If it weren't for the fact that the final payment for the mission hadn't been paid, if it weren't for the fact that he would have to live in Fiore's territory in the future, and if it wasn't for the fear of arousing the other party's rebellious psychology, Kira would have said this directly!

In the TV original, the Emerald Princess is a Celestial Spirit Mage. After several days of observation, Kira can feel that there is magic power in her body, and the nature of the magic power is indeed similar to that of the Celestial Spirit Mage. But the magic power is really pitiful. If we compare it to the companions in the guild, it will not exceed Jet and Dole.

The Emerald Princess was finally convinced and agreed to stay in the car.

When Kira got out of the car, he realized how shocking the enemy who came to attack this time was: hundreds of orcs of various shapes and sizes surrounded him and others. Judging from the breath, each one was the same as the one from last night. A few orcs are about as strong as elite magicians; there are countless spherical machines suspended in the air. Their appearance is like an eye and a barrel. They look like artillery machines, with a caliber as big as a fist. !

"Good guy, such a big battle?!" Kira was speechless when he saw it. "It is truly the power of the country. These alone are better than the strength of several magic guilds."

Kira's words are no exaggeration. These orcs and machines can destroy a 'Devil's Heart' or 'Gate to Hades' without counting the high-level combat power without any pressure.

Fortunately, it wasn't too difficult for Kira to deal with.

The explosion just now was not light. A few of them were fine, but the other convoys were in misery. Not only was the car they were in completely blown up, but even the people were seriously injured. They were also buried under the broken iron car and big rocks, unable to move. , dying.

"Kira-san, are these the orcs you met yesterday?"

"Yes! The orcs are not difficult to deal with. What you need to pay attention to are the machines in the sky!"

"What's so special about those machines?"

Jula's words confused Kira, and he didn't know what kind of special the other party was talking about: "I don't know if it's special or not, but don't fall for it!"

"I know!"

This was said without saying anything. Jiu La thought Kira was just reminding him to be careful and nodded silently.

The orcs and forts came like a tide, and the scale was even more spectacular than when the 'Gates of Hades' invaded Tianrou Island. Their ferocious faces and noisy roars made the entire land vibrate, and the dust kept beating.

"This...this is too scary..."

A soldier who got up from the ground said inarticulately. His hands and feet were shaking, and his whole body was shaking.

Kira glanced at him and ordered: "Dig out all your teammates, then guard your princess, and leave the battle to us!"

"Yes Yes!"

Seeing the beast herd and the fort getting closer and closer, Jiula suddenly asked: "It's strange, there are only more than fifty of us, why did they send out so many combat forces?"

Kira smiled: "You don't know that there are two 'Holy Ten' here, do you?"

Then, his smile froze on his face.

"Maybe...it's really possible!"

Yesterday, I showed the ability to kill one-on-five in an instant, and it was normal for me to attract the opponent's attention. Besides, the opponent seemed to have spies who had infiltrated the Kingdom of Fiore and could detect that Jiura and Kira were in the guard team. Not surprising.


With a soft drink, surging magic power burst out from Kira and Jula at the same time, like an abyss, like a tide, like a sea, like a wave, turning into the most powerful magic, and smashing towards the enemy in front of them!

"Rock and iron pillars!!"

Eight stone pillars that are harder than steel rise from the ground and form a circle to protect the Emerald Princess and the soldiers.

The rock iron pillars can stretch freely, both offensively and defensively. Under the control of Jiula, they are as dexterous as the long beards of an octopus. They cooperate with each other in battle, like eight irresistible brothers of life and death. There is no fist of an orc or a turret. The laser cannon can break through its protective circle.

Jiula is the main defender, and Kira is naturally the main attacker!

"The earth collapsed!!"

Following Kira's loud shout, what appeared in response were energy fluctuations that shook the sky and the earth.

Except for the place protected by Jira's rock iron pillars, with Jira as the center, the land with a radius of one kilometer cracked and collapsed. It was like tens of thousands of tons of explosives exploded under the ground at the same time. Endless energy exploded. The white light that covered the sun swallowed up all the hundreds of orcs and mechanical cannons, and the wailing sound spread throughout the fields.

