There was a black Mercedes-Benz G in front of the city wall. The driver was standing beside it, shouting something to the soldiers on the city wall.

While he was talking, he took out a red medicine bottle from his arms!

Zhang Yi's eyesight had improved, but his hearing had not.

So he could clearly see what was happening in front of him, but he couldn't hear the sound clearly.

The driver kept explaining with his hands and feet, while the soldiers on the city wall kept shaking their heads.

After the two sides negotiated for about five minutes, perhaps the patience of the soldiers on the city wall was finally exhausted. They suddenly raised their guns and fired a shot at the ground in front of the driver.

The bullet embedded in the soil, breaking out a wisp of dust.

The driver was frightened and quickly pocketed the medicine, then drove the car back in a panic.

"The car...I think I saw it last night!"

The cars in the quarantine area are all pieced together, and there are almost no luxury cars.

So this Mercedes-Benz G is particularly eye-catching.

"Brother Yi, this car is the car driven by the timid man I told you about when we were in the medical laboratory building! I still remember the license plate number, it's exactly the same as this car!"

Liu Qianqian recognized it immediately and said quickly

"Well, I think this person is sneaky, he must know something!"

Zhang Yi parked the RV in the middle of the road, and then got out of the RV. He calmly looked at the Mercedes-Benz G coming from a distance.

The man in the car was indeed Xu Hao.

After he escaped from the laboratory building, he was afraid that Zhang Yi would drive to catch up with him.

So he deliberately took a long way around.

Unexpectedly, this long way wasted a lot of time on the road. When he arrived at the Linhai County quarantine area, it was already night.

"Hey, come down and chat!"

Zhang Yi looked at Xu Hao with a smile.

Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai also got off the RV.

"I...We have nothing to talk about!"

Xu Hao was on high alert.

Ever since he was stared at by Zhang Yi last time, he was frightened and uneasy. He had a nightmare last night.

Now he saw Zhang Yi again, how could he not be afraid?

However, there was no fork in this road. If he went back, he would face the bullets of the soldiers. If he went forward, he would face Zhang Yi, the killing god.

Xu Hao felt that he was in a desperate situation today.

"Nothing to talk about? You ran in before I even left the building, but I just saw you coming here last night. What did you do during this time?"

"Besides, I didn't see you when someone was distributing bread this morning, but you ran to the checkpoint in Linhai City and wanted to enter the city. Why do I feel like you are hiding something from us?"

Zhang Yi flashed, his figure was like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye he appeared at the window of Xu Hao's car.

Such a speed scared the latter.

"I...I have nothing...But we really have to hurry to Linhaicheng, otherwise it will be too late!"

""Master, you are awesome. You must have a way to get us into Linhai City, right? I beg you, take me in with you!"

Xu Hao knew Zhang Yi's ability.

Even a spider that big was no match for him, and the thin door of the Mercedes-Benz could not stop Zhang Yi's attack at all.

Instead of sitting in the car on pins and needles, it would be better to stand up and leave a good impression on the other party.

Maybe if the other party is in a good mood, he will have a chance to sneak into Linhai City with him.

So he simply got out of the car, stood in front of Zhang Yi and begged anxiously.

""What's too late? What happened?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Xu Hao's pupils shrank, as if he recalled the terrible scene.

He took several deep breaths in a row, calmed down his emotions, and then said:"It's a zombie tide! Zombies like a tide are heading towards this side all over the mountains and plains!"

"This is what I saw last night. There were too many zombies, not just zombies, but also giant bears that had transformed into zombies, and zombies that were like giants. It was simply a large army of zombies!"

Xu Hao said as he walked to the rear of the Mercedes-Benz, pointed at a scratch and said,"This is the evidence. If I had driven a little slower, those zombies would have overturned my car!"

Zhang Yi looked in the direction of Xu Hao's finger.

There was a deep scratch on the car body, which looked like a mark left by a bear or a large cat.

The deepest part even went straight through the iron sheet.

Hiss...This attack power...

Zhang Yi frowned.

If there was only one such zombie monster, Zhang Yi would not be afraid at all.

But if it was, as Xu Hao said, a zombie tide, zombies all over the mountains. If there was only one such monster, Zhang Yi would not be able to stop it. Even if all the troops in Linhai City were mobilized, they might not be able to stop it.

Fortunately, Linhai City has a natural barrier: the Linhai River!

Zombies are afraid of water, and they never go into the water.

So as long as you enter Linhai City and lift the bridge, no matter how many zombies there are, they can't do anything to Linhai City.

You must enter Linhai City, and quickly.

Xu Hao, this guy, doesn't know how to estimate time, and he doesn't remember the position of the vanguard of the zombie tide.

In other words, the zombie tide may rush to Linhai County at any time.

The weak defense of the dozen or so soldiers at the Linhai County checkpoint can be basically ignored in the face of the zombie tide.

"I have said everything I need to say. If we don't hurry up, once the zombie tide comes, none of us will be able to escape! Master, please find a way to take me there!"

"My girlfriend is still waiting for me in Linhai City. I don't want to die like this...."

Xu Hao's voice was filled with tears, and he almost knelt down to Zhang Yi.

"Seeing how capable you are, you can act accordingly when the time comes!"

Zhang Yi dodged and returned to the RV.

Then he told Liu Qianqian what he had heard.

Xu Hao didn't know that the two of them were���He didn't know what to measure, but he knew that as long as he followed Zhang Yi, he would be right.

He was so nervous that he returned to the car.

Suddenly, a petite figure appeared in front of the windshield.

It was Liu Xiaobai!

She squatted on the hood of the Mercedes-Benz, tilting her head and looking at Xu Hao.

It seemed like I had seen her somewhere before! Xu Hao looked at the little girl. He really didn't know her, but for some reason, he always had a sense of déjà vu!


The more Liu Xiaobai looked at Xu Hao, the more she disliked him. She scratched the top cover angrily, then quickly jumped back to the RV.

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