"This black train is not something that our Blue Planet can produce. It looks like something that only appears in movies, as if it were alien technology."

Liu Qian sighed as she looked out the window.

""Captain, where do you think this train will take us?" Cai Kun asked nervously.

Wang Gang was also very nervous at this time.

He shook his head and then glanced at Ye Chuyun.

When he saw that Ye Chuyun still looked calm, he suddenly stopped being nervous.

"Ye Shen, where do you think this train will take us?"

When Ye Chuyun heard Wang Gang's question, he was about to answer.

Suddenly, the train made a"whoosh" sound, and then the doors slammed shut and started moving.

At the same time, a sound was heard in the carriage.

【Everyone in District 118, welcome aboard the train】

【After leaving the trial ground, you will truly enter the world of gods and demons.】

【The place you are going to next is an area that I have specially divided for you on the Blue Star. I named it the Blue Star Region.】

【Your next mission is to survive in this blue star region, build your own base, and welcome the battleground of all races that may come one day.】

【In the Blue Star Region, there are all kinds of different spaces, beasts, opportunities, and missions. You can explore them on your own.】

【Work hard to improve your strength, humans from Blue Star】

【Okay, finally, please ask the highest-ranking person among you to choose the area you want to go to next.】

【There are 10,000 regions in total, you can choose freely】

【The area you were in before was Area 1. You can also choose to go directly to】

【But I remind you that once you have chosen, the following tasks can only be completed in the area you have chosen.】

【please choose】


The sudden words stunned everyone present.

Then they all looked at Ye Chuyun.

After all, he was the highest-ranking person on the train.

His choice could affect their future and life and death.

After all, if they made a bad choice and came to a very dangerous area, it would be a disaster.

""Huh? Aren't we in Region 1? Can we go to other regions now?" Wang Gang asked in confusion.

"It's good that we are region 1, but that doesn't mean we can't go to other regions."

"This is also good, it gives us the freedom to choose"

"So should we continue to go to area 1, or go to other areas?"

"Ye Shen, which region do you plan to choose? Cai Kun looked at him cautiously.

"Ye Shen, you can choose whatever you want. No matter what decision you make, we will still support you."Lei Chen kept patting his chest to assure.

Seeing this, others also echoed

"Yes, yes, Lord Ye, there are 10,000 regions anyway, and we have no idea what the situation is in these regions, so you can choose with confidence."

"Indeed, no one has ever been to these 10,000 regions, so in the end we can only choose randomly."

"Hehe, why not choose something more auspicious, like 666?"

"Good fellow, there is no need to be so auspicious."

Just when everyone's conversation was getting more and more off-topic, Ye Chuyun finally spoke.

"I choose region 1888"

【OK, this train will go to area 1888】

【After arriving at the location, the mission will start】

"Good fellow, Ye Shen, you are decisive enough to make a decision so quickly."

Wang Gang looked at him in shock.

"Why is it number 1888, not 888? ?" Cai Kun also muttered to himself

"888, make money, how wonderful."

At this time, Lei Chen's eyes lit up:"1888?"

"If you want to make money, it has to be you, Ye Shen"

"Oh my god, so this is why you chose number 1888, Master Ye. This wave of metaphysics is pretty good."

"Okay, I feel like I’m about to take off. It’s such an auspicious number. If I don’t take off, who will?"

"Good Guy"Ye Shen looked at these people in silence.

Everyone now thinks that he chose this number purely because it was auspicious.

However, what everyone does not know is that it is not accidental that Ye Chuyun chose this area.

This area No. 1888 was a popular area in the previous life.

As the saying goes, you can eat from the mountains and you can eat from the sea.

For example, I can sell seafood here, and you can sell ginseng there.

Each area has its own unique features.

If you choose well, you can make money from them, improve your strength, and develop your power.

And No. 1888 was a treasure in the previous life.

All the forces developed in that area are first-class forces.

Even the strongest super forces in the Blue Star Domain are concentrated in the No. 1888 area.

It can be said that the center of the Blue Star Domain is the No. 1888 area.

Now this No. 1888 is still an unexplored area, and there are treasures everywhere that can be developed.

But these cannot be said to Wang Gang and others.

It's good to let them misunderstand.

In this way, if others ask, Ye Chuyun can use this reason to get rid of the other party.


The train was already traveling in the void.

Looking outside through the window, all one could see was darkness.

After about half an hour, the speeding train finally slowed down.

The people who were originally sitting and chatting stood up immediately after seeing this.

They understood that the train was going to stop.

【Everyone, we are about to arrive at Area 1888. After you get off the bus, the mission will begin.】

【During this period, you can take the train to other areas, but the tasks you accept can only be completed in Area 1888, please be informed. 】

The train continued to slow down, and with the sound of the"woohoo" whistle, it finally stopped completely.

The lights in the carriage went out one after another, and the tightly closed doors were all opened.

After the door opened, a cold wind suddenly rushed in from outside the door.

At this time, many people came to the door, but no one dared to run out.

After experiencing so much, they knew the consequences of rash actions, so naturally they would not do so.

Looking out through the door, you can see solid walls on both sides.

The wall continues to extend forward, forming a large passage.

It's like a train station

""Let's go."

Just when everyone was hesitating, Ye Chuyun was the first to stand up and walk out of the station.

With his lead, the others also plucked up their courage and followed him out.

When everyone got off the train, they found that the train did not leave, but continued to stay here.

"This station is a bit like the train station on our Blue Star."

Wang Gang sighed as he observed.

Others also nodded.

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