The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 196: : I prefer to win rather than owe

Feng Ruchu thought carefully, he thought of what Guo Cheng said outside the valley, and said: "Is it the Doudan Conference?"

Jiang Li nodded and said: "Yes, just like the Trial of the Holy Land in the Cloud Palace, "Medicine" Wanggu organizes a pill-fighting meeting every five years. It is intended to attract and train more talented and capable "pharmacists" to settle in me. "Pharmaceutical" Wanggu, the top three can get a top grade pill "medicine" that I personally refine."

"Is there a sacred pill?" Feng Ruchu's tone was very flat, but the radiance that bloomed under his eyes could hardly hide her expectations.


"Then can I sign up?"


"So, as long as I break into the top three, I can win a Heavenly Sacred Pill?"


The breeze blew slightly, lifting up the light silk veil.

A light smile, "dangling" on Feng Ruchu's mouth, "dangling" in the beautiful amber eyes, "dangling" layers of ripples.

Jiang Li was a little silly, and the "color" under his eyes became a bit deeper.

"Actually... Heavenly Sacred Pill, I can give you as much as you want." Jiang Li said for a while.

Pill fighting conference masters gather, there are as many third-rank alchemists as "hairy", and fifth-rank and sixth-rank are not a problem. It is not easy for Feng Ruchu to be drawn out from among these experienced "pharmacists". thing.

Feng Ruchu took a step back, distanced himself from Jiang Li, and said politely: "Young Master Jiang is as kind as he had originally intended, but I like to win, not to owe."

"Young Master." At this moment, the attendant Anzi walked over and said respectfully: "The Queen of the Kingdom of Dongluan and the teacher have arrived in the valley."

Jiang Li nodded, indicating that he knew it, and glanced at Feng Ruchu, and said, "I will entertain the guests first... An Zi, you stay and listen to Miss Feng."

An Zi was stunned for two seconds before reacting and lowered his head to: "Yes."


"That bitch, the old man took her skin sooner or later, and pressed her head to make her kneel to beg for mercy, in return for today's humiliation!" In the main hall of the rainy courtyard, Guo Cheng crushed the tea newly served by the maid. cup.

"Uncle, I heard you yelling at me from a long distance away. Who is it that offends you and makes you so angry?" In the hall, Guo Weiyu, accompanied by two maids, came in for money and attacked. The light purple "color" pleated skirt made her skin white as snow, and the bun was dotted with a few pearls, and her extravagance was "force".

"I met a little **** in the fusion period outside the valley, and she got a few tricks." Mrs. Guo used yin instead of hitting.

"The spiritualist in the fusion period?" Guo Weiyu was taken aback for a while, and laughed: "Then you teach her is not as simple as teaching an ant? It is worth your anger, and beware of your anger."

Guo Cheng angrily said, "It's easy to kill her, but Jiang Liming had to kill her halfway, and he wanted to protect her and destroyed my sword! That was when I lost half my life back then from the extreme cold. The magic weapon that he took out was ruined by him for a woman?"

"Weiyu, uncle, if I hadn't done it for you, I would have argued with him!"

Guo Cheng became more and more angry, and his desktop crackled with excitement.

Of course, he would never tell this niece how he could not get up because of Feng Ruchu's lesson. Later, he was greeted by Jiang Li.

Guo Weiyu squinted his eyes and said strangely: "Cousin, why would he embarrass you for a woman?"

Guo Cheng said: "Who knows where he met the waste, he was greeted by his parents and children outside the valley."

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