Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 467 It’s really good

When it comes to matters of life and death, the topic is always quite serious, but the people present are not ordinary people, and their minds are not that narrow-minded. They can laugh about everything.

While they were talking and laughing, the fragrance in the kitchen became stronger and stronger, the sky became darker and darker, and Ibaokang's energetic voice came from there.

"Brother, tell the distinguished guests that we are ready to eat-"

Yi Shuyuan looked outside the door of the living room and shouted "I know", then looked into the hall and said with a smile.

"Now that you're here, you can do as you please. There's nothing to entertain you in the countryside of Xihe Village, so don't dislike it!"

"I'm just waiting for this meal. I don't come out very often. I don't have much experience in this area. I wonder what kind of dishes sir will serve today?"

The emperor rubbed his hands and seemed impatient.

It was a tiring journey all the way, and when we arrived in Yuanjiang County, we rushed to Xihe Village without stopping. In fact, when the fragrance just came frequently, it had already aroused the greed of many people.

"Have a meal of pig meat. It's delicious and hot. Please move to the dining hall."

"Pork-killing vegetables, Yuan Shang, have you ever eaten them?"

The emperor himself said that he had little knowledge, but he paid great attention to people's livelihood matters. In fact, he had heard about it, but he had never seen it or eaten it.

"Hahahahaha, I'm lucky enough to have eaten this pig-killing dish. It's fresh and hot, and there are many ways to eat it. And in Mr. Yi's house, it definitely has a different flavor. I'm going to have a real treat today!"

Several people got up one after another and followed Yi Shuyuan to the dining hall while talking and laughing.

Yi Abao slowed down, nodded to each other with the two young men from the Tan family, and followed slowly.

However, although he seemed calm on the surface, in fact, Yi Abao's heart was already stirred up by turmoil. He was not a dull person, and after listening to it for so long, he had actually vaguely guessed something.

But this guess was so ridiculous that Yi Abao was really not sure, and kept telling himself that he was overthinking it, until the emperor stood up and shouted "Yuan Shang".

The crowd left the living room, and Yi Abao was the last one to come out of the living room. His breathing was slightly trembling with excitement.

When a guard saw that Yi Abao had not left the living room, he turned around and asked kindly.

"Why doesn't Mr. Yi come?"

"Oh, let me clean up the living room."

The guard glanced at the charcoal basin and the tables and stools surrounding the circle, nodded and took the first step.

Until this moment, Yi Abao let out a long sigh of relief.


No page for work? Nothing is empty, and the combination of work and page is just the word "item"!

That old man turned out to be the current Holy Emperor!

It's so ridiculous, but various signs also tell Yi Abao that the facts are in front of him!

Today's Holy Emperor, in the middle of the twelfth lunar month and approaching the New Year, he was not in Chengtian Mansion, but came all the way to Cangnan, to Yuezhou, to the countryside of Yuanjiang County, and to my home!

And now he wants to eat pig meat together.

Yi Abao suddenly realized something and stretched out his hand to pinch his thigh hard.


After the pain, I can confirm that it was not a dream!

After calming down, Yi Abao quickly tidied up the living room and then hurried to the dining room.


The dining hall of the Yi family does not have such a luxurious layout. It is actually just a few large tables so that everyone in the Yi family can have a seat while eating.

But today the situation is different. Under Yi Shuyuan's instructions, several small earthen stoves were brought up, and then several large iron pots were placed directly on the stoves. Vegetables were cooking steaming in the pots, including pig offal, pork, and pork. red.

Put a few more stools on the side and put some vegetables, tofu and other things on it. Some of the cooked vegetables can be eaten directly, while some of them are still raw and have to be thrown into the pot for cooking.

The emperor, Tan Yuanshang and others gathered around a pot with Yi Shuyuan, and others gathered around other pots.

This novel way of eating, coupled with the deliciousness of the pork butchered on the same day, whetted the emperor's appetite, and the entourage was full of praise. The guards over there were eating their chopsticks again and again.

