This time, Dongfang Yang came with Pikachu.

He and Mushroom need a medium, and the elves are the best representatives.

Among his elves, the most naughty Pikachu is the best choice.

On the way to Mushroom, Dongfang Yang told Pikachu his guess with the power of waveguide.

After listening, Pikachu was shocked. There are actually such people. Fortunately, he met Dongfang Yang, otherwise, he might become like this. In fact, Pikachu thought too much. In this world, there are only a few people who abuse elves. It can be said that they are rare.

If you don’t like it, most people will choose to let it go. Although Dongfang Yang doesn’t like this, he won’t care. After all, you can manage it for a while, but not for a lifetime. Most people in the world are like this. Who can manage it?

As for abuse, only people with extremely twisted psychology will do it.

Otherwise, haha, do you think those gods eat for free?

They are the gods of elves.

Sitting quietly next to Mushroom, Dongfang Yang didn’t care when he noticed the slight tremor of the other party’s body. He silently put the box with grass energy cube in his hand in front of it.

Mushroom didn't eat it, but shrank back even tighter.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yang quietly moved away so that Mushroom wouldn't be so nervous.

Next, it was Pikachu's time to perform.

Seeing that Mushroom didn't eat the energy cube, Pikachu immediately became anxious. This is a good thing. He was tricked into the ship by Dongfang Yang with a few energy cubes. If you dislike it, wouldn't it make me look like a jerk.

Jumping directly in front of Mushroom, Pikachu worked hard to promote the energy cube made by Dongfang Yang.

Seeing Pikachu suddenly approaching, Mushroom was startled and trembled all over. He thought Pikachu was going to hit him, so he closed his eyes and prepared to be beaten.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Yang's face did not change. He still maintained a kind smile. His hands behind his back kept moving and making crisp sounds.

However, Mushroom squatted down and screamed when he heard the sound.

Dongfang Yang knew that something was wrong. He first retreated to the door to give Mushroom a safe space and gave the task of comforting Mushroom to Pikachu.

However, this also let Dongfang Yang know that a certain scumbag has a bad habit.

Seeing that the human was away from him, Mushroom stopped calling and huddled in the corner, sobbing.

Pikachu looked at his trainer with resentment.

I am timid to begin with, and if you are still like this, it will be difficult for me to deal with it. You are just making things worse.

He wanted to pat Mushroom's body, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw that the other party was shaking constantly, so Pikachu silently withdrew his hand. He waited quietly for the other party's emotions to stabilize, and then Pikachu began to point fingers and shout.

Little brother, you can't do this. Listen to me, it doesn't matter if you get beaten. If you can't be beaten, it will hurt for a while, and then you will work hard to become stronger and fight back. No matter if it is a human or an elf, if you dare to hit me, you will wait for me. If you can't kill me, it will only make me stronger. Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully the poor young...

Listening to the chicken soup that kept popping out of Pikachu's mouth, Dongfang Yang's mouth kept twitching.

My goodness, how many novels have you read secretly? You can't read them on your phone, right? Should I take him to have his eyesight checked? Wait, no, this kid can't read human words, he definitely didn't read novels, he could only listen to books.

At home, I, my younger sister, my elder sister, and my mother have no interest in novels, only my father and my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law has always read novels, so the myocardial frog keeps touching your belly, the murderer is you, my father.

Only you with dim eyesight would choose to listen to books, my goodness, you led my elf astray, right? I will remember this grudge. o(´^`)At this time, Pikachu came forward and came to the side of Mushroom who was trying to shrink himself up. He looked like a good brother, hugged Mushroom, and said with a smile.

Brother, I tell you, you can't be like this. We elves can't be beaten all the time. We must learn to fight back. You must remember that for the sake of the tribe, elves will never be slaves unless they are provided with food and shelter. Ah, no, it's just a slip of the tongue.

Dongfang Yang, who had been eavesdropping with the power of waveguide, twitched his mouth slightly.

Good guy, really good guy, I didn't expect you to know a lot.

Pikachu didn't know that his trainer was eavesdropping shamelessly. He hugged Mushroom and smiled and outlined a great blueprint for the future for it.

Brother, you will follow me in the future. I have a bite of meat to eat, and you have a bite of soup to drink. Let us accompany each other in the world and live freely. However, before that, you must have enough strength. In this world, strength is the foundation. The strength determines the superstructure. For this, you need a good body and you need to take in enough nutrition. This thing can ensure that you have enough nutrition to absorb.

As he spoke, Pikachu picked up a grass-type energy cube, took a bite, and smacked his lips twice under the gaze of Mushroom.

It's okay, but it's not the flavor I like. Hey, get me a box of what I usually eat.

