Jiang Li waved his hand, and a red light waved from his palm, directly hitting the guard, throwing him out, the guard didn't even have a chance to scream, and died on the spot.

"Stupid things, death is not a pity." Jiang Li's eyes showed a vicious and indifference that did not match his beautiful, almost enchanting face.

The other guards shivered and dared not breathe for a while, bowed their heads, bowed, kneeling on the ground trying to hide their sense of existence.

Jiang Li didn't want to kill Feng Ruchu too hard, so he didn't care about it on the spot, but looked at Guo Cheng, and said, "Void "shooting" the blade? Patriarch Guo is at the door of my "medicine" Wanggu, so it hurts. Killer?"


He was hurt by Feng Ruchu, and he was humiliated in front of a group of students, and then the sword was destroyed by Jiang Li. He didn't say anything yet, but Jiang Li helped this **** and wicked file a lawsuit first?

Guo Cheng is also the head of the family anyway, how could Jiang Li point his nose to question him like this?

He just wanted to say something stiffly, the plump noble lady beside him stood up with a smiling face and rushed to Guo Cheng.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding... This girl didn't have an invitation, and she tried to hurt others. My master saw someone daring to run wild in front of the Wanggu Gate of "Medicine", so he wanted to give a lesson. Who knows this? The girl was very stubborn and didn't explain, she hurt my master when she came up, so in the end..."

Mrs. Guo clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Oh, this is really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family."

Feng Ruchu rolled his eyes without giving face at all, and said with a hum, "I am not so free. I am a family with someone who wants to grab my magic weapon and tie me back."

Mrs. Guo's complexion stiffened, and she didn't expect that this **** would not be so on the road, and would not even look for steps.

Guo Cheng's angry old face flushed, and she was about to swear, Mrs. Guo pulled him back again, and Jiang Li curled her eyes and shook her head.


Guo Cheng took a sigh of relief.

"I heard that the light rain has been waiting for us for a long time, please ask the young master to take us into the valley." Mrs. Guo said.

"Anzi, take Patriarch Guo to the Weiyuyuan." Jiang Li was expressionless and threw the Guo family to his little servant. When he turned to face Feng Ruchu, his face showed a little softness and said, "Miss Feng, please."


"Medicine" Wanggu is located in an immortal mountain outside the world, the miasma is permeated outside the valley, and there are countless barriers.

But there is a cave in the valley, with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Jiang Li personally accompanied Feng Ruchu into his pre-arranged courtyard, and said in a thoughtful manner: "This Xuanyuan is only a few steps away from our Liyuan. If you have anything, you can come to me at any time..."

"The flowers and plants in the yard are all planted by me personally. It has the effect of calming and calming. Whether it is you or the beginning, living here will be beneficial to your health."

"The furnishings and bedding in the room are also brand new, and I have even equipped you with four maids to serve you."

"Just live here with peace of mind. If you have any needs, just tell me."

The 4 little servants and 4 maids lined up in two rows to bow to Feng Ruchu.

Feng Ruchu was not stingy, and took some broken silver as a meeting ceremony.

Jiang Li said again: "In the past few days, all the royal families and major families will gather in Wanggu for "Pharmaceuticals". I may not have time to accompany you. If you are bored and want to stroll in the valley, you call Anzi. With him, no one dares to disrespect you."

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