Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 668: Geng Youhua reads the newspaper

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Zhaoqing City, at the city gate, a Confucian official robe wearing a Confucian official robe looked at a group of illiterate people behind him, cursing in his heart the boss who sent him to the city gate to read the newspaper, while taking out He took a heavy sip of strong tea from the teacup, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief after drinking it.

Nima, on this hot day, was sent to read the morning paper at the gate of the city, and the first reading was for one day in a row, and it would last for three days. He felt bad.

But there is no way, who makes himself just a low-level rank nine official, if he doesn't do this kind of drudgery, is it possible that he wants those superiors to come?

And he also knew that the people who read the morning paper in places like him today are not worth one, there are actually hundreds of them.

At this time, someone from the public outside was shouting: "Master, please tell me about the tax-free reclamation of wasteland, the little one was late, I didn't hear it all!"

"Is reclaiming wasteland really tax-free?"

"What? Is there such a good thing?"

Tax-free, this is a rare word many times!

Paying taxes in the Tang Dynasty is not only a matter of course, but also something that must be done. Otherwise, the family will be ruined!

And since the Datang Dynasty took over Zhaoqing City, what ordinary people have heard is how abominable those tax officials are, thinking about collecting taxes and tax exemptions every day? Except for the typhoon that hit the western part of Guangdong last month and did it for a while, I really haven't done it at other times.

But this time, in order to increase the influence of the Chaobao, the Tang Dynasty put the long-planned tax-free reclamation of wasteland into the Chaobao. Of course, it was already approved by Li Xuan before the publication, and it has The writing has been prepared for specific implementation in various places, and many well-informed people have already known it.

However, these court policies are actually very difficult for ordinary people to know through channels, not to mention these illiterate ordinary people, even scholars and gentry who don't care about the facts.

Therefore, although there is a lot of content in the newspaper this time, there is only one thing that has attracted the attention of the general public, especially the farmers, and that is the tax exemption of reclaiming wasteland!

Immediately, after moisturizing his mouth, he felt that his throat had recovered a little, this rank nine official, with a slight smile, said, "No problem!"

Although he was holding his **** in his heart and scolding his boss for sending him such a chore, he knew that although this matter was hard, it must not be taken lightly. Now every official knows that the court attaches great importance to the newspaper, the boss. Before asking him to read the newspaper, he repeatedly told him to pay attention to his image, because at that time, he and the newspaper together represented the face of the court.

To treat the people, you must be kind, but you can't be humble!

If you lose the face of the court, the court will let you lose your official hat!

After he said that there was no problem, the crowd immediately quieted down. People these days have great respect and even awe for scholars, not to mention that the person in front of them is a serious court official, and the people around him are also very respectful and even in awe. There are also a few patrol officers in black uniforms to maintain order.

After everyone quieted down, the rank nine official picked up the morning paper in his hand, coughed lightly, and read it aloud!

Because everyone wanted to hear about the tax exemption for reclaimed wasteland, he also skipped the other ones and focused on reading the relevant report on the tax exemption of wasteland reclamation!

The first is the official official decree, the emperor called Fengtian to carry the emperor... The content is naturally impossible to say that Li Xuan feels that the current self-production rate of food in Guangdong and Guangxi is too low, and the agricultural tax is too low, but Li Xuan is deeply aware of the people's living difficulties, in order to increase The income of the people is determined immediately. From now on, all newly developed farmland will be exempted from agricultural tax for the first three years, and half of the tax will be paid after three years to the eighth year.

But unfortunately, these people couldn't understand the text of these ornate edicts at all, so they didn't even speak after listening, but continued to keep quiet and listen.

At this time, officials from the ninth grade also began to interpret it. When interpreting, the words used were naturally spoken, not the written terms in the newspaper.

And in a very affirmative tone: "The Son of Heaven has decreed that as long as it is newly cultivated farmland, you can enjoy the tax exemption for three years and the tax exemption for the fourth to eighth years.

"Then can we also enjoy discounts on the fields we reclaimed last month?"

"Yes, as long as it is newly cultivated farmland this year, as long as it is declared, you can enjoy this discount!"

"Then who do we ask to report? Are we going to the yamen in the county?"

"You just have to go to the tax officer in your village to declare!"

"Are you going to have to pay taxes in eight years?"

There is no need for the official to answer this, the other person just interrupted: "It's still a question, the adults just said that the first three years are exempt from tax, the fourth to eighth year and a half, and the tax will naturally be paid after eight years!"

