After killing all the pirates, Luo Xiu got more than 20 revenge points in total. Together with the previous ones... it can be said that this pirate group alone provided him with 50 revenge points, which is 50 million Baileys in bounty! After thinking for a while, Luo Xiu exchanged these revenge points for two basic ninjutsu.

One is the clone technique, and the other is the substitute technique!

"Not enough... still not enough, the speed of accumulating revenge points is still too slow."

Luo Xiu muttered to himself while standing beside a pile of corpses. After experiencing despair, he finally understood the importance of mastering power.

So now he is eager to master powerful power, no matter how dangerous that method is.

On the other side, those who were originally imprisoned in the cage were immediately excited when they saw that the pirates were killed by Luo Xiu.

"Dead...are all these pirates dead?"

"Great... Great, we are saved!"

They shouted excitedly, and some even burst into tears.

There was no way anyone could remain calm after experiencing great despair and then seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Thank you so much, little brother... Please let us out soon!"

"Come on, I can't wait……"

Especially the cage where the man was imprisoned. They soon began to call out to Luo Xiu excitedly, and they all grabbed the cage and squeezed hard, but Luo Xiu ignored their shouts and walked to the cage next to him.

"What's your name?"

Luo Xiu looked at the little girl who had just reminded him. The little girl raised her head timidly... revealing a pair of big, watery eyes.

"I... my name is A Lan!"

Although the little girl is disheveled now, it can still be seen that she must have been very delicate before.

"Ah Lan? That's a good name.……"

Luo Xiu smiled warmly, then he chopped open the lock of the cage with a knife. The little girl soon came out under the guidance of her mother.

"Thank you so much... benefactor."

After coming out, the middle-aged woman brought her daughter to express her sincere gratitude to Luo Xiu, and almost knelt on the ground. The other women behind her did the same. Luo Xiu saw sincere gratitude in most of their eyes.

And from their mouths, Luo Xiu also learned some secrets. It turned out that there were two types of people who were caught and sold on the ship.

One type was miserable women like them, who were ruthlessly sold to gangs as gambling debts because their husbands lost money in gambling, such as Alan and others.

Another type was a group of people who were caught by gangs because they could not pay their gambling debts and their lives were used as collateral for the gambling debts. Most of the cages holding the men were like this.

"Thank you... Big Brother."

The little girl only really looked at the boy who defeated the pirates and saved them at this moment. She was surprised to find that the boy's current demeanor was very different from when he just killed the pirates.

Luo Xiu, who had just killed the pirates, gave her the feeling of cruelty and bloodthirstiness, but now Luo Xiu was very gentle, just like a big brother next door.

"You're welcome!"

In response to the little girl's thanks, Luo Xiu replied calmly with a friendly smile. He was such a person... If others gave him a bit of kindness, he would give them ten times more.

"Hey, kid...what are you talking about? Can't you see that there are so many of us locked up? Let us out first. It's so uncomfortable here."

"That's right, please let us out quickly, I've been hungry for days."

But the men trapped in the cage next door were a little dissatisfied when they saw Luo Xiu was hesitating, and they all started to urge Luo Xiu.

Hearing these words, Luo Xiu, who was originally planning to let them go, frowned and said

"Why should I open the lock for you?"


The group of men in the cage were stunned for a moment, and then they started to curse.

"We were captured here by those pirates... We are innocent."

"You have the strength, why don't you help us? Are you the same as those pirates?"

Hearing this group of people talking about Luo Xiu, Alan beside him immediately became anxious.

"Big Brother helped us solve those pirates, we should thank him... How can you say that to him."

But her words didn't work at all on those people. Instead, they scolded her, saying that she was taking advantage of them and was still being ungrateful. Ah Lan was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Luo Xiu frowned and pulled Ah Lan away. Seeing this group of men scolding just because they were not good people, Luo Xiu felt for the first time that some people suffered for a reason.

Luo Xiu smiled sarcastically and looked at them with bloodshot eyes.

"You guys... do you think I'm much easier to talk to than those hateful pirates, so you talk to me in this tone?"

The men in the cage were frightened by Luo Xiu's eyes. In their hearts, they wanted to say yes... because the young Luo Xiu was a child and looked easier to control.

They didn't have the courage to negotiate with the fierce pirates, but they had the courage to negotiate with a"good guy" like Luo Xiu.

It was indeed a bit ironic!

Luo Xiu was too lazy to pay attention to these guys, and those men were afraid of Luo Xiu and didn't dare to say anything. Luo Xiu looked at Alan and others and asked

"You just said that the next port is the base of this pirate group, so you know how to get there?"


Ah Lan nodded and asked with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Why are you asking this, big brother?"

"Kill the pirates!"

Luo Xiu asked concisely. If you want to know where there are the most pirates, then this base camp must be a good place.


But when everyone present heard that Luo Xiu was going to attack the enemy's base camp, they immediately became nervous... Because as people from the North Sea, they knew how terrible it was there.

Even a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions would not dare to say that he had the final say there. There were really many pirates there.

"Benefactor, that place is too dangerous. Although you are very powerful, you should not take such a risk."

Alan's mother, a very gentle-looking woman, advised

"Yes, it is really dangerous there... In my hometown, it has always been jokingly called a man-eating devil's den. Ordinary people have almost no chance of survival there."

"That's a place that even the navy dare not set foot on easily."

"You might die!"

The other women also persuaded him. They really wanted to do good for Luo Xiu.

Ah Lan also felt that the boy who saved their lives was a little strange.

""Big brother, aren't you afraid of death?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiu frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about this question seriously.

After a long time, Luo Xiu suddenly smiled calmly.

"Death... who is not afraid? But I am already dead, I have no right to fear death"

"If I must die in this life, I must die on the way to kill pirates."

Listening to the boy's words, a group of people were silent... Because even a fool could see that this boy must have a blood feud with pirates.

And there are too many people persecuted by pirates on the entire sea.

Ah Lan didn't know how to comfort Luo Xiu, so she could only tentatively touch Luo Xiu's bloody hands with her hands, and she said softly

"Grandma told me that nothing is more important than staying alive, because as long as you are alive, you have infinite possibilities... Although I don't know what happened to my big brother, but a good person like him will not die easily."

Looking at the innocent look of the girl, Luo Xiu's face twitched inadvertently, and he sighed in his heart... Although there are many people walking in the dark and touching sin in this world, there are also many kind people in the sun!

"Thank you very much!"

Luo Xiu said softly, his eyes twinkling!

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