The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 386 What does traditional storytelling rely on to drive the plot?

Kira discovered something very early on: most comics can find similar settings from the three major migrant worker comics.

Maybe it’s because successful authors all think of one place?

From the other party's communication, Kira got several pieces of information:

The success rate of humans transforming into orcs is not high. If they fail, they will turn into brainless beasts that only obey orders. If they succeed, they will gain great power, but they also need to obey orders.

The richer the magic power in the body, the higher the transformation success rate, and the stronger it will be after transformation;

The master of the orc army is the finance minister, not the king;

The introduced machine had nothing to do with the orc army, it was just something the king bought from a certain source.

"Hey, hey... isn't it? The other party turned into this inexplicably, and you still have to obey that guy's orders. You don't have any intention of resisting?"

As if he was born with his own skills, Kira skillfully began to fire, "If you lose your human body, you won't be able to enjoy life! You won't be able to do this or that! Also, you might even be called by the other party. Do this and that..."

Before he finished speaking, the weapons of more than a dozen orcs fell together, and the swords, guns, axes, hammers and bullets smashed the place where Kira was standing to pieces! And Kira... spun sideways for two and a half times in the air, and landed gracefully with the help of flying magic.

"What's wrong? You won't be fooled by what I say, right? That old man really asked you to do such and such a thing?"

But it was obvious that the other party did not want to pay attention to Kira's provocation and continued to issue orders: "He is the 'Holy Ten', there is no need to hold back! If we don't attack with the intention of killing him, we will be the ones who die!"


When the other party swarmed him again, Kira realized that what he had just said might have been too serious and had aroused public outrage.

"Hey~ I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said it directly like that..."

This time, the orc army attacked even harder.

Kira did not fight back directly, but kept dodging while thinking about the next countermeasures.

If these were a group of wild beasts that had lost their senses, then I would kill them if I said so. But since they are human beings who still have sense, it seems too cold-blooded to kill them casually, and maybe they will be useful in the future.

The best thing is to figure out how their master, the finance minister, transforms and controls them.

Going one step further, by taking these orc legions under his control, wouldn’t he not have to worry about manpower in order to realize his plan of “doing business in three continents” in the future?

Swords, spears, and axes, every orc wields their weapons like arms, whistling in the wind. Judging from their proficiency, they must have been elite members of the Kingdom's army before becoming a member of the orc army.

"Is it possible that you were masters of using these weapons before? You still look impressive!"

Cutting horizontally and vertically, thrusting straight and diagonally, they seemed to be old teammates who had been cooperating for many years. The last attack was not over yet, and the next attack followed one after another, gradually forming an airtight attack network. Kira, on the other hand, connected his feet and moved around like a slippery fish. No attack could hurt him.

Suddenly, Kira noticed that the movements of the cheetah swordsman had the shadow of someone else, and she couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Eh?! This cheetah brother, this two-sword swordsmanship looks very familiar to you! Who taught you it?" "

Cheetah didn't answer, but in his busy schedule, he glanced at Kira with an incomprehensible look.

So Kira understood, and muttered angrily: "Good guy, it must be that guy Disper, who taught such a guy to trick me? I'll settle the score with you again if I have the chance!"

These rational orcs were three points less energetic than the orcs they encountered before, but their fighting skills were more proficient, and their strength, speed, and physical strength were far superior to those of the defective ones.

Even Kira has to admit the brilliance of this technology - although it seems not mature enough!

So the question is, how did the finance minister master this technology?

The first thing that can be determined is that this is a kind of black magic that transforms the human body! .

Thinking of black magic and transformation, Kira first thought of Zeref, but the orcs in front of her were not demons, and they did not have the aura of Zeref. Of course, the most important thing is that they can also be controlled by people. Zeref's creations are not so low!

"Anyway, let's defeat them first - Dreamland!!"

This move is Mistagon's unique move, and it is stronger than the Mist Naraku he often uses. How could a magician like Kira, who loves learning and magic, not borrow it and use it?

The orc army is indeed powerful, with good attack and defense speed, but after several battles, Kira already knows their weakness, which is their mental power. Their resistance in this aspect is almost zero!

Sure enough, under the influence of the dreamland, the orc army fell to the ground one after another.

"Then... let's tie them up like this."

Just when Kira was about to start tying the beast, there was a sudden rumble from behind.

"What happened?!"

In doubt, Kira felt something take off behind him. When he looked back, his eyes widened and he saw a mechanical giant tens of meters high flying towards the distance.

"Hiss...there is such a thing in Bosque Country?! It's so terrifying!! By the way, this is too cool!!"

When the figure of the machine giant disappeared from the sky, Kira came back to his senses: "Wait a minute, where are Jiura-san, the guards and the princesses?"

A normal person would be able to guess what happened at the scene in front of him, but Kira still couldn't believe it.

"This is not's really not true..."

Kira covered her face speechlessly and kept mumbling as she looked around. Only when she was sure that no one else was there did she confirm her suspicion, "He was still caught in the end... Is this really traditional development?" ?Relying on those incompetent women to drive the plot?"

"I knew the 20 million J wasn't that easy to get! Speaking of which, Jula was also arrested? No way?! How did the other party do it?"

Naturally, Kira couldn't let the other party escape like this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain to King Toma, and more importantly, his 100% mission completion rate would be broken.

"Do you think you can snatch someone from me like this? You're kidding!"

Kira reached into her arms and took out the locator.

A few days ago, Kira placed a locator on the Emerald Princess, and there was more than one!

Of course, it's not for any weird reason, but to prevent accidents during the mission. Just like now, when the other party is captured by the enemy, he can find her location.

Nowadays, the target position on the locator has been moving rapidly, and the z-axis coordinate is still far away from itself, which means that the other party is flying rapidly at high altitude.

"So, it really is in the body of the robot just now, right? This is really difficult to handle!"

There is a saying that goes well: If it is difficult to handle, then simply don’t do it!

But Kira can't just ignore it now! He has always believed that money must be earned and reputation must be protected, because that way he can earn more money.

No one can take advantage of me, Kira! If so, it must be because of my mercy, or that way I can take advantage of more!

So Kira flapped his wings and flew high, while using the magic of rapidity, he chased in the direction indicated by the locator.

Not long after, he came to a valley near the royal capital, and the figure of the giant machine could be seen in the distance.

It was only then that Kira discovered that there was a hidden town in the valley, in which various buildings were like stars and stars, surrounded by a European-style castle. The target of the giant robot was this castle.

Kira raised his eyebrows. Although he had known that there would be many people on the other side, the scene before him still surprised him.

You know, such a base cannot be built overnight, which means that the other party has had the black magic of "biological transformation" for a long time.

Suddenly, the robot giant began to descend. Kira immediately took out the locator. The Z-axis coordinate of the target was falling rapidly, which meant that the target was falling!

"Sure enough, the hostages are inside!"

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