Liu Qianqian still had half of the sausage in her mouth. She couldn't swallow it, nor could she spit it out.

If she simply didn't eat it, she felt it was a bit of a waste.

In the end, her appetite overcame her wild thoughts, and she closed her eyes and ate both sausages.

After breakfast, Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian did a few sets of exercises in the gym of the RV to warm up, and then started today's journey.......

On the highway fifty kilometers away, a black car crashed through the railings of the highway toll booth and rushed out like a fly.

Behind it, hundreds of zombies were a black mass, roaring and baring their teeth.

"Stop the car, stop the car quickly, my boyfriend is still behind us, we have to pick him up!"

The woman sitting in the passenger seat pulled the driver's arm hard, and the violent shaking caused the car to run wildly on the road.

The tires rubbed against the ground, making a sharp friction sound.

This harsh sound made the group of zombies following behind even more excited.

"Let go, you crazy woman! If you dare to mess around again, I will throw you down to feed the zombies!"

The driver was a pockmarked man, and he shouted viciously

""Ah~ Wow~"

With a bang, a zombie jumped out from the roadside and crashed into the car window, leaving several bloody marks on it.


The woman screamed in fear and dared not speak anymore.

She was also afraid that the driver would really abandon her and escape alone.

The car drove on the highway like a headless fly for a long time before she could no longer see the shadow of the corpses in the rearview mirror.

"Stop thinking about your boyfriend. Judging from the number of zombies behind you, there are at least a few hundred of them, if not a thousand. There is no way your boyfriend can survive!"

"but...If he hadn't led the zombies away, how could we have gotten into the car and escaped so smoothly? Couldn't you have waited for him a little longer?!"

The girl thought of her boyfriend, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Did I force him to lead the zombies away? He volunteered, right? Adults should be responsible for their own actions!"

"How can we let others clean up his mess?! I wait for him? If I wait for him to arrive and then drive, none of us will be able to escape!"

"You should thank me. If I hadn't driven decisively, you would have been gnawed into bones by zombies. Tell me, how do you want to repay me?"

The driver said, stretching out his hand towards the girl's thigh.

"Don't, don't do this! If you do this again, I......"

The girl screamed and slapped the driver's hand away, but she paused halfway through her sentence.

She wanted to say"I'll call the police if you do this again."

But in this situation, even if the police can get through, I'm afraid no police will show up.

Her boyfriend, the only person she could rely on, was also swallowed up by the zombies. She is now helpless.

"Oh, what can you do to me if I continue like this?"

The driver sneered and continued,"If I were you, I should be smarter, find a backer, and live a good life!"

"Things are different now than usual. You women can go to the police and the news media. If you want to live now, you must listen to me, understand?"

The driver smiled and put his hand on the girl's leg again.

But this time, the girl just frowned, but no longer dared to disobey.

Indeed, if she left this man, she might not be able to survive in the wild for even an hour.

Although this driver is a little old and ugly, he is strong and has killed zombies.

No matter how you look at it, the possibility of survival is higher with him.

The girl recalled the horrific scene of her best friend having the flesh on her face bitten off by a zombie, and she shuddered.

To live, you must live!

The driver felt the changes in the girl's body, smiled triumphantly, and his right hand became more unscrupulous.

"Don't worry, as long as you listen to me, I won't treat you unfairly!"


The girl nodded resignedly.

If she didn't obey, she would die, and she didn't want to die.

The driver smiled with satisfaction.

Although it was the end of the world, he had such a girl by his side who allowed him to do whatever he wanted, and he had just escaped from danger.

His evil thoughts rose up.

Just as his hand was about to take the next step, it was held down by the girl. She said seriously:

"I can give it to you, but you have to tell me where we are going next! I need to know that we can be safe and survive!"

"I don't like men who do things without a plan and run around like a headless fly!"

The driver nodded and said:

"I see. Are you afraid that I will take advantage of you and dump you? Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person! I will take responsibility!"

"I've already thought about it. We'll leave the highway from the exit ahead and take the small road to the countryside!"

"These monsters are all transformed from humans, so the fewer people there are, the safer the place is!"

"We will find a small village, and I will try to lure all the monsters away. Then we will pick a house to live in, strengthen the walls, grow vegetables in the yard, raise chickens, and be self-sufficient. Food will definitely not be a problem!"

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