Hearing Pikachu addressing him, veins on Dongfang Yang's forehead throbbed. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, then took out a box of electric-type energy cubes from his backpack and threw them in front of Pikachu.

You're done, Pikachu. I'm telling you, your path is narrow.

Pikachu had no idea of Dongfang Yang's inner thoughts. It happily opened the box of electric-type energy cubes and showed it to Mushroom.

Come, brother, take a look. This is the food I usually eat. Just like I just said by mistake, elves will never be slaves unless they are provided with food and shelter.

Pikachu���He threw an electric energy block into his mouth, supported his cheeks with his two short hands, and showed a satisfied expression.

Mmm~ This is the taste, you should try it too.

Looking at Pikachu's expression, Mushroom carefully touched the grass energy block in front of him.

After trying an energy block made by Dongfang Yang, Mushroom's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that there was such delicious food in the world. He looked up and glanced at Dongfang Yang secretly, and then at Pikachu's signal, Mushroom began to gobble it up.

However, outside the room, Guan Yue, who was observing through the glass window, was completely dumbfounded.

They had tried to ease the relationship and mobilize Mushroom's emotions through Pokémon, but all failed.


Why can Dongfang Yang's Pikachu work?

I don't understand?


If Dongfang Yang knew Guan Yue's thoughts, he would probably just laugh.

Look at what Pikachu said. First, he fed him chicken soup, which confused him, and then he acted like a social brother who was doing good for him. I guess Mushroom is confused and scared now.

Dongfang Yang shook his head helplessly.

He was also enlightened. He didn't expect there was such a way of persuasion.

After Mushroom finished eating the energy cube, Pikachu patted the burping Mushroom.

That's right, this is my good brother. Brother, let me tell you, we elves, no matter how hard or tired we are, we can't wrong ourselves. Find a sucker to support ourselves, and provide us with good food and drink. Not only can we promote our growth and become stronger, but we can also fight with others from time to time. What a wonderful life, don't you think?

Seeing Pikachu looking at him, Mushroom shrank and nodded aggrievedly.

Very satisfied with the other party's attitude, Pikachu patted Mushroom with an expression that said I like you very much.

Little brother, you will follow me in the future. Not only will you have a good meal every day, but no one will dare to bully you. If you have any problems, just go to the big brother. The big brother has a lot of brothers. If the big brother can't handle it, the big brother will go to the big brother's big brother. The big brother's big brother is a fierce elf, who can challenge the gods. Do you know what a god is? The big brother tells you...

Listening to Pikachu's earnest teachings to Mushroom, watching the fear in Mushroom's eyes gradually replaced by excitement and admiration, Dongfang Yang couldn't stop twitching at the corners of his mouth, covering his face, and couldn't stand the current situation at all.

How could he have such an elf? When did he become a gangster? It must be his father. Damn, he only knows how to take Pikachu to watch some nonsense.

If Dongfang Long knew, he would probably scold him as an unfilial son.

Don't you know what your father's status is at home? Do I have the right to move the TV remote control? Brat, you blame me for everything.

I know, but if you blame your mother, she will definitely pass the blame to you, and you will quietly accept it. After all, it's not the first time or the second time that you have taken the blame. Instead of doing that, I'd rather blame you directly.

With his hands on his hips, Dongfang Yang responded confidently.


It seems to be true.!!_| ̄|○

A contest between Dongfang Yang and Dongfang Long, father and son, one of them was doomed to fail before it even started.

The relationship between the two elves improved slightly, and Dongfang Yang was relieved.

Although Dongfang Yang was a little unhappy with Pikachu's operation, it was all he could do for now.

Leaning against the door, watching the two little ones eating together, Dongfang Yang's mouth curled up, and he began to close his eyes and rest.

Guan Yue, who was outside the house, had been observing the situation inside through the glass window.

Seeing that Mushroom had let down some of its guard against Pikachu, although it didn't speak and had been listening to Pikachu's chatter, this was also a good start, at least they hadn't done this before.

Now, Guan Yue was very curious about what Pikachu said to Mushroom.

Not to mention that the sound insulation of the room was second to none, even if she could hear the sound, she wouldn't understand it.

But looking at Dongfang Yang's changing expression, it was estimated that he understood.

That's right, it is said that Dongfang Yang's wave power is not weak, and it should be enough to perceive the meaning of the elves' words.

It seems that he knows what Pikachu said?

Although her curiosity was tickling her heart like a kitten, Guan Yue still resisted asking Dongfang Yang.

After all, the relationship between Pikachu and Mushroom had just eased, so she should try not to provoke them.

She could also wait for Dongfang Yang to come out before asking. But what she didn't know was that Dongfang Yang might not tell her about Pikachu.

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