The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2258: Youdu

Feng Lao and Meng Zhang hit it off and talked very happily, and they talked for a long time.

Feng Lao seemed to be really optimistic about Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang also deliberately made friends with this celestial clerk who had a good status in the dark alliance.

The more they talked, the more speculative they became, and it felt like they were too late to meet each other.

Later, when the old man had other important things, he reluctantly said goodbye to Meng Zhang.

Before saying goodbye, he also invited Meng Zhang to visit him often.

Although this is the first time the two have met, they are already like old friends.

Meng Zhang left the hall where Feng Lao met him, and saw Zhu Hui from outside.

It seemed that when he was talking with Feng Lao, Chu Hui had been waiting outside.

Meng Zhang asked himself that he didn't have such a big face, Chu Hui should respect the old man.

Sure enough, Chu Hui was envious of Meng Zhang and Feng Lao at first sight.

She told Meng Zhang that Elder Feng had a very deep seniority in the dark alliance and a high status, and could influence many members of the Presbyterian Church.

The Supreme Master Chu Hui even frankly, the reason why her dark alliance planner has such a big name, many times came from the guidance of the old man.

Feng Lao pointed and helped many high-level members of the dark alliance, and won the admiration of everyone.

If Meng Zhang can get the support of the old man, there will not be many people in the dark alliance that will continue to be hostile to him.

Meng Zhang knew the importance of a brilliant celestial clerk to a power of cultivation, but Feng Lao's position in the dark alliance was so high that he felt that he had underestimated Wei Lao before.

Whether it is for the benefit of the sect or personal interests, Meng Zhang is willing to make friends with people like Feng Lao.

Feng Lao took the initiative to show his favor, which can be said to be very sincere.

Meng Zhang seemed a little flattered on the surface, but deep down, he still had reservations about the old man.

There is no unreasonable love in the world. How can a person like the old man show good to him for no reason? There must be a plan.

It's just that there is too little information at hand, and Meng Zhang still can't guess his plot.

Shangzun Chu Hui led Meng Zhang to bid farewell to the high level of the dark alliance.

Meng Zhang and Grand Elder Feng Qing talked nonsense for a while.

Probably because of the attitude of the old man, Feng Qing Shangzun seemed to be more affectionate to Meng Zhang.

After Meng Zhang and Feng Qing waited to bid farewell, they left here and returned directly to Taiyimen.

Since it was impossible to obtain information about the Mysterious Mansion from the Dark Alliance, Meng Zhang had to make King Grey Peng work harder.

During this period of time, Tai Miao has already begun to build a large amount of manpower and material resources to transform the Devil May Cry Mountain Range.

According to a wonderful idea, he will rely on the Devil May Cry Mountains to build a huge city as the core of his rule over the underworld.

This city was named Youdu by Tai Miao.

Youdu, the capital of the Netherland.

With Tai Miao completing the great cause of unifying the underworld, although the major forces of the Yang world were extremely unwilling to see this scene, they had to slowly accept the reality.

Including all the great sacred sects, all the forces that have interests in the underworld have contacted the great through various means, hoping to reach a certain agreement with the great.

Because Taiyimen didn't cooperate, they all tried their best to directly contact Taiyi.

Under Meng Zhang's instructions, in order to avoid making Taiyi Sect a target of public criticism, Tai Miao could not only develop a relationship with Taiyi Sect.

Tai Miao's subordinates successively received envoys from various forces and reached some loose agreements with them.

All the powers of cultivation in the Yang world must publicly acknowledge Taimiao's rule over the underworld.

In the future, if they want to contact the underworld, they can only deal with the forces under Tai Miao.

In the future, those monks who throw themselves into the underworld and transform into acquired ghosts and gods must obey the wonderful commands.

In return, Tai Miao will not cut off the connection between the underworld and the Yang world, and will sell the various resources of the underworld to the Yang world as before.

Those who want to enter the underworld to experience and practice special exercises, all need to apply to Tai Miao's subordinates in advance.


In short, the agreement reached by the major forces of Tai Miao and Yang Shi was dissatisfied by both parties, but they were both reluctant to accept it.

With this agreement, the influence of the changes in the underworld on the Yang world is minimized.

The most important thing is that the underworld continues to provide various special resources to the Yang world, which can ensure that the fundamental interests of all forces are not harmed.

Probably out of favor of Tai Miao, the Holy Land Zongmen revealed a message to Tai Miao.

After the last time the capital of the Great Li Dynasty was captured, a few remnants of the Great Li Dynasty and the ghost tribes from outside the territory successfully broke through and escaped the chase of the Holy Land Zongmen.

The Dali Dynasty was so powerful in those days, of course, he arranged hidden children in various places in Junchen Realm, and prepared for the next move.

In order to eliminate the roots, the various sacred sects have been unremittingly liquidating and hunting down the remnants of the Dali Dynasty over the years.

In this process, some remnants of the dynasty were arrested one after another.

Among them, there are many guys who occupy high positions in the Great Li Dynasty.

From these guys, the various sacred sects obtained a lot of valuable information.

In the current Junchen Realm, there are still many extraterritorial ghost tribes.

They have established some shelters in both the underworld and the Yang world to help them avoid the rejection of the rules of the Junchen Considering the characteristics of ghosts outside the territory, their shelters are mainly concentrated in the underworld, and inside Hidden the powerhouse of the Void Returning level.

The various sacred sects hope that Tai Miao can strengthen the search, find these shelters, and kill the hidden ghosts outside the territory.

Tai Miao has been in the underworld for so long, and has never encountered an extraterritorial ghost race.

In the process of his unification of the underworld, no ghost clan from outside the territory came out to stop him.

Tai Miao has now become the ruler of the underworld. How can anyone sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

As foreign invaders, foreign ghosts have naturally become his enemies.

There is such a group of powerful foreigners hiding in the underworld, which is always a confidant problem and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Yi Taimiao's current cultivation base is not afraid of being besieged by these extraterritorial ghost races.

As long as those extraterritorial ghosts leave the shelter, they will be rejected and attacked by the rules of the underworld.

Of course, because the underworld is too vast, and Tai Miao's rule of the underworld is very rough, it is not an easy task to find those hidden shelters.

Tai Miao issued a wanted order in the underworld, offering a reward for arresting ghosts outside the territory, and mobilizing all ghosts and ghosts to search for those shelters.

In addition, he also hopes to get more information from Yang Shi.

In addition to requesting the various sacred sects, he also asked Meng Zhang for help.

After the demise of the Dali Dynasty, a large part of its territory was annexed by Taiyimen.

Under the current Taiyimen, they sheltered many comprehension forces that originally belonged to the Great Li Dynasty.

Among them, there are many forces that are closely related to the imperial family of the Dali Dynasty, and there are practitioners who occupy high positions in the Dali Dynasty and participate in secrets.

Meng Zhang sent his subordinates to question these comprehension forces, and from them inquired about the intelligence of the ghost tribe outside the territory.

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