"Hiss, whoosh."

He blew on the large intestine and put it into his mouth. He chewed it for a while and then took a mouthful of rice. The emperor showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"The big pot was brought into the house, and the food was steaming hot and delicious!"

"Hahahahahaha, this is not invented by Yi. In fact, boatmen who run boats often eat like this on the water. Yi has always remembered it after eating it."

Tan Yuanshang also enjoyed the meal very happily and chimed in with a smile.

"Actually, this kind of way of eating is also common in cold areas. It's just that it's not considered popular on the table, but it tastes really delicious!"

The old emperor handed the rice bowl to the people around him, and someone immediately helped him fill the rice bowl, and then quickly sent it back. This was the second time he had refilled the rice bowl, and Zhang Liangxi also had a smile on his face.

As for whether the emperor would eat too much to hold him up, Zhang Liangxi was not at all panicked. He was as skilled as a doctor and had no problem handling this matter with his martial arts.

And where is this? This is at Mr. Yi's house. Mr. Yi is not only a talented man who governs the world, he is also a famous doctor who helps the world!

"I'm used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas. It's really delicious to eat a lively meal of slaughtered pigs. This is the fireworks of the world. It's much better than my home!"

When Yi Baokang, who was sitting next to the other pot, heard this, he couldn't help but say something to that side.

"Brother, please feel free to eat. There's still a stew in the kitchen stove over there. Don't worry about not having enough to eat, and you can cook it again. We have a whole pig!"

"What dad said is, it's a pity that there is no dried fish this year, otherwise the salted fish would be stewed together and it would taste better!"

The little boy who had been held by his great-grandmother Zhao couldn't help shouting.

"Grandpa, you have never caught any fish!"


This child's words caused a burst of laughter in the dining hall.

The guards outside were also happily eating with bowls of grilled rice. After finishing the dishes in the bowls, the guards took turns going in to pick up the dishes.

Of course, Yi Abao was the only one in the audience who ate a little carelessly. Even so, he ate a lot because Lu Junling kept picking up food for him.


After having enough wine and food, at Yi Shuyuan's suggestion, they went out for a walk together.

After arriving in Yuezhou, the emperor put on the leather jacket he had worn during his lunch break, and he was no longer afraid of the cold.

On the road to Xihe Village, apart from Yi Shuyuan and the old emperor, there were only Tan Yuanshang and Zhang Liangxi, and the other guards did not dare to follow too closely.

It was very cold after dark, and few people in the village opened their doors, leaving enough quiet space for everyone.

The howling north wind did not bring too much chill to the emperor. After eating a full meal and the magic of this leather jacket, he was really not afraid of the cold wind. He stretched his arms, looked at the sky, and then said with a white smile. .

"I heard from people in Si Tianjian that this star is probably rare to see in a hundred years, and it indicates my achievements in governing the world. I don't think so, and I have to be a mediocre person to see this star."

The emperor smiled and paused before continuing.

"Like Nanyan, like the Bixiu Kingdom, like the northwest countries, like all the grassland tribes, everyone can see it. Don't all the officials there say that the emperor has made great contributions to the world?"

The angle was quite tricky, and Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but laugh.

"What your Majesty said is true. You can see this star phenomenon everywhere, but your Majesty's contribution to governing the world is not everywhere!"

Tan Yuanshang even sighed with a weird smile.

"Oh, it's so difficult to flatter His Majesty!"


The emperor didn't know how many times he laughed today. Tan Yuanshang and Yi Shuyuan were together, and their "laughing" was outstanding.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the sky. The Xingluo Society is not over yet, or because of the specialness of this time, it may still be very lively. He also said at the same time.

"This phenomenon of shining stars is the natural law of heaven's operation! But if you really want to talk about it, in fact, according to the theory of Qimen magic, the changes in the stars of heaven and earth do occasionally correspond to the human world."