"This... what kind of magic is this...!!"

"Holy Ten...are all such terrifying existences?!"

The first bombing immediately shocked the soldiers' jaws, as if their world view had been refreshed. They all stared at Kira and Jiura who were showing off their skills.

The collapse of the earth with one move could not wipe out all the orcs. They got up again, running like thunder and galloping like the wind, one after another.

Kira suddenly thought: "I almost forgot, they are emotionless killing machines..."


The magic that came out again was boundless gravity, and the invisible mountain fell, pressing the orcs on the ground and the forts in the sky unreasonably into the ground, and they could no longer turn over.

"Rain of Holy Light!!"

A huge white magic circle appeared in the sky. As Kira's magic power continued to be released, the magic spell on the magic circle changed rapidly, and finally turned into a rain of light and poured down.

Every drop of light rain was like a sharp blade made of magic power. Countless sharp blades fell straight from the sky, just like a blackboard erasing chalk writing, wiping the fort and the orcs clean from sight.

Ding Ding Dang ...

The light rain penetrated the ground, making a noisy sound, and at the same time aroused smoke and dust several feet high. The smoke and dust stretched for hundreds of meters, like an earthy yellow cloth, burying the orcs and machines in the bottomless pit.

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and under the crater that spread hundreds of meters, countless blood, meat, and iron were piled up. Under the rubble, there was not a single moving orc, nor a flying machine.

"It should be over now, right?"

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of crisis surged from my heart! !

Kira retreated without hesitation. At the same time, with a crack, a sharp spear broke out from his original position and shot straight into the sky.

When the figure landed, Kira saw its face clearly. It was a... giraffe holding a spear?

"what is this?"

But before Kira could react, a dozen more figures emerged from the zebra: a cheetah swordsman with two swords; an elephant warrior with a giant axe; a zebra holding a sniper rifle; a brown bear with a sword and shield; and Rhino, hippopotamus, lion, tiger...

Each one held a weapon, each one staring at Kira.

"You guys...why do you all come out of the ground?"

Suddenly, a clear and sharp voice came from the sky. Kira looked up and saw that it was an owl.

"Okay... I take back the question I just asked."

Within a few breaths, Kira realized that the enemies in front of him were different from the previous ones, not only because they knew how to use weapons, but their bodies were more like animals, and because Kira smelled the scent of reason from them.

"So, those before were all failures and cannon fodder! Are you the real orc army?"

"As expected of a magician ranked among the 'Holy Ten', you can see through this at a glance! But even if you know, it's useless, you will soon become one of us!"

The owl who spoke was the one who seemed to be the leader of the group.

Kira did not answer its words, but just murmured to himself: "They are simply an army of animal-type ability users! Hey, the ones before were the victims of Smile..."

The orc army didn't know why and looked at each other in confusion.

"What is this guy talking about?"

"Who knows? Maybe the 'Holy Ten' are all such weird people?"

“This is the first time I have seen a magician ranked among the ‘Holy Ten’, and I’m a little excited when I say it!”

"Although those are defective products, but you defeated them all in such a short period of time, do you really deserve to be called the 'Holy Ten'?"

"Don't forget about those machines! If such a guy is baptized, what a powerful monster he will become?"

"No matter how strong you are, you won't be like us in the end?"

"Say less! He might be our boss from now on!"

A bunch of beasts of different species gathered together and chatted non-stop. This scene was strange no matter how you looked at it, but Kira did not interrupt their communication. Instead, he enjoyed the shock of the title 'Holy Ten' and Listen to their conversation quietly and filter out the necessary information.

But unfortunately, most of them were things that Kira had already guessed. The leader of the opponent captured a large number of humans for experiments and turned them into beasts. Those who succeeded became stronger, and those who failed lost their minds.

Kira came to the conclusion: It was like the curse seal of the Hokage next door.

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