"And the tax has been reduced and exempted for eight years. What else do you think, except for my Great Tang Shengtian, who else is so generous!"

"Yes, the Son of Heaven is a good man!"

"That's not it, I heard my eldest nephew say that our Holy Son of Heaven is the Holy Monarch of the ages, okay!"

Listening to these foolish people talking about the Son of Heaven, the Holy Monarch of the ages, among the crowd, Geng Youhua, who was wearing a brocade robe, couldn't help but sneer at Ruth!

The Holy Son of Heaven, the sage king of the ages, these ignorant people don't even know that the pseudo-Tang emperor used to be just a bandit leader, and they don't know what kind of **** luck they took to get the world in the land of the three provinces.

However, although this pseudo-Tang emperor came from a humble background, this policy is a good one. Tax exemption for the first three years and half tax for the next five years. In this case, his family can organize manpower to open up wasteland.

Now that the agricultural tax is not light, with this tax incentive, it would be worthwhile to organize manpower to open up wasteland.

When I look back, I have to discuss it with my father and come up with a charter for reclaiming wasteland!

After Geng Youhua pondered for a while, he saw a sign hanging in front of him again: "Da Tang Chaobao, ten papers!"

This price is naturally relatively expensive for ordinary people, but it is nothing to Geng Youhua, who has a family of hundreds of acres and a few shops. After bowing his head and saying a few words to a servant next to him, The next man just squeezed into the crowd, and it didn't take long before he came out with a stack of paper in his hand.

Immediately, Geng Youhua picked it up and looked at it, but as soon as he picked it up, his hands were stained with light black ink, and the paper was quite cheap.

However, he could also guess why he used such cheap paper and ink. He only bought ten copies, and the quality of the paper and ink would be **** good.

Although it is said that the Tang Dynasty Newspaper adopts wood movable type printing on a large scale, because the number of prints is very large, the cost of each newspaper is reduced, but the cost of transportation and manuscripts is added, and the overall unit The cost is still high, and the price is not even enough.

Holding the court, he didn't rush to watch it, but after entering the city, he found a teahouse and ordered a pot of tea and a few snacks, and then he slowly started to watch.

When he was reading, he read a book from the beginning to the end, just like reading a book on a daily basis. He turned down page by page, and saw the headline on the front cover, reporting the deeds of Li Xuan's inspection of the arsenal. He showed a hint of sneer: Hypocrisy!

He didn't believe that a dignified emperor would really go to the factory to greet the dirty workers. Even if Li Xuan wanted to do this, the ministers below would try to stop him. It would be a loss for the emperor. , but a huge rudeness.

He guessed that the workers in the factory could take a look at the fake emperor Li Xuan from a distance.

The emperors of this year, whether they belong to the Ming Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty, are all called the Son of Heaven, and they are all given the authority by God!

The Son of Heaven is high above people's notions and even the principles of the law, and he can't even be considered a human being, but a living God!

So he said that the fake emperor Li Xuan visited ordinary workers He didn't believe it, no, he soon found out between the lines that this fake emperor Li Xuan only met a few of their Zhaoqing Arsenal. Just the chief engineer of the branch.

The chief engineer is a worker. Just kidding, they are all officials, not ordinary workers!

So after a brief look at the cover report, I quickly skimmed over it, and then looked at the follow-up articles, the second one was about the army, reporting a battle case of the army on the front line of Huguang!

Although in his opinion, this article is very exaggerated, exaggerating the Datang Army, and demoting the Puppet Ming Bandit Army to scum, but he read it very carefully, and he did not show any ridicule. His expression, because he knew that although what the newspaper said was exaggerated, the reality was even more exaggerated than what was said in the newspaper!

He had seen with his own eyes the Guangzhou campaign at that time. Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers were charged with the general attack launched by the pseudo-Tang thief army. It was a complete defeat. Anyone who dared to underestimate the Tang army was already defeated and died!

You can ridicule the false emperor Li Xuan from a low background, and ridicule the various messy policies of the Tang Dynasty, but you cannot belittle or even slander the Tang Army, because even the harshest people have to admit: the Tang Army, that can Really an elite teacher!

And this article is not about a large-scale battle, but a small battle. The participating troops were a musket team, and after being ambushed by thousands of people in Huguang, the team did not stand firm for assistance, and even Instead of requesting support, he launched an active charge directly at an enemy ten times his size!

When he saw this, Geng Youhua couldn't help but look cautious, and then he continued to look down. Now he was eager to know if this team of musketeers could cut a **** path from the ambush of the Ming army. !

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