After Luo Xiu made the decision to leave for the base camp of the human traffickers, he chose to part ways with these people without any hesitation!

Because there was a small ship in the pirate ship, Luo Xiu planned to drive the ship to their base camp by himself, leaving the big pirate ship to them. It was not that Luo Xiu liked to be a good guy. It was mainly because he felt that the big pirate ship was too conspicuous to go there.

But just when Luo Xiu was about to leave, another inappropriate voice came from behind him.

"Little brother... why don't you not go to the base camp first, and send us back first? After all, we ordinary people are still a little dangerous at sea, and you can protect us better with us!"

Luo Xiu turned his head in surprise, and found that the voice came from the group of men who were dissatisfied with him before. At this time, they had been released without knowing when.

Luo Xiu frowned and looked, and saw a woman holding a key that she had found from somewhere and smiling at him awkwardly. Obviously, this woman should be related to one of the men.

It was she who released this group of men. Luo Xiu just narrowed his eyes lightly and was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Instead, Luo Xiu looked at everyone and whispered,

"I just need a guide to their base camp. If you are willing to go there with me... I can protect you."

This was the last chance he gave this group of people. He was not a good guy who had nothing to do but protect those who didn't want to do it.

"But that base is too dangerous... You don't know how many powerful and terrifying people there are. We'd better not hold you back."

"You should send us to another port. It won't take you much time anyway."

"Yes... please save us, you saved us once anyway, it doesn't matter if you save us a second time."

The men persuaded with a fake smile, and most of the women behind them were silent, obviously they also meant the same thing, they didn't think Luo Xiu could survive if he broke into the pirates' base alone, so naturally they didn't want to follow him to die.


Luo Xiu laughed at himself, turned the handle and was about to leave, but the next moment he saw the boat shaking and a little girl had jumped onto the boat.

Ah Lan said with a serious expression,

"If you don't mind, I can be your guide."

At this time, Alan's mother also came down reluctantly. Obviously, she had no choice but to follow her daughter.

"Auntie... would you like to come with me? I think it would be safer to go with my big brother."

After getting on the boat, Alan waved to the familiar women, but they refused and shook their heads.

Obviously, they did not approve of Alan's decision and thought the girl was a little silly. Alan had to lower his head in grievance.

After touching the girl's head, Luo Xiu smiled at them and said softly,

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you, and I will protect you."

After saying that, he turned the handle and started to drive away quickly. The speed of this speedboat was very fast, and it soon pulled away from the original pirate ship until it disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing that Luo Xiu had actually left them alone, the men who had just cursed the most immediately became furious, but they only dared to wait until Luo Xiu really left them before cursing.

"Damn that brat, isn't he just relying on the fact that he is a devil fruit user?……"

"If I had the ability to do this, I would definitely protect everyone."

"That's right... that guy is going there to get himself killed. Only a fool would accompany them to break into the base camp."

"It's safer to stay in this pirate ship than there."

Several men seemed to be confident in what they said, but soon the woman behind them seemed to have seen something horrible and screamed in fear.

Most of the people followed their eyes and began to look back. It turned out that a small black dot suddenly appeared in the back... and this black dot became bigger and bigger as the distance got closer.

Looking closely, it was a ship, and there was a flag flying above the ship. The flag was black all day long, with a big white skull in the middle and two knives below.

Obviously this is a pirate ship!

In the distant pirate ship's observation tower, a man with a face full of flesh put away the telescope and said to the people below excitedly,

"Brothers... it's time to live"

""Brothers, go!"

When the two ships approached, they blew the horn and launched the attack without hesitation. A group of pirates had greedy smiles on their faces.

Just like that... this group of people who had just been released became"commodities" again, and this group of pirates was worse than the previous group. Some of them had a habit of abusing them, and they vented their anger on them.

After being put into the cage again... their eyes were more desperate, but in addition to despair, there was also a strong sense of regret. Maybe they should have followed the boy.

This is the way the world is. An inadvertent choice may change everything, especially in this chaotic North Sea.



The world of One Piece is actually very grand. Of course, its sea area accounts for a large part, so in this world... things related to the sea have become the mainstream.

In addition to the huge sea area of the New World, there are also the East Sea, West Sea, South Sea, North Sea... these four sea areas!

Each sea area has its own characteristics. For example, the South Sea, which is relatively weak, is famous for its craftsmanship. Many outstanding shipbuilding masters come from them.

The West Sea and the East Sea are famous for producing strong people, because from their���There are so many strong people coming out of this place... Of course, the East China Sea is sometimes jokingly called the weakest sea, mainly because a big man from the navy often goes there.

As a result, the atmosphere of the strong there is suppressed!

The North Sea where Luo Xiu is now also has a very distinctive feature, that is, chaos... This land that has produced many navy admirals is actually different from what many people think.

This land really has a special magic that catalyzes people into demons.

The Vinsmoke family is the ruler of this sea area, but they fully advocate technology and don’t care about the lives of the people below. Even because of some scientific experiments of their secret crowd... the dark transactions about people here are very terrifying.

Paradise Island! (I created it based on the background of the original work.)

It is the notorious black market exchange in the North Sea. It is full of various crimes, and killing is just a trivial matter here.

Even if someone is killed on the street, some passers-by will just shake their heads indifferently and then walk away without caring.

Because the World Government has paid enough deposits here, you won't even be attacked by the navy if you commit a crime here...

Ironic! Extremely ironic!

Today's Paradise Island is just like usual. Whenever the port is opened, the port will be filled with ships.

Some of these ships have flags of caravans, or tourist ships or even special transport teams of a certain country.

After these ships dock, someone will pick them up... Then batches of things will be transported from the ship to the bottom. As for what is in the box?

No one knows? No one goes back to ask...

Because here as long as you have enough money, or strong enough strength, or a big enough background, you can ignore most of the rules here.

At this moment, at the port!

A young man slowly got up from an ordinary speedboat, looking at the country that built the island in the name of paradise with a dazed look.

I have to say... It's really beautiful, the buildings here look very impressive

"Are we finally here?"

The young man raised his lips and revealed a cold smile.

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