Without Dayong's current state, it is difficult to say whether there would have been an opportunity for the Xingluo Law Society.

Heaven tries its best not to affect the changes in the human world. Perhaps even if Dayong is destroyed, the faith in this land will still be the same as the sky, but sometimes it just lacks that strong breath to boost the energy of Heaven.

Occasionally chatting a few words, and then walking for a while, chatting and chatting, we passed the grain drying field and arrived at a more open place.

In the distance was the outline of Kuonan Mountain, and the winter fields in front turned into open snowfields. The emperor kept walking forward.

"Throughout the history books, dynasties always rise and fall. I never thought that the country would last forever. I just managed to create a prosperous era, and I always thought that I would be prosperous and prosperous for a longer time."

The emperor sighed and continued.

"Among my sons, some are thoughtful, courageous, and caring for the people. However, those who are too careful are too power-minded, those who are courageous are too utilitarian, and those who care about the people are weak in benevolence."

The emperor stopped and looked at Yi Shuyuan. With an impulse in his heart, he asked the question very directly that had troubled him for many years.

"Sir, who should be given the crown prince position?"

Boy, so direct!

Tan Yuanchang on the side felt his back feel hot when he heard it, Zhang Liangxi even took a slight breath, and the guards following in the distance pretended not to hear anything.

Yi Shuyuan also stopped. In fact, he could just evade it by saying that he traveled around the world, had never been an official in the court, and didn't know the princes at all.

It was not difficult for Yi Shuyuan to avoid this question, but he remained silent.

"Actually, Yi doesn't know much about the princes, but Yi knows His Majesty. In fact, His Majesty has already had a preference in his heart, but he has been hesitant."

At this point, Yi Shuyuan also spoke out.

"Your Majesty cannot expect the prince to be as good as yourself. Your Majesty is so brilliant that it makes several princes look a little immature, but that's all."

Yi Shuyuan smiled, he might as well speak more directly and boldly.

"It is rare to have a Xiang Yi in the more than 300 years of the Dayong Dynasty. If not, the country of Zuo in the Dayong Dynasty would have been almost extinct, and there would be no such prosperous age as it is today!"

There was a slight pause in his voice, but there was no fear in Yi Shuyuan's eyes.

"There is a saying among the people that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Your Majesty has been sober for a lifetime. Don't become confused when you get old. Just believe in yourself! Yi Shuyuan also believes in your Majesty!"

This was truly treasonous. Even the emperor did not expect that Yi Shuyuan would speak so bluntly and even call the emperor by his name.

Tan Yuanshang Zhang Liangxi, and even the hearing guards behind were sweating coldly.

After being stunned for a moment, the emperor couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. He speaks well, well, Buddha's words are cloudy, when you are a head -of -head, you want to come!"

In fact, these words are just very common words, and they are even truths that many people understand. But today, at this step, at this critical moment, no one dares to speak calmly and forcefully.

Even if there were similar words, they were always tactful and tactful, without any overstep, and the emperor always felt that these ministers might be close to a certain prince.

But now Yi Shuyuan's words seemed very powerful to the emperor.

The emperor laughed for a while, as if he had vented all his worries.

"Based on these words from sir, this trip to Yuezhou will not be in vain!"

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Tan Yuanshang, Zhang Liangxi and others who were relieved, and thought for a moment to imitate Tan Yuanshang's tone.

"Your Majesty, you see, it would be beneficial for Yi not to serve as an official. If I were to be the official of the imperial court, would these words sound different to you?"

The emperor was slightly startled. Was he saying that he seemed a little jealous even in his old age? Then he burst out laughing again, because Mr. Yi was right!

"Sir, you are right! You are right!"

A thousand pieces of gold are easy to come by, but a close friend is hard to find. Just look at what Yi Shuyuan has done in the world for decades. Looking at this moment and this occasion, the old emperor felt a sense of close friend in his heart.

A long-standing obsession no longer exists at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, it is actually quite good that Mr. Yi did not become an official!

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