to get your sister to sit down and eat."

Then he looked at Leng Ling'er who was still standing aside:"Don't be angry all the time, come and eat."


Leng Ling'er snorted and sat down. At this time, she also realized how rich the food on the table was.

For a moment, she was stunned.

The table was filled with a variety of delicious food, colorful and exuding an enticing aroma. Fried fish fillets, colorful salads, hot pasta, and exquisite snacks made up a mouth-watering dinner.

"this....You made all this?"

Leng Ling'er looked at Gu Yan in disbelief. She left halfway and didn't expect that Gu Yan would make so many delicacies by himself!

Gulp, the tempting aroma filled her nose.

For a moment, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"Of course, I told you I learned it especially for Qingqiu."

Gu Yan sat on one side of the dining table. After answering Leng Ling'er's question, he looked at Leng Qingqiu with a smile.

The dishes and chopsticks on the table had already been prepared.

He picked up a piece of tender roast duck from the plate and gently placed it in Leng Qingqiu's bowl:"Qingqiu, try this, I guarantee it will be your favorite tonight."

Gu Yan's voice was gentle and affectionate, and his eyes were full of warmth and love.

Although Leng Qingqiu couldn't see Gu Yan's expression, she could hear the sincerity in his tone.

A ripple rose in her heart

""You won't know if it tastes good until you try it."

Leng Qingqiu snorted, then picked up the roast chicken with the bowl, and slowly put it into her mouth.

At that moment, the delicious taste of the food bloomed on the tip of her tongue, making her slightly straighten her back and breathe faster.

How can it be so delicious!

Delicious! I want to eat it again!

Leng Qingqiu thought in shock.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

Gu Yan asked

【The love partner feels that the food is delicious and happy, points +1】

"It's just okay, barely edible."

Leng Qingqiu finally spoke, his tone calm. Gu Yan saw through it but didn't say anything, chuckled and said:"It's okay, there are enough delicious foods today, I will introduce them to you one by one"

"There is always one you like to eat....There's more?

Leng Qingqiu was stunned. She swallowed subconsciously and said in a less stiff tone:"Then...try it."


Gu Yan picked up some dishes for Leng Qingqiu and introduced them to her.

He even explained the meaning of the dish, which made Leng Qingqiu, who usually couldn't understand these things, feel very surprised and enlightened.

It turns out that this dish can be cooked like this, and it turns out that this dish has such a story.

It turns out that.......There are so many beautiful things in this world. What is the

Aegean Sea, what does the pink sky look like, what is a talking elk....Will there be a chance to watch it in the future?

No... No... I can't think about this kind of thing...

I can't let this kind of thing disturb my thoughts.....

"Ling'er, don't just eat rabbits, eat some vegetables"

"Bah! You bastard Gu Yan, who allowed you to order me around?"

"Oh, I'll take it away. Remember you said that rabbits are so cute, don't eat rabbits."

"Woo...wait...I want some vegetables!"

Although he couldn't see what was happening on the table, just by listening to the sound, Leng Qingqiu actually felt a kind of.......The warmth of family.

Why do we feel this way?

"Qingqiu, have some chicken soup. Your body has been damaged by all the hard work over the years and needs to be replenished."

Gu Yan thoughtfully served Leng Qingqiu a bowl of chicken soup and scooped a spoonful to Leng Qingqiu's mouth.

She came back to her senses.

"I can drink by myself."

Leng Qingqiu pretended to be dissatisfied, but still let Gu Yan feed her.

But... the damn body couldn't help but move closer.

Leng Qingqiu felt ashamed in her heart. This was because Gu Yan had been feeding her just now, so she subconsciously made this reaction.

Why are you so nice to me?...

Leng Qingqiu was extremely conflicted and struggling.

From the current point of view, Gu Yan was a good person. According to Leng Xing'an, the 5% of Gu family's shares that Gu Yan sent had already played a big role.

It had only been two days.

Many business groups that got the news came one after another to get close to them and initiated cooperation.

Insiders could see that the Gu family seemed to have contacted the Leng family again.

They all thought that the Leng family was going to make a comeback.

However, it was precisely because of this that

Leng Qingqiu felt conflicted. She wanted revenge.

She wanted to use Gu Yan and his Gu family.

If........If Gu Yan knew the truth, what would happen to him? Would he be sad or collapse

?....Is she worthy of Gu Yan being so nice to her?

After dinner,

Leng Qingqiu sat on the sofa, she sat there quietly. She should have gone back to the study to read at this time.

But now, she was quietly listening to the sound of the TV in front of her, and......The sound of water coming from the kitchen.

For some reason, this made her, who was always nervous, feel a little relieved.

"Damn it! I knew he was a bad guy!"

"I guessed it in the first episode! Hahaha! Sister! Am I smart or not?"

Leng Linger watched the content on TV happily.���

"Well, smart."

Leng Qingqiu pursed her lips, as if she was thinking about something, and then said:"Ling'er, help me go to the kitchen"

"Kitchen? But that idiot....Ouch!"

"Girls should not use dirty words all the time. Gu Yan is your brother-in-law in name after all."

Leng Qingqiu knocked on Leng Ling'er's head and said, causing the latter to be shocked:"Sister!"

"Hey, take me there first."

Leng Qingqiu didn't want to explain, and she couldn't explain the strange feeling in her heart.


In the kitchen,

Gu Yan was humming an unknown song while washing the dishes.

Leng Qingqiu and Leng Ling'er happened to walk in.

The song that shocked the two of them also started.

"You said you were hard to chase, and wanted me to give up."

"The gift doesn't need to be the most expensive, just the fallen leaves of Champs-Elysées"

"Oh, create a romantic date, don't be afraid to mess it up"

"Owning you owns the whole world~~"

"My dear, I fell in love with you from that day on"

"Sweet and easy~~~"

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