In the early morning, the sun has just risen and the first rays of sunlight shine on the earth.

At the bottom of the dormitory building of Shanghai University, young students are busy preparing for their future.

"No, it's already 4:50, why hasn't the instructor come yet? Didn't we meet at 5 o'clock?"

Kicking a stone on the side of the road, Wang Yao complained unhappily.

"No hurry, let's wait a little longer, it's not time yet."

As soon as He Tian finished speaking, a series of whistles were heard from a distance.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Dongfang Yang riding a small electric donkey slowly coming from a distance, with Pikachu, Meowth and Tan Xiaoshi running at full speed in front.

The moment this scene appeared, it attracted everyone's attention. When

He Tian and others saw this scene, the corners of their mouths kept twitching. He is really a training maniac. He even has to train Pokémon.

Judging from this posture, he probably ran all the way from the Magic City Gym. He is actually carrying a weight on his body. Wow, strong, really strong, cruel, really cruel.


With the whistle of Dongfang Yang, the elves stopped in front of everyone and trotted on the spot.

"Wow, you all arrived quite early."

After counting the number of people, Dongfang Yang said with a smile

""Instructor, you are too slow. It is not gentlemanly to let a girl wait for you."

Wang Yao, who was straightforward, pouted and complained.

"Haha, I have a girlfriend, I don't care about these things, and I'm not late, either."

Dongfang Yang took out his phone and checked the time. He was sure that he was not late, but they were early.

Without dwelling on this, Dongfang Yang said,

"We are going to the breeding house now. We have already greeted them. Are you ready?"


He Tian and the others nodded vigorously, their eyes shining brightly.

""You idiots, how are you going to get there? Run over there? Why don't you find a bicycle or a donkey to ride?"

Seeing how confident they were, Dongfang Yang scolded them with a smile.

Only then did they react and scanned the code to use the shared electric donkeys. They followed Dongfang Yang and drove towards the cultivation house of Magic City University. In the reception room of the cultivation house, Dongfang Yang sat on the sofa and drank tea to refresh himself.

He Tian, Wang Yao and others were led by the staff of the cultivation house to choose their favorite elves.

As for whether the elves chose them or not, it was not Dongfang Yang's business. He gave them the opportunity, and whether they could grasp it depended on their own ability.

""Knock, knock."

Just as Dongfang Yang was thinking about the next training plan, there was a knock on the door of the reception room.

"Please come in."

The door opened, and a beautiful woman who looked to be about 22 or 23 years old, with skin as white as snow and eyebrows as beautiful as pictures, walked in.

""Who are you?"

Dongfang Yang frowned slightly and stood up to ask

"Hello, President Dongfang, I am Guan Yue, the postgraduate tutor of the Department of Education at Shanghai University, and also the person in charge of this education house."

"It turns out to be Professor Guan. Hello, I have heard of you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be so young and beautiful. You are really young and promising."

Out of courtesy, Dongfang Yang greeted Guan Yue.

"I just look young. I am already an aunt in my 40s. I can't be considered young and promising. Besides, compared with you, no one can be called young and promising, the youngest champion trainer in history."

As a woman, Guan Yue was very happy to hear others praise her for her good looks.

"I can't say that. I look young, but as a graduate student tutor at Magic City University and in charge of such an excellent breeding house, how can I not be considered young and promising? I'm just lucky."

After being polite, Dongfang Yang went straight to the point.

"I wonder what Professor Guan wants to talk to me about?"

"Oh, can't you come and chat with President Dongfang about family matters and enhance the friendship between colleagues?"

Guan Yue smiled and stared at Dongfang Yang.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yang did not reply, but just looked at Guan Yue.

Chat about family matters?

Haha, are there still such boring people in Shanghai University at this stage?

Besides, he and the other party have nothing to do with each other.

A graduate tutor in the cultivation department and an honorary president without real power, what kind of relationship do they have.

Besides, Guan Yue has been married for a long time, and the couple lives a happy life. They are also well-known figures. Who in Shanghai University doesn't know about his relationship with Ying Yudie?

Chat about family matters?

If you tell Katie Dog, Katie Dog will shake his head in disbelief.

The two stared at each other for a long time, and Guan Yue breathed a sigh of relief and was defeated.

"Okay, I give up. I do have something to talk to you about."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Dongfang Yang was not surprised by what he had expected.

"We heard that Principal Dongfang has the power of wave guidance.

We would like to ask you for a favor.

We met an elf.

For some reason, it is very withdrawn and never communicates with anyone or any elves.

It doesn't eat the food we prepare for it, but eats the leftovers of other elves.

When our people get close to it, it grimaces.

Every night it looks out the window.

Seeing it like this, we have released it into the secret realm of the school several times, but a few days later, someone found it lying on the ground with wounds all over its body, and it was sent back.


Guan Yue did not hide anything and told everything, and handed a copy of the investigation and records of Magic City University to Dongfang Yang.

"It would be best to find someone with the power of Evergreen to communicate with, but there is no such person in Dragon Country. We can only ask you, the brave hero of Wave, to help us try."

"We can afford to raise a fairy in our breeding house, but for its physical and mental health, and because we are curious about what happened, we hope you can help."

After taking the information, Dongfang Yang opened it and read it.

He was also very curious about what was going on.

