"More than that, when I saw this station, I thought I was back to Blue Star."

Ye Chuyun did not comment.

This train station is indeed very similar to their Blue Star.

The thick walls on both sides formed a huge passageway with a ceiling above.

Everything looked so familiar.

About 80 people walked about 40 meters and left the dark passageway.

After walking out of the passage, everyone found that there was a desert with no end in sight.

【Announcement: Arrived at Area 1888, started the mission, and built a base】

【Mission content: Please find a way to kill the beast and obtain the station order】

【Mission Tips: This garrison order can only be used to establish a garrison within the 1888 area. There is no time limit and no penalty for failure.】

【Mission Tips: Only by killing a level 10 leader or above beast will there be a certain chance of getting a resident order!】

【Mission Tips: The sooner the base is built, the richer the mission rewards will be.】

【Tip: Enter area 1888 and activate the world channel!】

【Tip: Save regional channel No. 1 and open regional channel No. 1888!】

【Tip: There is a limit on the number of times you can speak in the world channel. Each person can only speak ten times a day.】

【Tip: Open the world ranking list!】

【Tip: Open the world combat power list!】

【Tip: Open the world wealth list!】

【Tip: Open the regional trading line!】

A series of prompts overwhelmed everyone.

Most people did not open the world channel first, but opened the world ranking list.

They wanted to know who was the world's number one.

Everyone, including Ye Chuyun, received a prompt message before the announcement appeared.

【Tip: The world rankings are about to open!】

【Tip: You can choose to hide your combat power, level, and wealth, but your ranking will still be displayed on the list.】

【Tip: Hide?】


Ye Chuyun's eyes flashed, and he thought carefully.

He was naturally very confident in his level and combat power.

If a world ranking list was released, he would most likely be the first in level and combat power.

And he also knew that he could hide his level, combat power and wealth.

Ye Chuyun thought about it and chose to hide his combat power. He would not hide his level and wealth.

It didn't matter if his level and wealth were exposed.

As long as others didn't know what his combat power was.

Even if he hid his combat power, his name would still be the first in the world combat power list.

It was harmless.

This also gave others room for imagination.

Otherwise, he would be the first. What if one person has 23,000 combat power, but the second person doesn't even have 10,000 combat power?

How embarrassing it would be for the second person.

He was also thinking about everyone.

What if others saw that his combat power was so high and had no desire to catch up, and just gave up?

This wouldn't do, he couldn't let others get too desperate.

If he hid his combat power, he could give others space to work hard and make them think they could surpass him. How great it would be.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

So he chose to hide his combat power but not his level.

So when everyone opened the world rankings, they saw this picture

【World Rank Ranking:

1st place: Ye Chuyun, 11th level

2nd place: Qiao Shanyun: 9th level

3rd place: James Strong, 9th level

4th place: Nakamura, 9th level

5th place: Jin Yunche, 9th level

【[World Combat Power Ranking]

No. 1: Ye Chuyun? ? ? Combat Power

No. 2: Chu Yunlan? ? ? Combat Power

No. 3: Qiao Shanyun? ? ? Combat Power

No. 4: Walter 6634 Combat Power

【[World Wealth Ranking]

No. 1: Qian Duoduo 376656 Shenmo coins

No. 2: Ye Chuyun 102548 Shenmo coins

No. 3: Li Qinghong 85642 Shenmo coins

Everyone stared at the ranking list in amazement.

The first place in the world grade ranking is Ye Chuyun.

The first place in the world combat power ranking is Ye Chuyun.

Even the second place in the world wealth ranking is Ye Chuyun.

What kind of monster appeared in their District 118?

Then they all looked at Ye Chuyun with strange eyes.

Cai Kun:"Good fellow, Ye Shen, this old bastard, I guessed that you would definitely hide your combat power."

Zhuang Liang:"Okay, okay, that's how you play it, right? I didn't expect that in addition to Ye Shen, this old bastard, there are so many old bastards hiding their combat power, right?" Lei Chen:

"It is known that the combat power of the 4th place is 6634. I guess Ye Shen's combat power must be more than 10,000. Tsk, it seems that the top ten in the world combat power ranking are not that good."

Wang Gang:"Not that good? Lei Zi, I think you must be too proud. Let's take a look at our combat power before we talk."

Liu Qian:"Ye Shen, you are so...So touching, wealth and level are not hidden, but combat power is hidden, is this to prevent others from despairing?"

Wang Yun:"Okay, the reason behind this is so heartwarming, love it."

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Ye Chuyun remained calm and coughed lightly.

Then he looked at the number one on the wealth list in shock.

As expected, the number one on the wealth list was still the same as in his previous life, a Dragon Countryman named Qian Duoduo.

This person does not like to level up, but only likes to do business and make money.

Relying on a keen business mind, he made his first pot of gold by reselling.

Then he hired a team to help him hunt beasts and earn energy points.

He can make money and upgrade at the same time

【[Solid Stone] Qian Duoduo thought it was very valuable at the beginning, so he hoarded a lot of it.

Until the advent of [Primary Whetstone].

Qian Duoduo soared to the sky because of this. Although he didn't make as much as Li Mubai, he was also crazy.

Later, he relied on this money to continue to develop.

Finally, he established the largest chamber of commerce in the Blue Star Domain, Tongtian Chamber of Commerce.

He also became the richest man in the Blue Star Domain, worth trillions.

This person has a very strong sense of the market and the ability to manage direction.

It can be seen from the current world wealth list.

Ye Chuyun thought he had seized the opportunity and made a lot of God and Demon coins.

But it was still more than Qian Duoduo.

It can be seen that Qian Duoduo's ability to make money is strong.

This is what Ye Chuyun saw.

If there is a chance, he wants to dig Qian Duoduo over.

And Ye Chuyun knows the area where Qian Duoduo was in the early days, so he can go to find him.

He knows that Qian Duoduo has a great obsession with money.

If he can make Qian Duoduo make more money.

Qian Duoduo probably asked to join his forces.

At this time, not only Ye Chuyun and his group, but also people from other areas who have reached level 5 can take the train to the next location.

When they saw the world list, they were all shocked.

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