After dinner, it was completely dark outside.

There were no street lights on the highway. In the past, nighttime driving relied on the high beams of cars for lighting.

Now, most of the cars on the highway are scrapped. It is pitch black all around, and you can't see your hand in front of you. It is lifeless.

Only the taillights of the luxury RV and the windows can see a little light.

After dinner, Zhang Yi turned on his mobile phone again.

The signal was still full and the network was still unobstructed.

In the morning, Zhang Yi added Nuo Nuo's WeChat, but it still hasn't been accepted.

He called, but it was still turned off.

Zhang Yi looked at the WeChat Moments again, and the information in it had basically not been updated.

The only change was that Lin Shaojun's Moments, which he posted yesterday about surfing in Linhai City and mocking the doomsday reminder email, were deleted.

Now it's the end of the world, and Lin Shaojun is still in the mood to delete the Moments?

The only explanation is that the content of the doomsday reminder email is true.

Not only did he successfully predict the end of the world, but he also successfully predicted that Linhai City is safe.

The reason why Lin Shaojun deleted his circle of friends was very simple. Linhai City was very safe, but the resources were limited, and he didn't want others to know the news.

Of course, good things should be enjoyed by oneself.

If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth!

This guy was like this in peacetime. Now it is the end of the world, and it is probably the best time for such people to thrive. In peacetime, he still had to pretend to be noble, do charity occasionally, and even if he was doing group sex, he would try to find a secluded place to prevent being exposed.

Now all this hypocrisy is unnecessary, food and strength represent absolute power.

If he arrives in Linhai City, I am afraid that the first person Zhang Yi should be wary of is this guy.

There is no information in the mobile phone news.

It is as if from today on, all the content on the Internet has been frozen as if time has stopped.

The massive amount of information that was originally refreshed every few minutes has not been updated for a whole day.

Zhang Yi opened the satellite navigation map that he had downloaded in advance.

His location is more than 400 kilometers away from Linhai City.

Today, he has only driven less than 200 kilometers.

At this speed, it will take at least two days to reach Linhai.

Two days...This is a bit long!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong, Brother Yi, is there something bothering you?"

Liu Qianqian tied her hair into a ponytail behind her head, showing off her sculptured perfect face and fair swan neck.

After washing the dishes, she took a shower.

Now she is stepping on the sofa with her long legs, applying skin care products with both hands.

Liu Qianqian has a good figure to begin with, and now she is doing this kind of action inadvertently, who can stand this?

Although Zhang Yi has strong self-control, does he still need self-control in this situation?

Why should he hold it in?

There is no reason at all!

"Have you finished wiping it?"

Zhang Chen asked calmly.

"Hmm? Almost there, one more leg!"

Liu Qianqian quickly applied it a few times, then switched to the other leg and started applying it.

"Stop applying it, go to bed and sleep!"

"Huh? Yeah..."

Liu Qianqian entered the bedroom obediently like a well-behaved little rabbit...

The next day.

When Zhang Yi woke up, Liu Qianqian was already awake.

Perhaps because she had experienced the discomfort the first time, she was beginning to enjoy the process.

She had been sitting by the bed, holding her chin with her palm, staring at Zhang Yi motionlessly with admiration in her eyes.

It was not until Zhang Yi woke up that she excitedly brought him the breakfast she had prepared.

"Try my cooking skills. This is my best dish besides instant noodles!"

Liu Qianqian looked a little proud.

Seeing the breakfast on the plate, Zhang Yi was slightly startled.

A grilled sausage, two boiled eggs.


"What is this? It's delicious, especially the sausage, which is my favorite!"

After saying that, Liu Qianqian licked the hot sauce on the sausage, then took a big bite and chewed it.

Maybe it was because of the delicious taste, she was so happy that she even twisted her body.

"Um...I can see that you really like it!"

Zhang Yi nodded with a smirk on his face, and then gave the sausage on his plate to Liu Qianqian.

"Eat more if you like!"

"Well, thank you!"

Liu Qianqian didn't react at first, but when she saw Zhang Yi's strange expression, she suddenly realized what the latter was thinking of.

"you..."Brother Yi, you are so annoying!"

She stamped her feet in anger.

After Zhang Yi's hint, the more she looked at him, the more she felt that he looked like her.

How could she eat this?

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