After a brief look and a general understanding of the situation, Dongfang Yang stood up and walked out.

"Let's go see the elves first. It's not a solution to continue staying here."

Hearing this, Guan Yue hurriedly followed and led the way for Dongfang Yang.

Looking through the window, Dongfang Yang frowned as he looked at the mushroom huddled in the corner of the room.

Elf: Mushroom

Attribute: Grass

Level: 10

Qualification: Purple

Characteristics: Sprinter

Carrying items: None

Too lonely, even through the window, one can feel the black breath emanating from the other party.

It is wrapped in negative emotions such as inferiority, despair, depression, decadence, timidity, fear, etc.

It seems that the world is full of malice to it.

It can't be allowed to go on like this.

Dongfang Yang made a decision in his heart in an instant.

Opening the door, Dongfang Yang walked in slowly, approaching the mushroom little by little.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the mushroom looked up at Dongfang Yang and shrank back, but it was leaning against the corner, where could it shrink to. The helpless mushroom could only lower its head, just like an ostrich, as long as it couldn't see Dongfang Yang, Dongfang Yang couldn't see it.

This look made Dongfang Yang particularly distressed.

What kind of experience is this? What happened to make it like this?

Dongfang Yang’s first reaction was to encounter the Elf Hunter Organization in the world of the little idiot.

At that time, Dongfang Yang had been fighting the Elf Hunter Organization for a long time.

Dongfang Yang was hunting them all over the world.

They also organized more than one counter-encirclement and suppression against Dongfang Yang.

The final result was that the Elf Hunter Organization was scared and disappeared for a while. After the storm subsided, they started to do things secretly. People like Hunter J, who drove an airship and wandered around, no longer dared to do so.

Of course, it was also because they had no money.

Their money was taken away by Dongfang Yang during his repeated hunts. It was said that it was donated to poor places.

However, now in Longguo, it can be said that there is no Elf here. Spirit hunters, or rather, all of them are elf hunters.

Except for the elves that cannot be traded according to the law, other elves can be traded. Of course, any elf trade must be reported to the alliance.

And because of the existence of various secret realms, the price of ordinary elves is not high.

If you really need an elf, just go to the next secret realm.

Unless it is very rare, such as Lucario.

Mushrooms are obviously not such elves.

After excluding this possibility, there is only one possibility left, the abuse of elves.

It can be said that this is something that no national alliance allows, and it is written directly into the legal provisions of the constitution.

If this is the case, don't let me know who it is.

A hint of tyranny flashed in Dongfang Yang's golden and red pupils.

Are you kidding? In Xiao In the world of mental retardation, Dongfang Yang can spend a year to attack all evil organizations including Team Rocket and beat them into fleeing. He is a kind person. He is a good person who calls the Alliance headquarters and asks them to help find people right after returning to the original world.

It can be said that Dongfang Yang's mighty aura is accumulated by the members of the evil organization with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Dongfang Yang just doesn't lose his temper. If he gets angry, the consequences will be very serious.

Gently coming to the side of the mushroom, Dongfang Yang sits against the wall with it.

Without saying anything, Dongfang Yang reaches out and gently touches the mushroom.

Dongfang Yang clearly feels the trembling of the other party's body when his hand touches the other party.

His breathing stagnated, and he suppressed his inner anger. Dongfang Yang gently stroked the mushroom to calm the other party's emotions.

It seems that the imagined things did not happen. The trembling of the mushroom's body gradually weakened until it stopped trembling.

He looked up and took a peek at the humans around him. It seems that they are different from others.

No, they can't be trusted. Humans are all bad people.

The strong disgust towards humans in his heart tore the little bit of goodwill that Mushroom had for Dongfang Yang into pieces.

Mushroom quickly lowered his head again. Dongfang

Yang didn't care about this, he lowered his head and whispered

""You haven't eaten yet, I'll go get you something to eat, you can't starve yourself."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang got up and went outside.

He first called Li Yuan and the others to tell them that the training was going on normally, and that he had some things to deal with at the training house, so he wouldn't be there for the next few days.

Then he called out Gardevoir and asked Gardevoir to take his Poké Ball to the training ground to facilitate Dongfang Ling and the others' afternoon training.

After doing all this, Dongfang Yang said to Guan Yue:

"The situation is a bit serious. It is probably severely abused. Its strength is not strong. It is estimated that it has not been in a good environment since it was born. It may even be more serious than I thought. You can check it out and see if you can find anything. With its strength, even if it escapes, it can't escape too far."

"Yes, it's just as we guessed. We sent people to investigate a long time ago, but there is little useful information. However, we will not give up the investigation."

Guan Yue nodded, agreed with Dongfang Yang's judgment, and explained the situation.

"Humph, if that's the case, it's probably someone quite powerful. I'll check it out when I'm free. The status of the mushroom is more important now."

Dongfang Yang snorted coldly, with a violent light flashing in his eyes.

Guan Yue, who was opposite him, stared at Dongfang Yang's golden and red pupils and couldn't help swallowing.

Dongfang Yang was so creepy.

"Well, I'll leave the mushrooms to you."


Dongfang Yang nodded and replied

"Please inform the students I brought with me to return to the training ground after selecting their elves."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang took out a grass-type energy cube from his space backpack without paying attention to whether Guan Yue responded or not, and walked into the room again.

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