The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2257: court

Feng Lao was talking about the past, and he began to cry out of suffering.

He confessed that without the cultivation of the dark alliance, he could not have the realm of cultivation today, let alone practice a clever heavenly secret technique.

But he also paid a lot for the dark alliance.

Over the past thousands of years, he has repeatedly used heavenly secret techniques to derive the dark alliance's high-level officials and help them make major strategic decisions.

There is a price to be paid for the use of the heavenly secret technique for deduction.

Although the dark alliance seniors thought of many ways to help Feng Lao avoid the backlash of heaven and reduce the price he paid.

But after so many years of accumulation, he still paid a heavy price and suffered extremely serious injuries.

Feng Lao's path in this life is completely hopeless, and there is not much life left.

He has exhausted all available means of life extension, but he can't prevent death from coming.

Feng Lao said these words in front of the stranger who met for the first time, which surprised Meng Zhang very much.

Following the words of the elders, he praised the elders for their hard work, and expressed regret for the situation of the elders.

The Void Returning Power has a life span of nearly 10,000 years.

Of course, due to different personal circumstances, the difference in life span is still relatively large.

It has been less than ten thousand years for the cultivator to establish rule in Junchen Realm.

The elders who established the branch of the Junchen Realm's dark alliance like Feng Lao, if the methods of health preservation are clever, should not have reached the age when their lifespan is exhausted.

Due to the backlash of the Heavenly Mystery Master, the lifespan of the cultivator tends to be much shorter than that of the cultivator of the same rank.

Probably it was a kind of injury, Meng Zhang did have some sympathy for this rare fellow celestial clerk, and his words also resonated somewhat.

With the contribution and importance of the old man to the dark alliance, the dark alliance will do its best to extend its life.

It is a pity that the dark alliance cannot continue to extend its life, and Meng Zhang is even more unimaginable.

While speaking, Feng Lao seemed to ask about the wonderful origin.

The relationship between Taiyimen and Taimiao seems to be very clear, but in the eyes of discerning people, the close relationship between the two parties is no secret.

By the means of the dark alliance, it is not difficult to know that Taimiao and Taiyimen are cooperating closely.

Ever since seeing the old man, Meng Zhang has never let go of his vigilance.

Feng Lao mentioned Tai Miao inadvertently, but Meng Zhang didn't care about it. It was the standard answer. Tai Miao and Tai Yi Sect had cooperated before, which was purely a relationship of interest. The two sides have basically no exchanges now.

The Taiyi Sect didn't know much about the origins of Taiyi Sect, but he knew that he was like a ghost of the underworld, and he was introduced to Meng Zhang by the dead Taiyi Sect predecessor Ghost Shouwang.

Apart from this, Taiyimen had no further understanding of him.

Feng Lao seemed to be just asking casually, not entangled in this topic at all, and soon talked about other things.

The words and deeds of such characters as Feng Lao have profound meanings, and Meng Zhang dare not make the slightest negligence.

He calculated in his heart, why did Feng Lao ask such wonderful things?

The true primordial spirit of the cultivation world loses his body, and after only the primordial spirit is left, the primordial spirit can enter the underworld and transform into an acquired ghost.

It's just that such acquired ghosts and gods have changed a lot, and the upper limit of their cultivation level is basically locked.

In the process of Tai Miao conquering the underworld, the acquired ghosts and gods under his men frequently participated in the battle, exposing many foundations.

The acquired ghosts and gods of Tai Miao's subordinates have not changed much in character compared to before they were alive, and they don't seem to be fettered too much, and their cultivation bases have progressed very quickly.

Especially after the Supreme Sword God General waited for several guardians to break through the rebirth period, it showed that as long as the acquired ghosts and gods have great help, they can also be free from innate shackles.

Although Tai Miao is now dominating the underworld, she is definitely not strict about the rule of the underworld.

Among his subordinates, there must be acquired ghosts and ghosts that still communicate with the forces of the Yang world.

Some of the wonderful special abilities are therefore inevitable to be exposed and passed on to the Yang world.

Could it be that Feng Lao wants to transform into an acquired ghost with the help of too wonderful power, so he is so interested in Tai wonderful?

As soon as he had this idea in his mind, Meng Zhang denied it.

After the Yuanshen Zhenjun transforms into the acquired ghosts and gods, his life span cannot be prolonged.

If it is the kind of primordial spirit that is about to run out of life, because the primordial spirit will become weak, it is impossible to withstand the transformation process, and it is impossible to transform into an acquired ghost.

The most important thing is that Feng Lao is not the true primordial soul, but the power of returning to the void.

In the history of Junchen Realm, there has never been a return to the virtual power transformed into an acquired ghost. Tai Miao, even if he became the overlord of the underworld, he didn't have such ability.

According to common sense, as soon as the yang **** with the power of returning to the underworld enters the underworld, he will be repelled and hit by the rules of the underworld, and he can't stand there at all.

If you don't want to be transformed into an acquired ghost, why should Feng Lao pay attention to it?

It has only been a few thousand years for a cultivator to establish a rule in Junchen Realm, and many of Junchen Realm's return to virtual power have fallen, but it should be extremely rare that the lifespan is exhausted.

After the natural end of the Void-Returning Powerful Shou Yuan, the brand of the Yang God entrusted in the depths of Junchen Realm, UU Reading will also slowly disappear, and naturally there will be no possibility of rebirth.

Meng Zhang had heard of, and had seen with his own eyes, that too many monks had done extremely crazy things because their lifespan was exhausted and they were about to fall.

Feng Lao is probably about to sit down, so he is in a hurry to go to the doctor, right?

Tai Miao couldn't help Feng Lao, and Meng Zhang could not reveal his true relationship with Tai Miao.

Feng Lao said that it is rare for him to see a fellow celestial clerk, who is still such a brilliant celestial clerk like Meng Zhang.

He made no secret of his appreciation of Meng Zhang, and generously released his kindness.

Feng Lao's feeling of sympathy seems to have infected Meng Zhang, and he and Feng Lao talked more and more vigorously.

Seeing that the old man was in a good mood, Meng Zhang tentatively asked some information about the dark alliance.

Except for some information that was too confidential, Feng Lao readily answered most of Meng Zhang's questions.

Meng Zhang even mentioned the matter of helping the Supreme Master Chu Hui catch the tricky dragon before.

Without Meng Zhang's question, Feng Lao took the initiative to tell the purpose of the tricky dragon.

For one thing, the tricky dragon can refine the tricky dao soldier.

The treacherous dao soldiers are excellent assassins, and can easily assassinate ordinary primordial true monarchs.

If its number is sufficient, it can even pose a threat to the power of returning to the void.

Secondly, a special skill practiced by the Supreme Master Chu Hui requires the use of such materials as Gui Jiao.

The quick-spoken Feng Lao even took the initiative to tell the secret method of refining the tricky dao soldiers.

Feng Lao was so friendly, it was beyond Meng Zhang's expectation.

Meng Zhang wanted to ask for information about the Mysterious Mansion, but he hesitated and gave up.

He did not relax his vigilance because of his old and friendly attitude.

To him, Feng Lao is always a stranger.

And since the dark alliance can collude with the Demon Dao, it is not worthy of trust.

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