"my car..."

Xu Hao felt a little distressed.

But because the little girl was Zhang Yi's child, he dared not speak out.

He looked at the top cover again and suddenly found that the entire cover was pressed into a big hole and there was a deep scratch on it....

Even a little girl is so ferocious?

Now Xu Hao dared not say anything more.

Who are all the people in Zhang Yi's RV?

Are they all monsters?!

Zhang Yi took Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai back to the RV, turned around, and drove back to the open space in the isolation area.

Xu Hao's car also followed slowly behind.

He didn't dare to get too close, and the two cars were more than fifty meters apart.

At this time, Heizi and the others had also cleaned up the food and came back.

Zhang Yi shared the news he had just received again.

""Young Master, tell me what to do. I'll listen to you! Our team members are not afraid of death!"

Heizi said, grinning.

"Yes, Young Master, just tell us what to do. We will die if we stay here anyway, so we might as well give it a try!"

"We have received professional training and know how to make choices. We will do whatever you arrange, Young Master!"


Suddenly, Xia Xue appeared behind Heizi and whispered,"I can help, too. I can do whatever you need me to do!"

Her character is stronger than she looks, and she has temporarily come out of the shadow of her brother's death.

Xia Xue is also very smart. She knows that in the end times, as a girl, she has no place to make a living.

After all, she needs to find a reliable team to survive together.

As for her body, it is only a matter of time before she sacrifices it.

It's just the difference between being forced to sacrifice and voluntarily sacrificing.

After weighing it again and again, she feels that Zhang Yi's team is stronger and more reliable.

At least they are not as unreasonable as the pockmarked face, and the leader Zhang Yi is still a handsome man who is righteous....

So Xia Xue came here this time, she was ready to sacrifice everything.

Zhang Yi looked at Xia Xue and nodded.

In this situation, the more people there are, the more advantageous it is.

It can disperse the enemy's firepower, and when necessary, you can take turns to take damage.

"I have an idea, but this strategy must work once, so once it is launched, there is no turning back, we must go all the way!"

Zhang Yi's eyes slowly swept across everyone's face.

They all looked determined.

In this situation, it was either life or death.

Everyone was very sure that even if they were shot to death, it would be better than being dismembered by zombies.


A pitch-black crow slowly flew over from the sky and circled over the quarantine area.


Soon, more crows joined the circling queue, staring at the ground with a pair of blood-red glasses indifferently.

These crows like to eat carrion. They especially like to eat the broken limbs and arms left by zombies, as well as the internal organs and blood clots that have been torn out.

So almost wherever the zombies go, you will definitely see these annoying guys.


A few birds flew up in panic and flew away quickly to the south.

After a while, the sky in the north was dark.

There was a group of inky black clouds, covering the sky and the sun, slowly pressing towards this side.

Under the black clouds, there were countless crows screaming.

There were also clouds of smoke, as if there was a large army of tens of thousands of people rushing towards them.

"They are here! Now start executing the plan we just agreed on!"


"Got it!"

Several people returned to their cars.

Xia Xue returned to the truck and drove towards the cross-river bridge first.

"Hmm? Isn't this the chick distributing bread? What is she doing?!"

"Wow, they actually got the truck back. Looks like they worked really hard. Hahaha!"

"The compartment of the truck was not locked and it seemed that some bread had fallen out!"

"Hurry up, pick it up quickly, let's catch up with her in the car, we can't let her run away!"

The survivors saw Xia Xue driving away in the truck.

At first, they had all kinds of strange associations and laughed wickedly from time to time.

When they saw the bread falling, they didn't care about chatting, and they all rushed to grab it.

Some survivors were unwilling to grab such a small amount of bread that fell, and they started their cars, ready to compete for the unopened boxes of bread in the cargo compartment!

Cars started one after another, and they rushed forward desperately as if they were afraid of being left behind.

Some survivors even drove their cars into each other in order to compete for the first place, and the scene was chaotic.

Zhang Yi sat in the RV, silently watching everything around him.

This is the result he wants to see. The more chaotic it is, the greater his chance of breaking through!.......

At the Linhai City checkpoint, in the lounge on the north side of the city wall, several soldiers who had just changed shifts were resting.

"Didn’t you see, just now there was a fool who said he was a scientist and had made a major breakthrough in virus research!"

"I heard about it. It's so funny. The apocalypse has only started for a few days, and there is already a breakthrough in the virus? If there is a breakthrough, how could the Medical Epidemic Prevention Center not have news?"

"Well, he is just someone who wants to get away with it!"

"If they are quarantined for a week, can they really be allowed in?"

"It's hard to say. Now, because of the hidden infection in Linhai City, ten blocks have been blocked. In this case, even if they are quarantined for another month, they can't be allowed in!"

Several soldiers were chatting while smoking.

Suddenly, the alarm lights flashed and a burst of urgent alarms sounded.

"Is there something going on?"

The soldiers quickly put out their half-smoked cigarettes, put them back in their pockets, and rushed up the city wall with their guns on their backs.

They saw a small truck overturned on the edge of the cordon.

Boxes of bread were spilled out of it.

There were four or five cars of various shapes parked around, and the people inside were frantically snatching food.

Some people even started fighting.

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